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如何看待 2020 年 7 月 28 日发布的索尼 A7S3?有哪些亮点和槽点? 第1页


user avatar   liu-yan-14-92 网友的相关建议: 

旧款Bionz X是四核A5...




The old Bionz X was introduced in A7/A7R and I just realized that those two ground breaking pioneers are actually from almost 7 years ago. Yep, we’ve been using the same shit for 7 fucking years, from the first generation A7 to the latest flagship (wink wink) A7RIV, and the top gun that is supposed to shine in the Olympics games (thank you Winnie the Flu).
Well the core hardware is not exactly the same for every camera though. Later Sony introduced the “Front-LSI” to work together with Bionz X in some of its new cameras, and has significantly boosted the performance. Since Bionz X itself is a 4-core ARM A5 processor it’s probably the one that handles the operating system, while the front-LSI takes over the image processing tasks, just like a CPU + GPU arrangement in your PC.



  1. ^A7SIII’s Most Important Upgrade? https://fotoeng.wordpress.com/2020/07/29/a7siiis-most-important-upgrade/



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