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请问这段代码是什么意思,据说能让人月入过w? 第1页


user avatar   lu-mi-ya-56 网友的相关建议: 

这是DJB2 hash算法,用途将一个字符串映射为一个整数,由Daniel J. Bernstein在1991年发明……

       hash(unsigned char *str) {     unsigned long hash = 5381;     int c;      while (c = *str++)         hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */      return hash; }     


Written by Daniel J. Bernstein (also known as djb), this simple hash function dates back to 1991.
Hash functions have wide applications in computer science and in cryptography. They are used to map a potentially large amount of data to a number that represents it.
For example, the hash function from this code snippet maps Hello to 210676686969, but Hello! to 6952330670010. Despite the fact there’s only one character different (the exclamation mark), the number returned is completely different.



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