核心价值是以 lambda 演算为抓手,将命令式 IO 下沉到自函子上的幺半群,打通范畴论底层逻辑,发力类型安全引爆点,形成纯函数递归闭环,拉通端到端 immutable 全链路,卡位学术赛道,造势前端风口,布局低代码蓝海,沉淀 DSL 护城河,赋能形式化验证,倒逼编译器优化,输出强势报错反馈,升华设计模式格局,重塑编程认知矩阵,击穿增查改删程序员心智,打出一套组合拳。
The core value is to take the lambda calculus as the grip, sink the imperative IO to the monoid in the category of endofunctors, open up the underlying logic of the category theory, power the type safety trigger, form the pure function recursion closed loop, pull through the end-to-end immutable full chain, position the academic track, create the front-end wind, layout the blue ocean of low code, precipitate the DSL moat, empower the formal verification, force the compiler to optimize It is a set of combinations that can be used to output strong error feedback, sublimate the design pattern pattern, reshape the programming cognitive matrix, and penetrate the mind of programmers to CRUD, punch out a set of combinations.