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针织开衫破了两个洞,都说没救了 谁能补救? 第1页


user avatar   wanderer 网友的相关建议: 

Wear the clothes you have


来自 Scott Schuman的街拍画册《Closer》

Leather has the most beautiful way of aging: it cracks, it creases, it scuffs, it darkens over time.

I remember showing Garance a photograph of a pair of Luciano Barbera's gloves. They had aged beautifully. I told her that I wished one of my multiple pairs of gloves would eventually age as perfectly as his.

She replied with one of the most simple but insightful truths about style: 'If you want your clothes to age with that kind of grace then wear the clothes you have and stop always buying new ones ! '

so true.

It's pretty funny that we buy pre-washed, pre-ripped, pre-faded clothes. Yet we can achieve that look ourselves with a couture-ish level of uniqueness that store bought pre-aging will never, ever duplicate.



  针织开衫破了两个洞,都说没救了 谁能补救? 


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