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《加州旅馆》的歌词到底有哪些含义? 第1页


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Hotel California 加州客栈

on a dark desert highway 月黑大漠路迢迢

cool wind in my hair 风高凛冽撩发梢

warm smell of colitas 惟有大麻暖香飘

rising up through the air 吹拂旅人心境高

up ahead in the distance 仰头极目方远眺

I saw a shimmering light 闻香忽现灯渺渺

my head grew heavy my sight grew dim 人倦眼乏只思觉

I had to stop for the night 夜觅客栈欲歇脚

there she stood in the doorway蓬门开处少女娇

I heard the mission bell 耳畔钟声随风到

and I was thinking to myself浑然不闻人喧闹

"this could be heaven or this could be hell" 天堂地狱尽忘掉

then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way秉烛引路堂中飘

there were voices down the corridor 不知何处人欢笑

I thought I heard them say 犹有余音将梁绕

welcome to the hotel california! 加州客栈向君邀

such a lovely place! such a lovely face! 衣香鬓影佳人俏

plenty of room at the hotel california! 寂寞空庭莫烦恼

any time of year u can find it here! 只忧离人路途遥

her mind is tiffany-twisted 心乱如麻无快刀

she got the mercedes bends奔驰宝马与捷豹

she got a lot of pretty pretty boys 彩云忽堕颜值高

that she calls friends 交友不忌无节操

how they dance in the courtyard 放歌纵舞细品萧

sweet summer sweat 香汗淋漓露白瑶

some dance to remember! some dance to forget! so I called up the captain 情未忘我无以报

please bring me my wine共饮琼浆万愁消

he said we haven t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine 世间已无珍宝岛 (1969年)

and still those voices are calling from far away 人语佳音愈飘摇

wake u up in the middle of the night 魇梦频惊醒深宵

just 2 hear them say 笑渐不闻声渐悄

welcome to the hotel california! 加州客栈最美妙

such a lovely place! such a lovely face! 衣香鬓影佳人俏

they livin it up at the hotel california 加州客栈占头鳌

what a nice surprise bring your alibis惊喜交加轻解绦

mirrors on the ceiling 宝镜倒映烛影照

the pink champagne on ice 寒冰浮酒粉浪滔

and she said "we are all just prisoners here, of our own device" 轻启朱唇软语告

and in the master s chambers 吾辈颓然皆自耗

they gathered for the feast 蚁集蜂聚共夜宵

they stab it with their steely knives吴钩霜雪剑出鞘

but they just can't kill the beast心魔犹在不能消

last thing I remember, I was running for the door闻言仓皇寻旧道

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before四顾茫茫无处逃

"relax," said the night man 更者轻言不须闹

"we are programed to receive. 人生囹圄若狱牢

you can check out any time you like色相皮囊尚可饶

but you can never leave"魂魄幽闭永煎熬

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