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为什么我觉得很多时装都很丑? 第1页


user avatar   wang-yu-yan-37 网友的相关建议: 

Andy: You know, I'm still learning about this stuff and...

Maranda:This...stuff? Oh, OK, I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet...and you select...I don't know...that lumpy blue sweather, for instance...because you trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care what you put on your back. But what you don't know is that the sweather is not just blue. It's not turquoise, it's not lapis. It's actually cerulean. And you're also blithely unaware of the face that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent...wasrt it...who showed cerulean military jackets? I think we need a jacket here.


Maranda:And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. And then it, ah, filtered down through the department stores...and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner...where you...no doubt,fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs, and it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry, when, in fact you're wearing a sweather that was selected for you by the people in this room from a pile of stuff.


玛琳达:这些……东西?好了,我知道了。你觉得这和你无关?你去自己的衣橱,选择……我不知道……比如你那松垮的蓝色绒线衣,试着告诉世人你的人生重要到你无法关心自己的穿着。但你要知道那衣服不仅仅是蓝色,不是绿色,也不是青色,而是天蓝色。你也随意忽视很多,像奥斯卡·德拉伦塔在2002年设计过一系列天蓝色的礼服,然 后我估计是圣罗兰……是吗?设计出天蓝色的军事夹克衫,我认为还需要件外套……






  就 2016 年初而言,你身边的中国人审美大体处于一个怎样的水平? 


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