讽刺的人都是什么心态,去年奥巴马,盖茨,扎克伯格等一群大佬推行 K-8 intro to CS 就是给小学生推广编程的呀。
K-8 Intro to Computer Science有人推荐 Scratch,然而我觉得 Scratch 相比 K-8 Intro 欠缺的是一个完整的 Schedule
好像上图才能说明问题,于是我把 K-8 Course 1 的所有课程弄完了
同样是 Block Code 教学
而且教学是全语言的,不过我还是不建议二年级的孩子直接尝试 K-8 intro
先可以试试这个 app 游戏:
iTunes 的 App Store 中的“Kodable”(有中文)
这个完成之后再让他好好研究一下这个游戏的前六小关(也就是 Tutorial 的关卡,别的关卡放在之后讲,因为相对来说逻辑的难度上升了很大一层,很多关卡成年人想要玩到 3 星也得绞尽脑汁。)
iTunes 的 App Store 中的“Cargo-Bot”(貌似没有中文,但是规则很容易懂,家长/老师可以讲解,另外这个游戏是著名 iPad 编程教学应用 Codea 的一部分)
然后跟孩子一起上 K-8 intro,因为视频只是有中文字幕而没有中文音频,可能不如家长/老师的讲解好。
同样 K-8 Intro 的官网还在最近推出了 K5 的 3 个 beta 课程
同样也是 Block code 教学
K5 beta Courser且循序渐进。
Tutorials for the ClassroomCodeHSOnline curriculum designed specifically for highschool classrooms.
Codecademy After SchoolA complete online afterschool program for a coding club.
Khan AcademyOnline curriculum that teaches JavaScript programming in a visual environment.
TynkerTeach programming in elementary or middle school in a fun way.
Curriculum You Can IntegrateBootstrapFree curriculum to teach high-school algebra and geometry concepts using computer programming.
CS UnpluggedFun classroom exercises to teach computer science principles, no computers needed!
Bring Classes to Your SchoolGlobaloriaTeach computer programming through game design - as a full-time class, an in-class module, or afterschool program.
TEALSGet mentored and placed into high school classes as a part-time teacher in a team teaching model where the school district is unable to meet their students' computer science needs on its own.
AP Computer Science - with AmplifyThis online course (MOOC) is designed for high school students to learn AP Computer Science in an online classroom. The course is free, but additional support to the school offering it costs money.
Platforms for Teaching KidsAlice3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web.
KoduCreate games on the PC and XBox via a simple visual programming language. Can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming.
ScratchProgramming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music and art - and share your creations on the web.
Scratch和少数的几个平台的 Hour of Code 项目之外,别的没什么中文。
Hour of code 项目中,我觉得这个
Lessons overview很不错,课程完整,有中文,进程很好玩。
面向 4 - 8 岁的孩子:
iTunes 的 App Store 中的“Lightbot Jr 4+ Coding Puzzles”面向 8 岁以上的孩子:
iTunes 的 App Store 中的“Lightbot最后如果孩子感兴趣的话,一定得是孩子感兴趣,如果不感兴趣就别费劲了。
如果感兴趣,那么给孩子/推荐家长给孩子/申请学校给孩子买一套 Lego NXT 系统吧。然后让孩子自己去学习 NXT 的图形编程,来操纵 NXT 机器人。
LEGO.com Mindstorms推荐 EV3 因为可以用 iPad 来操控它,比二代更有意思。
NXT 是可以一直从小学玩到大学的东西
稍微大些就可以进阶参加 FLL(FIRST LEGO League) 比赛了
更进阶的话,比如 CubeStormer 团队搞的 CubeStormer 系列
CUBESTORMER 3 Smashes Rubik_s Cube Speed Record http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg1ODA4NDEy.html以及非常出名的 GBC (Great Ball Contraption) 小型机床的项目(主要在霓虹国)
Welcome to to The Great Ball Contraption
LEGO Great Ball Contraption (GBC) Layout 2012 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDUzMTA5NDcy.htmlLego 的东西除了编程之外,更大的好处就是对于机械设计的启发了。