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一年背36000个单词。若只记得一万多的单词量,足以说日常交流吗? 第1页


user avatar   mai-wen-xue-67 网友的相关建议: 

俺小学的孩子只有区区 1000~2000 的单词量就足够他们和同学、老师日常交流了。


LONGMAN 当代英语辞典总共也只用 2000 个单词来解释所有的词义。

the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE)

       http://www.longmandictionariesusa.com/res/shared/vocab_definitions.pdf  The Longman Defining Vocabulary From Longman Dictionary (1988). Spellings have been anglicized. 2197 words, 10 prefixes, 39 suffixes.  This is the set of words which the Longman English Dictionary uses to express all its definitions. As such, it may be a useful source of basic vocabulary for the designer of an artificial language.  WORD CLASS LABELS  If a word has a specific word class label it is used in definitions only in the word class shown. Otherwise the word may be used in any of its usual word classes.  A = Adjective Av = Adverb C = Conjunction D = Determiner P = Preposition Pd = Predeterminer Pn = Pronoun N = Noun V = Verb  DEFINING VOCABULARY  a, ability, about, above AvP, abroad, absence, absent A, accept, acceptable, accident, accordance, according, according to, account, ache, acid, across, act, action N, active A, activity, actor, actress, actual, add, addition, address, adjective, admiration, admire, admit, admittance, adult, advance NV, advantage, adventure N, adverb, advertise, advertisement, advice, advise, affair, afford, afraid, after AvCP, afternoon, afterwards, again, against, age N, ago, agree, agreement, ahead, aim, air N, aircraft, airforce, airport, alcohol, alike, alive, all AvDPdPn, allow, almost, alone, along, aloud, alphabet, already, also, although, altogether Av, always, among, amount N, amuse, amusement, amusing A, an, ancient A, and, anger N, angle N, angry, animal, ankle, annoy, annoyance, another, answer, ant, anxiety, anxious, any, anyhow, anyone, anything, anywhere, apart, apparatus, appear, appearance, apple, appoint, approval, approve, arch N, area, argue, argument, arm, armor N, arms, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrival, arrive, art, article, artificial, as, ash, ashamed, aside Av, ask, asleep, association, at, atom, attack, attempt, attend, attendance, attention, attract, attractive, aunt, autumn, average AN, avoid, awake A, away Av, awkward, baby, back AAvN, background, backward Av, backwards Av, bacteria, bad A, bag N, bake, balance, ball N, banana, band N, bank N, bar NV, bare A, barrel, base NV, basket, bath N, bathe V, battle N, be, beak, beam N, bean, bear, beard N, beat NV, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed N, bee, beer, before, beg, begin, beginning, behave, behavior, behind AvP, belief, believe, bell, belong, below AvP, belt N, bend, beneath, berry, beside, besides, best AAvN, better AAv, between, beyond AvP, bicycle N, big A, bill N, bind V, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, bitter A, black AN, blade, blame, bleed, bless, blind, block, blood N, blow, blue, board N, boat N, body, boil V, bomb, bone N, book N, boot N, border, born, borrow, both, bottle N, bottom N, bowels, bowl, box, boy, brain N, branch, brass, brave A, bread, breadth, break V, breakfast N, breast N, breath, breathe, breed, brick N, bridge N, bright A, bring, broad A, broadcast, brother, brown AN, brush, bucket N, build V, building, bullet, bunch N, burial, burn, burst, bury, bus N, bush N, business, busy, but C, butter N, button N, buy V, by, cage N, cake N, calculate, calculator, call, calm A, camera, camp NV, can NV, candle, cap N, capital N, captain N, car, card N, cardboard, care, careful, careless, carriage, carry, cart N, case N, castle N, cat, catch V, cattle, cause, cell, cement N, cent, center N, centimeter, central, century, ceremony, certain AD, chain, chair N, chairperson, chalk N, chance N, change, character, charge, charm, chase V, cheap, cheat, check [cheque], cheek N, cheer, cheerful, cheese, chemical, chemistry, chest, chicken N, chief, child, childhood, children, chimney, chin, chocolate, choice N, choose, church N, cigarette, cinema, circle N, circular A, citizen, city, civilization, claim, class N, clay, clean AV, clear AV, clerk, clever, cliff, climb V, clock N, clockwork, close AAvV, cloth, clothes, clothing, cloud N, club N, coal, coast N, coat N, coffee, coin N, cold, collar N, collect V, college, color, comb, combination, combine V, come, comfort, comfortable, command, committee, common A, companion, company, compare V, comparison, compete, competition, competitor, complain, complaint, complete, compound N, computer, concern V, concerning, concert, condition N, confidence, confident, confuse, connect, conscience, conscious, consider, consist, consonant N, contain, contents N, continue, continuous, contract N, control, convenient, conversation, cook, cool A, copper, copy, cord N, corn, corner N, correct A, cost, cotton, cough, could, council, count V, country N, courage, course N, court N, cover, cow N, coward, cowardly, crack NV, crash NV, cream N, creature, creep V, cricket, crime, criminal, crop N, cross NV, crowd N, cruel, cruelty, crush V, cry, cultivate, cup N, cupboard, cure, curl, current, curse, curtain, curve, custom N, customer, cut, cycle V, daily AAv, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare V, daring, dark, date N, daughter, day, dead A, deal, dear A, death, debt, decay, deceit, deceive, decide, decimal, decision, declaration, declare, decorate, decoration, decrease, deep A, deer, defeat, defend, defense, degree, delay, delicate, delight, deliver, demand, department, depend, dependent, depth, descend, describe, description, descriptive, desert N, deserve, desirable, desire, desk, destroy, destruction, detail N, determination, determined, develop, devil N, diamond, dictionary, die V, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig V, dinner, dip V, direct, direction, dirt, dirty A, disappoint, discourage, discouragement, discover, discovery, dish N, dismiss, distance N, distant, ditch N, divide V, division, do V, doctor N, dog N, dollar, door, doorway, dot N, double AAvPdV, doubt, down AAvP, drag V, draw V, drawer, dream, dress NV, drink, drive V, drop, drown, drug N, drum N, drunk, dry, duck N, dull A, during, dust N, duty, each, eager, ear, early, earn, earth N, east, eastern, easy, eat, edge N, educate, education, effect N, effective, effort, egg N, eight, eighth, either, elastic, elbow N, elect V, election, electric, electricity, elephant, else, employ V, employer, employment, empty AV, enclose, enclosure, encourage, encouragement, end, enemy, engine, engineer N, English, enjoy, enjoyment, enough, enter, entertain, entertainment, entrance N, envelope, equal ANV, equality, escape, especially, establish, establishment, even AAv, evening, event, ever, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, evil, exact A, examination, examine, example, excellent, except CP, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exist, existence, expect, expensive, experience, explain, explanation, explode, explosion, explosive, express V, expression, extreme, eye, eyelid, face, fact, factory, fail V, failure, faint AV, fair A, fairy, faith, faithful A, fall, false A, fame, familiar A, family, famous, fancy A, far, farm, farmer, farmyard, fashion N, fashionable, fast AAv, fasten, fat, fate, father N, fault, favor N, favorable, favorite A, fear, feather N, feed V, feel V, feeling, feelings, fellow N, female, fence N, fever, few, field N, fierce, fifth, fight, figure N, fill V, film, find V, fine A, finger N, finish, fire, fireplace, firm AN, first AvD, fish, fisherman, fit AV, five, fix V, flag N, flame, flash NV, flat, flesh, flight, float V, flood, floor N, flour, flow, flower N, fly NV, fold, follow, fond, food, fool N, foolish, foot N, football, footpath, footstep, for P, forbid, force, forehead, foreign, foreigner, forest, forget, forgive, fork N, form, formal, former, formerly, fort, fortunate, fortune, forward Av, forwards Av, four, fourth, fox N, frame N, free, freedom, freeze V, frequent A, fresh, friend, friendly, frighten, frightening, from, front AN, fruit N, fulfill, full A, fun, funeral, funny, fur N, furnish, furniture, further AAv, future, gain V, game N, garage N, garden, garment, gas N, gasoline [petrol], gate N, gather V, general, generous, gentle, gentleman, get, gift, girl, give V, glad, glass AN, glory N, glue, go V, goat, god, God, gold, golden, good, good-bye, goods, govern, government, grace, graceful, gradual, grain, gram, grammar, grand A, grandfather, grandmother, grass N, grateful, grave N, gray AN, great, green, greet, greeting, grief, grieve, ground N, group N, grow, growth, guard, guess, guest, guidance, guide, guilt, gun N, habit, habitual, hair, hairy, half, hall, hammer N, hand, handkerchief, handle, hang V, happen V, happy, hard, harden, hardly, hardship, harm, harmful, harmless, hasty, hat, hate V, hatred, have, he, head AN, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy A, heel, height, help, helpful, hen, her, here, hers, herself, hide V, high AAv, hill, him, himself, hire, his, historical, history, hit, hold, holiday, hollow A, holy, home AvN, honest, honesty, honor N, honorable, hook N, hope, hopeful, hopeless, horizon, horn, horse N, hospital, host N, hot A, hotel, hour, hourly, house N, how Av, human, humor, humorous, hundred, hundredth, hunger N, hungry, hunt V, hurry, hurt V, husband N, hut, I, ice N, icy, idea, if, ill A, image, imaginary, imagination, imagine, importance, important, improve, improvement, in AvP, include, including, income, increase, indoor, indoors, industrial, industry, infect, infection, infectious, influence, influential, inform, information, ink N, inner, inquire, inquiry, insect, inside, instead, instruct, instruction, instrument, insurance, insure, intend, intention, interest, interesting, international A, interrupt, interruption, into, introduce, introduction, invent, invention, invitation, invite, inwards, iron AN, island, it Pn, its, itself, jaw N, jealous, jealousy, jelly, jewel, jewelry, job, join, joint, joke, journey N, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, just, justice, keen, keep V, key N, kick, kill V, kilo, kilogram, kilometer, kind, king, kingdom, kiss, kitchen, knee N, kneel, knife N, knock, knot, know V, knowledge, labor N, lack, ladder N, lady, lake, lamb, lamp, land, language, large, last AvDV, late, lately, laugh, laughter, law, lawyer, lay V, lazy, lead N, lead V, leaf N, lean V, learn, least, leather, leave V, left, leg N, legal, lend, length, less AvDPn, lesson, let V, letter, level AAvN, library, lid, lie, life, lift, light, lightning, like PV, likely, limb, limit, line N, lion, lip, liquid, list N, listen V, liter, literature, little, live V, load, loaf N, local A, lock, lodging, lodgings, log N, lonely, long AAv, look, loose A, lord N, lose, loss, lot, loud, love, low A, lower V, loyal, loyalty, luck N, lump N, lung, machine N, machinery, mad, magazine, magic, magician, mail, main A, make V, male, man N, manage, manager, manner, many, map N, march, mark, market N, marriage, marry, mass N, master N, mat, match, material, matter, may V, me, meal, mean V, meaning N, means, measure, meat, medical A, medicine, meet V, meeting, melt, member, memory, mend V, mention V, merry, message, messenger, metal N, meter, method, metric, microscope, middle AN, might V, mile, military A, milk, million, millionth, mind, mine NPn, mineral, minister N, minute N, mirror N, miss V, mist N, mistake, mix V, mixture, model N, modern A, moment, money, monkey N, month, monthly AAv, moon N, moral A, morals, more, morning, most, mother N, motor AN, mountain, mouse, mouth N, move V, much, mud, multiply, murder, muscle N, music, musician, must V, my, myself, mysterious, mystery, nail, name, narrow A, nasty, nation, national A, nature, naval, navy, near AAvP, nearly, neat, necessary, neck, need, needle N, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve N, nervous, nest N, net N, network N, never, new, news, newspaper, next AAv, nice, night, nine, ninth, no AvD, no one, noble A, nobleman, noise N, none Pn, nonsense, nor, north, northern, nose N, not, nothing, notice, noun, now, nowhere, number N, nurse, nut, nylon, o'clock, obedience, obedient, obey, object N, obtain, occasion N, ocean, odd, of, off AvP, offend, offense, offensive A, offer, office, officer, official, often, oil, old, old-fashioned, on AvP, once Av, one, oneself, onion, only, open AV, operate, operation, opinion, opponent, oppose, opposite, opposition, or, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, origin, other, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out AAv, outdoor, outdoors, outer, outside, over AvP, owe, owing to, own DPnV, oxygen, pack V, packet, page N, pain N, painful, paint, painting, pair N, palace, pale A, pan N, paper N, parallel AN, parcel N, parent N, park, parliament, part N, participle, particular A, partner N, party N, pass V, passage, passenger, past, pastry, path, patience, patient A, pattern N, pause, pay, payment, peace, peaceful, pen N, pence, pencil N, people N, pepper N, per, perfect A, perform, perhaps, period N, permission, permit V, person, personal, persuade, pet N, photograph, photography, phrase N, physical, piano N, pick V, picture N, piece N, pig N, pile, pilot, pin, pink AN, pipe N, pity, place, plain AN, plan, plane N, plant, plastic, plate N, play, pleasant, please, pleased, pleasure N, plenty Pn, plural, pocket N, poem, poet, poetry, point, pointed, poison, poisonous, pole N, police N, polish, polite, political, politician, politics, pool N, poor, popular, popularity, population, port N, position N, possess, possession, possibility, possible A, possibly, post, pot N, potato, pound N, pour, powder N, power N, powerful, practical, practice, praise, pray, prayer, precious A, preparation, prepare, presence, present AN, preserve V, president, press V, pressure N, pretend, pretty A, prevent, price N, prickly, pride N, priest, prince, principle, print, prison, prisoner, private A, prize N, probability, probable A, problem, process N, procession, produce V, product, production, profession, profit N, promise, pronounce, pronunciation, proof N, proper, property, protect, protection, protective, proud, prove, provide, provision, provisions, public, pull, pump, punish, punishment, pupil, pure, purple, purpose N, push, put, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter N, queen N, question, quick A, quiet AN, quite, rabbit N, race, radio N, railway, rain, raise V, range N, rank N, rapid A, rare, rat N, rate N, rather, raw A, reach, read V, ready A, real, really, reason, reasonable, receive, recent, recently, recognition, recognize, record NV, red, reduce, reduction, refusal, refuse V, regard, regular A, related, relation, relative, religion, religious, remain, remark N, remember, remind, remove V, rent, repair, repeat V, reply, report, represent, representative, republic, request, respect, respectful, responsible, rest, restaurant, result, return NV, reward, rice, rich, rid, ride, right ANAv, ring, ripe, rise V, risk, river, road, rob, rock N, rod, roll V, roof N, room N, root N, rope N, rose, rough A, round AAvP, row NV, royal A, rub V, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, ruler, run, rush, sad, safe A, safety, sail, sale, salt AN, same, sand N, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, save V, say V, scale N, scatter V, scene, scenery, school N, science, scientific, scientist, scissors, screw, sea, search, season N, seat, second AvDNPn, secrecy, secret, secretary, see V, seed N, seem, seize, sell V, send, sensation, sense N, senseless, sensible, sensitive, sentence N, separate AV, serious, servant, serve, service N, set NV, settle V, seven, seventh, several, severe, sew, sex N, sexual, shade, shadow N, shake, shall, shame N, shape, share, sharp A, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell N, shelter, shield N, shine V, ship N, shirt, shock NV, shoe N, shoot V, shop, shopkeeper, shore N, short A, shot N, should, shoulder N, shout, show NV, shut, sick A, side AN, sideways, sight N, sign, signal, signature, silence N, silent, silk, silly A, silver, similar, similarity, simple, since, sincere, sing, single A, singular, sink V, sister, sit, situation, six, sixth, size N, skill, skillful, skin N, skirt N, sky N, slave N, sleep, slide V, slight A, slip V, slippery, slope, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, smooth A, snake N, snow, so, soap N, social A, society, sock N, soft, soil N, soldier N, solemn, solid, some DPn, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhere, son, song, soon, sore A, sorrow N, sorry, sort N, soul, sound NV, soup, sour A, south, southern, space N, spacecraft, spade, speak, spear N, special A, specialist, speech, speed N, spell V, spend, spin V, spirit N, spite N, splendid, split V, spoil V, spoon N, sport N, spot N, spread V, spring, square AN, stage N, stair, stamp, stand V, standard, star N, start, state, station N, stay, steady A, steal V, steam N, steel N, steep A, stem N, step, stick, sticky, stiff A, still AAv, sting, stitch, stomach N, stone N, stop, store, storm N, story, straight AAv, strange, stranger, stream N, street, strength, stretch, strike V, string N, stroke N, strong, structure N, struggle, student, study, stupid, style N, subject N, substance, subtract, succeed, success, successful, such, suck V, sudden, suffer, sugar N, suggest, suit, suitable, sum N, summer N, sun N, supper, supply NV, support, suppose, sure A, surface N, surprise, surround V, swallow V, swear, sweep V, sweet, swell V, swim, swing, sword, sympathetic, sympathy, system, table N, tail N, take V, talk, tall, taste, tax, taxi N, tea, teach, team N, tear V, tear N, telephone, television, tell, temper N, temperature, temple, tend, tendency, tender A, tennis, tense N, tent, terrible, terror, test, than, thank, that CDPn, the, theater, their, theirs, them, themselves, then Av, there, therefore, these, they, thick A, thief, thin A, thing, think V, third, thirst N, thirsty, this DPn, thorough, those, though, thought, thousand, thousandth, thread N, threat, threaten, three, throat, through AvP, throw, thumb N, thunder, thus, ticket N, tidy AV, tie, tiger, tight A, time N, timetable N, tin, tire [tyre] N, tire V, title N, to, tobacco, today, toe N, together, tomorrow, tongue, tonight, too, tool N, tooth, top AN, total AN, touch, tour, tourist, towards, tower N, town, toy N, track, trade N, traffic N, train, translate, transparent, trap, travel, treat V, treatment, tree, tremble V, tribe, trick NV, trip N, tropical, trouble, trousers, true A, trunk, trust, truth, try V, tube, tune N, turn, twice, twist, type N, typical, ugly, uncle, under P, understand, undo, uniform N, union, unit, unite, universal, universe, university, until, up AAvP, upper A, upright AAv, upset V, upside down, upstairs AAv, urge, urgent, us, use, useful, useless, usual, valley, valuable A, value N, variety, various, vary, vegetable, vehicle, verb, very Av, victory, view N, village, violence, violent, visit, voice N, vote, vowel, voyage N, wages, waist, wait V, waiter, wake V, walk, wall N, wander, want V, war N, warm AV, warmth, warn, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, wealth, weapon, wear V, weather N, weave V, wedding, week, weekly AAv, weigh, weight N, welcome, well AAvN, west, western A, wet A, what, whatever, wheat, wheel N, when AvC, whenever, where, whether, which, whichever, while C, whip, whisper, whistle, white, who, whoever, whole, why, wicked, wide AAv, widespread, width, wife, wild AAv, will, willing, win V, wind V, wind N, window, wine N, wing N, winter N, wire N, wisdom, wise A, wish, with, within P, without P, witness N, woman, wonder NV, wood, wooden, wool, woolen, word N, work, world, worm N, worry, worse, worship, worst, worth, worthy, worthy of, would, wound, wrap V, wreck, wrist, write, wrong AAvN, wrongdoing, yard, year, yearly, yellow AN, yes, yesterday, yet, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zero  PREFIXES  dis-, im-, in-, ir-, mid-, mis-, non-, re-, self-, un-  SUFFIXES  -able, -al, -an, -ance, -ar, -ate, -ation, -ed, -en, -ence, -er, -ery, -ess, -ful, -ible, -ic, -ical, -ing, -ion, -ish, -ist, -ity, -ive, -ization -ize -less -like -ly -ment -ness -or -ous -ry -ship -th -ward -wards -work -y     

俺家孩子没上幼儿园之前, 到维多利亚的 Butchart Gardens 游玩。

一路上她用不到 1000 个单词和不同年龄*族各色人等交流,


在离开 Butchart Gardens 回酒店的巴士上, 她又交了一个旧金山来的朋友。




俺的词汇量只有5000~6000, 但是扇贝网总说俺是英语系毕业的。

而鬼佬的测试网站就更离谱了, 竟然说俺有 19000 的单词量。


现在网上有很多词汇量估计的工具可以用, 比如扇贝网的词汇量测试。

虽然不准确但是七八成的准确率还是有的, 测一测也可以有个相对清晰的认识。

比如四级全对该网站给出来的是 7000 , 按照保守的估计就是七七四十九, 二一添作五就算自己有个 5000 单词量。

比如六级全对该网站给出来的是 9000 , 按照保守的估计就是七九六十三, 二一添作五就算自己有个 6000 单词量。

当然, 随意乱点也有可能出来一个让自己很爽的结果, 一般来讲自己对自己还是有点 * 数的。 看到这种结果, 还是保守点打个对折就算了。



*** 这个有零有整的, 令人啼笑皆非


英文的字母表只有 26 个字母。 最基本的词汇只有不到 1000 个。



俺可以在 20 秒之内念完字母表。 念的方式是 A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie... 依此类推。 俺估计您也可以试试。对于准备考TOEFL的同学,俺可以拍胸口保证,只要您比俺念的快,过TOEFL如囊中探物、唾手可得。




user avatar   ni-ke-liu-liu 网友的相关建议: 

四级词汇大概4-5000单词的基础,如果你能掌握”like"这个词的用法你就基本能和外国人正常交流。如果你可以熟练运用“like","really",“wow","you know",“i mean","i know, right?","oh my god",”what the hell/f**k"等词的用法,能和老外谈笑风生。如果你语音语调标准,别人简直以为你就是美国人,毫无PS痕迹。


先挖个坑,等我考完试详细介绍一下。支持的记得点赞 :p



首先,万用单词比如“well”,“like”和“you know”。这些词基本放在句子的任何一个地方都可以,目的是停顿一秒钟,思考怎么去接下面的话。在歪果仁的说话中,我个人感觉“well”这个词年纪稍长的人用得较多,“like”则是小屁孩儿(包括大学生)用得较多,“you know”则用的比较均匀,大家都爱有事没事来一下“你懂的”。(我内心OS往往是:我懂个屁啊!你倒是说啊!)这些词其实在句子里并没有实际意思,但是偶尔来两个也显得很自然很流利。


The purpose of this article is to help people with their oral English. 如果在初期你还无法非常完整通顺的说出来这句话,或者在说的时候需要一定时间思考的话,可以尝试这样:

Well,(思考一下句子架构)the purpose of this article is, (完蛋了忘记了!停顿思考一下)like, (还没想出来)you know,(再来一个你懂哒,啊哈想起来了) to help people, (嗯?帮助啥来着?) you know,(啊对了) with their oral English. 当然尽量不要用得太频繁,一句话一俩个就比较正常,但是即使是如此这般的支离破碎的最差最差情况,也会比中间断层,然后嗯嗯呀呀没声音,等好一阵再冒出下一个单词要好一些。

以上是演讲的情况,大部分都是陈述句,那基本上需要你自己完成整个句子的构造。如果是日常对话,那这几个词简直是无敌的存在,因为比较随意,非正式,很多情况你可以“演”出来。在非正式场合还有一些类似的词,比如“really”“wow”“oh my god”“what the hell”“I mean”之类的。现在我站在女性视角给大家讲一个故事为例。

I saw a really hot guy yesterday. He is smart (tall), funny (rich), and strong (handsome). Plus, he has the perfect six-pack and I must have fallen love with him.


You know what, I met this guy yesterday, I mean, he was like super-duper hot. he’s like so strong…you know what I mean? And like, he even has the perfect six-pack, oh my god, I must have fallen love with him.




Adam: I love you.

Betty: I am ugly, I don’t deserve you.

Adam: Please, I love you just the way you are.

Betty: Hey Babe I think I wanna marry you.

好的,假设你要把这个复述给你一个非常八卦的朋友。一般的复述方法是:“Adam says he loves betty. Betty says she is ugly, and she doesn’t deserve adam.” 但是一般美国小姑娘会绘声绘色的给你演出来。语句如下:

You know what, adam was like “I love you”, and betty was all surprised and like “but I am ugly, I don’t deserve you.” And then adam was like “please, I love you just the way you are.” And you know what betty said? She was like “hey babe I think I wanna marry you” Oh my god, I mean, like, this is awesome, am I right?


例子还有很多,但是核心是:口语是一种面对面的交流,除了说出口的单词和句子,你的表情、动作和演技都可以增加交流的效率。而这些“废话”,往往可以在你思考怎么继续说的时候,使对方感觉你依然说得很流利自如。甚至偶尔,这些废话还可以升华感情。比如,在你讲了一个前女友如何劈腿然后和你最好朋友在一起的故事之后,你悲伤的说一句At that time, I was so...you know...,然后对方接着说出了你心中想说的词,你鸡冻的说Yes! Exactly!这种时刻往往可以让对方觉得你们心灵相通,非常有默契,然后相拥在一起,你可以在失去女友的同时获得新的男票,将普通的友谊升华成浓浓的基情呢。



假设你认真贯彻执行了第一步:单词篇的内容,并且已经搞定了很多高级词汇。那么请大胆运用到你的句子里面。有些人就开始酸了:“搞些高级词汇装什么13啊,听众都不一定懂”。我对这种人很不屑,尼玛我辛辛苦苦背单词还不让人装个叉?别人不懂可以解释啊。对的,就是解释。单词,句子,甚至刚刚说的整段话都可以加以解释和总结,这都是我在演讲忘词时或者卡壳时经常用的手段,而在解释之前,加个句子承接,会让人觉得你说话有逻辑感,同时也可以争取一点思考的时间。举例吧。在复杂的单词、短语和句子后面,比较常见的承接、表示你将解释的句子有“in other words”(换一种说法),“that is to say”(也就是说),“simply put”(简单来说)等。比如你说了一长串话,可能自己都觉得有点逻辑不太清晰了,或者有点紧张得不知道该说啥了,这个来一个simply put,然后用你觉得最简单最核心的一句话来解释,就可以解决这个窘境。其次,在你每说完一个核心点后,都尽量加以总结,这样的短语有“to summarize this particular point”(针对这一点总结来说)“to sum up my last point”(总结我上一个观点)。 这样可以强调你的核心观点,同时加强逻辑性。当然,每个人都知道结尾需要总结。在说完“to conclude my presentation”之后,用最简单的语言,总结出1、2、3点。对的,只要三点,因为正常人都记不住第四点。可以用的短语还有类似“there are three key points for you to take away”。


最后,放个大招吧。之前的单词和短语都是基于你脑袋里有东西,只是还差一点时间组织。如果完全脑袋一片空白,说不出一个词的时候怎么办。来,跟我说:“Well, how do I put this…嗯,我该怎么说呢~(It’s quite complicated, you know, let me see how to make it logical for you…这个问题很复杂,我来想想怎样能更有逻辑性的描述。---这句括号里的话根据实际情况使用)”然后快速思考,如果还是空白的话,“Please give me a second to think this through.”或者“please allow me to organize my language”然后继续思考。想出来了就皆大欢喜,继续说就行。实在想不出本来的point,那只能想到啥说啥了。这个时候说“well, let me try this”,走偏了没事,别在台上呆呆的不说话就行。扯偏了之后想到还能再扯回来。但是呆站在台上的那份尴尬……


1. 要能流利的做演讲或者交流,首先肚子里有货是必须的。这个靠的是平时积累,包括单词、句子、故事等等,也就是语言的“输入”部分。这部分又分为听的输入和阅读的输入,这个其实很重要,具体操作方法请参考我其他回答。

2. 然后,就是“输出”部分。如何把你肚子里的东西组织好并表达出来,这个靠的就是反复的练习。自己跟自己练也好,找朋友练也好,去英语角也好,上相关课程也好。某些句子或段子你练习个1000遍,还怕自己在需要的时候说不出口?别为自己的懒惰找借口。

3. 最后,对于连接句子和句子,对于增强上下文逻辑性还有很多小方法。由于这不是工具书,我只是简单的举了一些常见的例子。但是大家如果能灵活运用,大多数情况也够用了。





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