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一直往地下挖会发生什么奇怪的现象? 第1页


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(延伸阅读6:Shan Ye:美国黄石国家公园地下的超级火山的前世今生是怎样的?















(图片引自 @夏语冰


user avatar   serenayu 网友的相关建议: 

目前地球上最深的洞是俄国挖的科拉超深井.后来有些井算上水平深度超过它(也就是说斜挖的),但垂直深度还是科拉井第一。位置69°23'46.93" N 30°36'30.04" E

Vertical seismic profile results from the Kola Superdeep Borehole, Russia

Second periodic report June 2003 Ц May 2004 (months 13Ц24)


这个洞大约钻了波罗的陆壳(Baltic continental crust)的1/3。原本他们根据地震波速的理论模型,以为在7km深处能钻到玄武岩层,但实际上一直到12公里深处还是无尽的片麻岩,他们发现在超过四五公里以后,岩石平均密度下降了,变得具有一定的可塑性,像塑料一样,所以变得越来越难钻。是这种密度改变造成了地震波速度的变化,而不是因为玄武岩分层。








文献列表 References

  1. Golovataya O.S., Gorbatsevich F.F., Il'chenko V.L., Smirnov Yu.P., Kern H., Popp T., Smithson S. & Ay E., Christensen N. On the relationship between velocity anisotropy in unloaded and loaded sam-ples of crystalline rocks. Proceedings of the XIII session of Russian Acoustical Society, 25-29 August 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp.66-69 (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR6 and CR7, in Russian).
  2. Gorbatsevich F.F. & Gillen C. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals. Pro-ceedings of the XIII session of Russian Acoustical Society, 25-29 August 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp.62-65 (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO and CR7, in Russian).
  3. Gorbatsevich F.F., Ilchenko V., Trckova J., Zivor R. (submitted 2004): Physical and mechanical properties of metamorphic rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole and their surface analogues.
  4. Kern H., Popp T., Gorbatsevich F., Zharikov A., Lobanov K.V. & Smirnov Yu.P. Seismic prop-erties of rocks from the superdeep well and of surface analogues at Kola: a comparative study simulating conditions at depth. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In press (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR6 and CR7).
  5. Lobanov K.V., Trckova J., Zharikov A.V., Zivor R. (in preparation 2004): Laboratory perme-ability measurements on analogues of rocks from the Kola Superdeep borehole.
  6. Vetrin, V.R., Turkina, O.M., Ludden, J. & Ohnenstetter, D. (submitted 2004). Petrology, geo-chemistry and surface correlations of rocks from the basement of the Pechenga palaeorift in the Kola su-perdeep borehole. Precambrian Research.
  7. Abstracts in proceedings
  8. Gillen C., Gorbatsevich F., Guberman D., & Mitrofanov F. Kola Superdeep Borehole: rock tex-ture and anisotropy to a depth of 12 km as elements of the palaeogeodynamics of crystalline shields. CD-abstracts for the XXXII International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. August 20-28, 2004 (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO, CR6 and CR7).
  9. Gorbatsevich F. & Gillen C. The types of the phenomenon of linear acoustic anisotropic absorp-tion (LAAA). Conference "Day of diffraction". St. Petersburg, Mathematical Institute of RAS, June 2004 (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CO and CR7).
  10. Gillen, C., Mitrofanov, F.P. & Sharov, N.V. (2005). Lithosphere in the Russian part of the Bar-ents Region, Arctic Russia. Memoir of the Geological Society. London, 400 pages.
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  18. Gorbatsevich F.F., Ilchenko V.L., Golovataya O.S. & Smirnov Yu.P. Kola Superdeep: a 3-D structural-anisotropic model of crystalline rocks in the upper and middle crust. In: Stress state of litho-sphere, its deformation and seismicity. Novosibirsk.: "Geo", 2003, pp. 303-306 (a joint work of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR7, in Russian).
  19. Guberman D.M., Gorbatsevich F.F., Nikitin A.N., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Anisot-ropy and relaxation of rocks in the geospace of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, p. 38-43 (In Russian, a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR7).
  20. Guberman D.M., Morozov Yu.A., Sholpo V.N. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Structural organization of the Kola SG-3 geospace. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, pp. 22-28 (In Russian).
  21. Igolkina G.V. Magnetometric investigations of the Kola Superdeep Borehole section. (paper prepared for publication in 2004-2005).
  22. Melezhik V.A., Fallick A.E., Smirnov Yu.P. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Fractionation of carbon and oxygen isotopes in 13C-rich Paleoproterozoic dolostones in the transition from medium-grade to high-grade greenschist facies: a case study from the Kola Superdeep Drillhole. Journal of the Geological Soci-ety, London, 2003, Vol. 160. pp. 71-82.
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  26. Smirnov Yu.P. New data on the rate and time of accumulation of volcanic and terrigenous rocks in the early Precambrian. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2003, No. 6, pp. 30-33 (In Russian).
  27. Troyanov A.K. & Astrakhantsev Yu.G. Periodicity in time variations of geoacoustic noises in deep boreholes. Transactions of the XIII session of the Russian Acoustic Society, 25-29 August, 2003, Moscow, GEOS, 2003, pp. 160-162 (In Russian).
  28. Troyanov A.K. Monitoring of geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. (paper pre-pared for publication in 2004-2005).
  29. G.V. Igolkina. The study of rocks magnetization in their natural occurrence according to the data of measurements in superdeep boreholes // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". Apatity (to be published).
  30. Yu. G. Astrakhantsev, O.G. Badalov, D.M. Guberman, S.L. Pevzner, A.K. Troyanov, E.I. Yudin & Yu.N. Yakovlev. The results of investigations into geoacoustic noises in the Kola Superdeep Borehole // Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding", Apatity (a joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR6 and CR8).
  31. Yu.V. Erokhin, E.S. Shagalov & D.A. Kleimenov. Mineralogy of chromitites from the Bazhenov ophiolite complex // Yearbook - 2002: IGG UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, 2003, pp. 24-30.
  32. H. Kern, T. Popp, F. Gorbatsevich, A. Zharikov, K.V. Lobanov & Yu. P. Smirnov. Seismic properties of rocks from the superdeep well and their surface analogues at Kola: a comparative study simulating conditions at depth. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In press (joint publication of INTAS Project teams CR1, CR7 & CR6).
  33. Trckova J., Zivor R., Lobanov K.V., Kazansky V. I., Zharikov A.V. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of elastic properties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their sur-face analogues obtained by static and dynamic measurements. In print.
  34. Trckova J., Zivor R. & Smirnov Yu.P. Comparison of physical and mechanical proper-ties of the Kola Superdeep Borehole core samples and their surface analogues. In print.
  35. S.N. Savchenko & A.A. Kozyrev. Current stresses of the rock mass near the Kola Su-perdeep borehole (SG-3). Int. Journal of Rock mech. and Min. Sci. In press.
  36. F.F. Gorbatsevich & C. Gillen. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals. Volume of Russian Acoustical society. In press (a joint publication of INTAS Pro-ject teams CO and CR7).
  37. F.F. Gorbatsevich. Acoustopolariscopy results for some rock-forming minerals re-ceived for different frequencies. Volume of Mineralogical Society of GI KSC RAS. In press.
  38. O.S. Golovataya. The influence of rocks elastic anisotropy on the stability of mine workings (for the Kola superdeep borehole). Volume "Day of miner". In press.
  39. Bayanova T.B., Yakovlev Yu.N., Guberman D.M., Yakovleva A.K., Skuf'in P.K., Delenitsin A.A. U-Pb isotope on zircon and Sm-Nd whole rock model ages for the rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) and their homologues on the surface. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.
  40. Nikitina L.P., Ovchinnikov N.O., Babushkina M.S., Yakovleva A.K., Yakovlev Yu.N., Chernova O.G. & Goilo E.A. Crystal structure defects in micas from mafites and ul-tramafites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.
  41. Yakovlev Yu.N., Skuf'in P.K. & Neradovsky Yu.N. Ore mineralization of volcanites from the Luostari group of the Pechenga structure. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print.
  42. Skufin P.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Geological location and petrogeochemical features of volcanites from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the northern Pechenga complex at great depths and in the near-surface zone. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its sur-rounding". In print.
  43. Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P. & Tyuremnov V.A. Relaxation processes and anisot-ropy of elastic wave velocities in the space-time coordinates in rocks from the KSDB-3 sec-tion. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.
  44. Gordienko V.V., Gordienko Vl.Vl., Kalinicheva G.I., Ol'khovaya E.A., Rumyantseva E.V., Timokhina L.A., Guberman D.M., Smirnov Yu.P., Yakovleva A.K. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Granitic pegmatites in the Kola Superdeep Borehole (vertical mineralogical-geochemical zonality and genesis problems). Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.
  45. Guberman D.M., Larikova T.L., Morozov YU.A., Smul'skaya A.I., Sholpo V.N. & Yakovlev Yu.N. Structure and evolution of the KSDB-3 geospace based on the results of the study of structural-material heterogeneity. Volume "Kola Superdeep and its surrounding". In print.
  46. Mitrofanov F.P., Guberman D.M., Kuempel H.-J., Gillen C., Gorbatsevich F.F. & IGCP-408 team. New data on the composition, properties and structure of deep rocks in the Kola Superdeep. CD-abstract. EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly, 6-11 April, 2003, Nice, France.

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