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如何成为麦肯锡的员工? 第1页


user avatar   yuki-zou-25 网友的相关建议: 

剛剛經歷了consulting recruitment. 然後很抱歉中英文夾雜很多,因為我是準備北美的office,而且很多時候英文對我來說更方便一點。希望雖然很亂不過還會對一些人有幫助。

(以及我在美帝 所以沒有PST 聽說APAC/EMEA可能還有...Take my answer with a grain of salt. 因為我有看別人寫的答案 有些我覺得需要think critically. People's experiences may vary a lot!)

(我的答案寫的很隨便 而且就是很直接的想要回答問題「如何成為mckinsey員工」。我的一些思考在英文的blog裡面

What I learned from consulting recruitment

if you wanna read, check this post :) )

1. Networking

對於target school, network很簡單其實。去info session, 去coffee chat, 去career fair, 然後be genuinely interested and curious. It will come out easily :)

對於non-target school, 會難很多,要reach out校友,或者people in the closer offices..而且networking更重要不然大概連resume都很難被看到。不過我在target, 很難講non-target的情況,也可以多去diversity forum/career forum.

2. Resume

描述academics, career experience, leadership experience, and your interest.

我覺得我的經歷還蠻普通,不過我有找學校的career advisor改很多次,所以format/bullet points都是做到了我最好能做到的。

我的coffee chat partner告訴我they loved my resume, which really surprises me :)

不過play your cards smart and try your best.

Resume是完全掌握在candidate手上也是你可以花幾個月來準備的。最重要是2點,1.不要犯錯(grammar, spelling, etc) 2.看mck website上面寫的他們想要的candidate的特性 然後盡量tie your experience to those things they are looking for

3. Case preps

consulting interviews are all about cases - almost everyone will tell you so. Really can't deny the importance of cases.

只有一個推薦,victor cheng. case in point基本上可以扔掉了,not useful at all. (not only my opinion, but many mck/bain consultants told me the same thing)

然後就是practice, practice, practice. find your friends and do live cases. More importantly, find consultants and run live cases. 我一共做了100+ case (包括真的interview..) 然後大概50-80個live cases

然後拿到first round interview以後, McKinsey會給你至少一個case buddy. Leverage it! Use that resource and opportunity. Listen to the feedbacks and ask questions. 非常非常非常helpful. McKinsey是所有我面試的公司裡面在幫你準備case上最helpful的!(我有三個case buddies, did 4 live cases w/ mck consultants the week of my first round interview :) 也可能是因為我學校是target...

4. Personal Experience Interview (PEI) Preps

People don't know about or don't invest enough time to prep this part, and thats usually why they don't get into the second rounds.


McK 1st round和2nd round都是先PEI然後再Case這樣。所以PEI will basically set the benchmark/leave the first impression. The case is really just to prove/double check their hypothesis about your capability based on PEI.

PEI和behavioral question很不一樣,會真的dive deep into one specific experience. 所以會很推薦用victor cheng的parade method來brainstorm和準備。思考為什麼和具體細節。McK cares about how you manage people relationships, how you convince other people, and how you deal with really hard times and conflicts. (I'm basically telling you the questions here. )

第一輪會更標準,會問問題,然後還會打斷你,追問細節。第二輪,尤其是Principal/Partner level, 會更隨便一點,不過大概思路是一樣的。




我有一些很優秀很聰明的同學,兩次進了final rounds最後都沒有拿到offer. 我真的不覺得他們不夠聰明,真的只是缺了一點點運氣。

In the end, I will just say, be genuinely curious and excited throughout the entire recruiting process and things will work out! :)



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