首先去GoDaddy的网站,点主页上方的"Forgot Password",打开的页面中有三个选项,选"Reset my password",输入你的用户名和注册时填的邮箱以及验证码,提交后会有下面的提示:
An email with the requested information has been sent.
Follow the link in the email and use the provided Authorization Code to reset your password. Please note that this code will expire 2 HOURS from the time it is issued and is valid for ONE USE ONLY.
Dear Valued Go Daddy Customer,
Thank you for contacting us. Below you will find your Authorization Code. This code is valid for ONE USE ONLY and will EXPIRE 2 HOURS from the time it was issued.
If your Authorization Code expires or if it becomes invalid and you require a new one, you will need to return to the My Account log in page, click the "retrieve my password" link, then select "Reset Password" and request a new one.
Your Authorization Code is: 34C79140-F1F1-4C1A-A63B-XXXXXXXXXXX 这里是验证码
To set your password:
1.Click here
2. Enter your Customer Number.
3.The Authorization Code from the email message automatically populates in the Auth Code field.
4. Enter and confirm a new password.
5.Enter a Password Hint. 这一步就是让你重新输入你的密码提示问题
6. Click "Continue" to set your password.