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唐顿庄园老夫人有哪些名言锦句? 第1页


user avatar   SoKothecat 网友的相关建议: 
Don’t be defeatist, dear, it’s very middle class. 不要这么悲观,亲爱的,这很中产阶级。

It's the job of grandmothers to interfere. 奶奶的工作就是干涉。

I don't dislike him, I just don't like him. Which is quite different. 我不讨厌他,我只是不喜欢他,这区别很大呢。

I AM NEVER WRONG. 我很容易承认错误,因为我从来都不犯错。

(It's easy to admit wrong, because I am never wrong.)

It always happens when you give these little people power, it goes to their heads like strong drink. 给小人的权利,就像烈酒一样上头。

You're a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do. 你是个有头脑有能力的女人,不要哀叫了去找点事情做!

All this endless thinking. It's very overrated. 没完没了的想太多,太傻了。

Oh my dear, you flatter me. Which is just as it should be! 噢我亲爱的,你恭维我~ 就该这样。

It's quite wonderful how you see room for improvement everywhere you look.
- I take that as a compliment.
I must have said it wrong.
- 我当这是赞美。

Forgive, perhaps. Forget, never! 原谅,可能吧。忘记,永不!

Sir Richard: I'm leaving in the morning, Lady Grantham, I doubt we'll ever meet again.
老夫人: Do you promise?
Matthew: I'm sorry for the vase.
老妇人: Don't be don't be, it was a wedding gift from a frightful aunt. I have hated it for half a century.

I'm a woman, Mary, I can be as contrary as I choose. 我是个女人,我想怎么自我矛盾都可以。

I'm not a romantic... but even I concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood. 我不是浪漫主义,但就连我也承认心脏不仅仅是用来泵输血液的。

No life appears rewarding if you think too much about it. 没有生命是有回报的,如果你用力想想。

Vulgarity is no substitute for wit. 粗鲁不是聪明的替代品。

All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve. 人生就是一系列问题,我们必须努力去解决。

I am a woman with many parts. 我是个有很多方面的女人。

Life is a game, where the player must appear ridiculous. 人生就是一场游戏,所有玩家都必须表现得很荒唐。

You have to take control of your feelings before they take control of you. 你必须在你的情绪控制你之前控制它。

Does it ever get cold on the moral highground? 在道德的高地上难道你不冷吗?

No she's not being rude, just wrong. 她没有对我无理,她只是无知。

Wh-what is a weekend? 周末是什么?

First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I think I must be living in an H.G. Wells novel. 一开始是电,现在是电话,有时候我觉得我生活在科幻小说里。

I'm so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I'm with her, I'm reminded of the virtues of the English.
- Isn't she American?
- 但她不是美国人吗?

A woman of my age can face reality far better than most men. 我这个年龄的女人比大部分男人还能面对现实。

Nobody is always friendly. 没有永远的朋友。

You know me: never complain, never explain. 你知道我的,从不抱怨,从不解释。



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