这不仅仅是物理学的问题, 而且是生理学的问题。
如果电流流过心脏的部分很小, 或者根本不经过心脏,瞬间您有可能很容易挣脱。 但是只要持续时间足够长就会造成局部烧伤, 也有可能危机生命。
电流对普通人最直接的危害来自于当它流过心脏的传导系统的时候, 有可能打乱心脏的自律/自主性。导致严重的心律失常, 最后因为心脏输出量减少或者不能泵血, 大脑缺氧最后死亡。杀伤力是作用在这部分能量的大小, 也就是有多少焦耳的能量最终会流过心脏的传导系统。
其次是电流引起的剧痛可能导致休克, 人失去知觉以后会有生命危险。
还有就是骨骼肌在电流的作用下可能会发生强直, 人会失去运动能力。
其他的相关计算可以用欧姆定律、KCL/KVL、 人体各组织阻抗模型以及以及各国的电工安全规范计算出来。但是,只要不破坏心脏的自律性, 人不会瞬间丧命。
没事的定义比较模糊, 痛和难受以及烧伤也不能说是没事。
常用的手术高频电刀切开患者的软组织时, 不会引起触电, 因为高频电流不经过心脏。尽管常用的手术高频电刀不是高电压小电流, 也不是低电压高电流,而是高电压高电流。
“Death can occur from any shock that carries enough sustained current to stop the heart. Low currents (70–700 mA) usually trigger fibrillation in the heart, which is reversible via defibrillator but is nearly always fatal without help. Currents as low as 30 mA AC or 300-500 mA DC applied to the body surface can cause fibrillation. Large currents (> 1 A) cause permanent damage via burns and cellular damage.“
” The voltage necessary to create current of a given level through the body varies widely with the resistance of the skin; wet or sweaty skin or broken skin can allow a larger current to flow. Whether an electric current is fatal is also dependent on the path it takes through the body, which depends in turn on the points at which the current enters and leaves the body. The current path must usually include either the heart or the brain to be fatal. ”
Lee, R.C.; Rudall, D. (1992). "Injury Mechanisms And Therapeutic Advances In The Study Of Electrical Shock". Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 7: 2825–2827. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.1992.5761711.
Fish, Raymond M.; Geddes, Leslie A. (2009-10-12). "Conduction of Electrical Current to and Through the Human Body: A Review". Eplasty. 9. ISSN 1937-5719. PMC 2763825. PMID 19907637.
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