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在 NBA 打球是什么体验? 第1页


user avatar   lu-bi-ao-4 网友的相关建议: 

















Thank you for having me here in Zhihu! And thanks for the translation.

Playing on the NBA is every kid's dream, and so was mine. I grew up watching tapes of NBA, because in Spain we didn't have a channel to watch it live, and internet was for rich people.

I remember watching MJ finals against my current team, the Utah Jazz, and that game winner shot. We used to pretend to be Michael in practice and shot that step back. NBA has been always a dream, a dream that now I'm living myself.

I still remember my first game. Playing in the NBA is both excited and nervous. Because you are playing against great players, some were my idols, but at the same time, you have the opportunity to leave your fingerprint on the most important basketball league of the world, so I was strongly motivated to show everyone what I was capable of.

NBA is way different than Euroleague, not only for the level of the players, that is of course higher, but also for the way the game is played. In NBA the game is faster, more athletic, and you have to catch up, otherwise, even you are talented, you won’t be able to compete.

I tried to get my body ready for the game, I asked other European players how did they prepared to that transition, I listened to every single advice from my coaches, teammates and other league players and I forced myself to become a great competitor.

NBA has so many great fans. I don't see much difference in the fan base between NBA and around the world. They all have been really respectful and supportive with me. In US professional sports are a bigger deal, there is way more business involved, and the merchandise part makes it little more fun, because you see a lot of people wearing your jersey or buying your bobble head, those are things that in Europe we don't get to see.

NBA for me is both a great pleasure, and a job. Because it's something I take really serious and it requires a lot of sacrifice, which takes the pleasure away a little. However, it is of course a job that I love, and I wake up every morning happy to know that I'm going to do what I like the most and what I do best: Playing Basketball.

I will try to play as much as I can on NBA, and maybe come back to Europe at the edge of my retirement to compete for a championship.



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