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出国留学需准备哪些申请材料? 第1页


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l 告诉招生官你是谁

l 告诉招生官你为什么适合这个项目


l 你的个人身份,背景,自我评价

l 个人申请的目的,对未来的期待与规划

那么本文就从PS的内容,阐述,具体结构,和案例分析来让大家了解如何让自己的PS serve the application purpose.



“This(A personal Statement) may include writing about a significant aspect of your background, a quality or trait that you believe defines you, a transformative experience, or the things that interest and motivate you.” (芝加哥大学官网)









学术能力:理论基础、在学习上取得的成就,获得的奖项,learning style,学习的刻苦、毅力、耐力等素质;解决问题,承担学习量与压力,管理时间的能力;与课程相关的技能;实验技能;软件应用等用于工作的技能等。



选择项目&学校的动机:项目的具体内容、特点及对项目subject的先行积累(学术&工作);学校的环境、地理位置、相关领域的reputation、希望师从的academic stuff,其他unique的东西吸引到你等。


至于该如何筛选ps的内容素材,第一步是需要先进行头脑风暴(brainstorming),列出一系列的素材之后,再根据材料的相关性和说服力来进行排列和筛选。注意初筛的时候尽量不要设限,因为很多details也许是一些unique, 并且具备turning points的潜在素材。当然一些非常特别的经历也可以放进ps里的,只要具有很正向的意义。


比如admitwrite平台上的芝加哥大学的马学长曾经分享过他的文书经验:NYU的Courant的课程是高强度的数学,因此就非常倾向于招数学背景突出的同学,那么文书中突出数学方面的背景和能力就会赢得其青睐;而Uchicago则因所处位置的买方市场较活跃,他们的MSFM课程也近年越来越对C++ , quant trading, algo trading有所侧重,如果在文书包中突出对quant trading的兴趣和经历的话,录取概率则会大大增加。再比如一些项目的课程会有一些entreprenuership的内容,在文书中针对性地突出自己的对创业方面的兴趣和想法,领导力,creativity以及跨界能力则会让自己脱颖而出。

一般通过学校的项目描述可以看出该项目的细分领域和要求,学校官网会直接写明:“we prefer students with XX background...”“it is strongly recommended that students...”因此直接可以提炼学校的倾向,对学术背景和工作背景等的要求等等。间接地也可以去细看学校的课程安排,近期研究的领域,项目内举办的活动等等。还可以通过咨询该学校项目的校友或offer获得者了解学校的喜好。






再来在PS的调性上面,需要Maintain a positive tone,整体需要积极,自信。PS不是不能去描述自己的所遇到的challenge或者不利的因素和环境,而是描述这些的时候重点在于战胜这些困难的经验或途径。










以下为学生background essay第一段:

Being gifted with mathematics, I took part in many mathematical contests and won a lot of prizes in school, which made my parents and teachers proud of me. Without any hesitation, I chose Mathematics and Applied Mathematics as my major in college. Various mathematical courses made me feel the scope and profundity of mathematics. Out of my passion for my major, I started to solve some mathematical problems by programming.

导师点评:作为首段,交代了数学背景(参加很多竞赛、赢了很多奖项)、本科专业,并说自己开始探索编程。深究下来,真正有意义的只有最后一句。首句中,many、a lot of等的使用,以及“我爸妈以我为骄傲”的表述,都大大降低的文章的书面度和专业性,对于比赛的内容、级别和地域范围、竞争程度等也没有给出具体的补充,总的来说文章力度不足,细节不够。



More academically inclined in mathematics than peers, I have long been mesmerized by its watertight rigor, profundity and order. After the IMO 1990 hosted in China, there was a lengthy upsurge of Mathematical Olympiad studies and, out of intensive curiosity in the subject, I was among the few who won domestic medals and was inspired to explore deeper thusly. In 2008 I matriculated at Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. On top of the systematic training, I started to solve mathematical problems by programming in real-life scenarios.










I intend to continue with my post-graduation studies for the future, in the fields of either Nuclear or quantum physics, and then continue to get a PhD. Thus I will be able to benefit other students at universities by being a lecturer, in addition to conducting my own research in my field of physics in the same university or research centre to achieve my ultimate goal of doing something major in the world.


If my surroundings have taught me anything it's that reality is flawed, perception is fragile and knowledge uncertain. In order to understand the true meaning behind things we must adopt a different line of reason. By pursuing a degree in Philosophy and Politics I hope to strengthen my grip on the enigmatic ideas of philosophers and politicians, something that I believe is integral in understanding the workings of the world.






My teacher once said to me, " If you only have experiments in your life, then the frustration of a little experiment will ruin your emotions and life. But if the experiment is only a part of your life, then even if there is frustration, you can quickly pick up your emotions and start all over again, because there are so many better things in life waiting for you!" Therefore, I often participate in volunteer activities, academic competitions, and creative competitions. In addition, I am also very good at ink painting and writing. Also because of my all-round development, I won a full scholarship in May 2019 and spent four months at Singapore Institute of Technology as an exchange student.






Specializing in a certain field can be productive, and yet may pose a risk in missing the big picture. Therefore, on top of the academic endeavors, I seized the opportunities in broadening my horizon and enriching my experiences. In 2019 I spent four months as an exchange student at Singapore Institute of Technology, where the systematic training and multicultural contexts effectively prepared me for future overseas studies.


这包括表述口语化(比如直言I love this major,this failure cannot beat me等),用词、语法平淡无奇,空话连篇、拖沓冗长等,这会使给招生官留下的印象大打折扣。


After working in financial industry for three years in HK and London, I realized the increasingly important role that technology was playing in nowadays financial industry. As a fixed income analyst, I utilized the Bloomberg system and VBA programming to do analysis, and my main responsibility was developing strategies to purchase financial bonds, help my employer bank make money. Our trading team did excellent jobs, and I made big contributions that I had been one to help establish the trading room and construct portfolio to gain fixed income, in which income doubled in one year; However, there are still a lot of inefficiencies existing in the banking industry-especially in the trading and risk management sectors, which I have a strong desire to improve.

导师点评:段落第二句提到,职责是帮雇主银行赚钱。这种不言自明的内容没必要提。Stating the obvious只会浪费篇幅,让人觉得凑字数,降低了自己的说服力。建议提到真正而具体的工作内容,最好给出量化指标,便于招生官衡量工作难度及个人能力。

第三句说,他们的团队做的非常棒,自己做了很大(big)的贡献。PS中应尽量避免使用many,a lot of,great,big等这类基本词汇,语言要多锤炼。建议是学习并准备一些常用词汇的替换词,如difficult换成challenging(中级)、strenuous/exacting(高级)。


Approaching the fourth year of a profession in the financial industries, I have witnessed a steeply climbing weight of technological tools in daily operations. Excel was replaced with the Bloomberg system and VBA programming for analysts to formulate scientific purchase strategies and facilitate critical policy-making. Nonetheless, obstinate are certain inefficiencies in trading and risk management. Say, xx and xx. On top of my professional endeavors, currently I need an advanced training in xx and xx to xx.





In the dark and boundless universe, substances are scatted everywhere. I am a star roaming alone in the universe, passing planets and meteorites. Over a thousand years, I traveled with my passion to find the galaxy I belong to.

Born in a warm family, I grew up with happiness and love. My grandmother is a strong and independent woman, who taught me to be honest and brave when facing any challenges in my life. My parents run their own business and provide me a stable growth environment. During school breaks, I follow them when they handle business and have meetings. They are successful businessmen who have unity and reliable team. I learned how to collaborate with colleagues and how to manage and lead a team to run programs from my parents. Unlike many other Chinese parents who only want their children to study well, my parents encourage me to participate in school activities and voluntary events. During my junior high school years, I joined dance show, badminton club, artwork exhibition, and voluntary city cleaning. In these activities, I met a lot of friends who share the same interests as me.


PS第一段可以适当发挥,只要与专业沾点边,或者即便不沾边、后文及时圆回去就可以。星体运动轨迹和个人学术之路的选择,可以通过word play完美契合,所以这一段没什么问题。相反,如前所说,它是整篇PS的亮点。另外,开头使用类比的好处在于,这个reference在结尾可以延伸复用,可发挥的空间很大。




Passing planets and meteorites, I am a star roaming in the dark and boundless universe. Over a thousand years, I traveled with volition and passion to find the galaxy I belong to. It was not until I took the first Java class that my course sheet was officially set. Later in the Data Structures course, I was mesmerized by the thoroughly watertight logic and flexible principles. The sense of achievement after each project ensured my decision of pursuing a lifelong career in computer science. Along the adventure, my experiences have shaped me to be a reliable and innovative contributor to my learning community.




该同学本科就读于加拿大Simon Fraser University,开始选择工科专业,后转到语言学,欲申请英国Goldsmiths的文化研究硕士。同学的情况比较复杂,之前转专业的原因是因为发现自己不喜欢工科,工科成绩差强人意。个人喜爱哲学,看他的文章能感到一定的思考力,但逻辑和条理上稍微欠缺一些。以下是同学PS原稿的前三段:

The theoretical background training in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies is what I am longing for. It would help me to ground my theoretical capabilities and outlooks for my further studies. I am interested to do Cultural Studies in my future career, in particular, digital nationalism and surveillance culture. Without a sophisticated and comprehensive study in theories, I don’t think I am able to pursue my ends. The way that I encounter Cultural Studies is quite zigzag and it is a current answer for me to give a feedback on my intellectual exploration.

There was a huge change in my undergraduate study, changing my major from Engineering to Linguistics and Philosophy. In the first two years of my undergraduate study, I took a lot of Computer Science courses such as Math, Physics, Programming, and Statistics. At that time, I wanted to get into Computer Science for practical sake. However, it turned out that I was not good at Math and Computer Science, meanwhile what I had noticed is that I was alienated when I was doing programming. In other words, “instrumental rationality” is all over those places and the sense of humanity is not easy to be experienced. Then, I chose to read some literature and Philosophy to rediscover the human nature.

It is the first time for me to have an overview of western culture since I read a history of philosophy and a history of literature. I was enchanted by the spirit of Greece and disenchanted by the Enlightenment. I cried for the death of Socrates and laughed for the madness of Nietzsche. Greece believes everyone has their own excellence and the just city-state could let everyone be their own position. Then, I start to find out what my excellence is, followed by two maxims: Delphic aphorism “know thyself” and Socrates’ words “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I find out that there is a dialectical relation between those two maxims and I combine them as my ends, to escape “the cave”. Just like what Plato has shown his theory of recollection in the Meno, I also want to recollect my excellence in the soul through education. This is why I chose to study Linguistics and Philosophy in the next three years.








I still recall the first time to have an overview of the western culture when I was reading a history of philosophy and literature, enchanted by the spirit of Greece and revolted by the Enlightenment. I mourned the death of Socrates and experienced the madness of Nietzsche. Greeks believed everyone has their own excellence and the just city-state could let everyone be at their own position. Then, I started to find out what my excellence is, following two maxims: Delphic aphorism “know thyself” and Socrates’ “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I found out that there was a dialectical relation between those two maxims and I combined them as my ends, to escape “the cave” and bask in the sunlight of civilization. Just like what Plato has shown his theory of recollection in the Meno, I also wanted to recollect excellence of my soul through education. My life of course is a mirror of my ideological change.

After critical mulling over what I truly held dear, in 2015 I switched major from Engineering to Linguistics and Philosophy, to pursue what I truly love and excel at. Apart from critical thinking, trouble-shooting, mathematical and physical skills I have developed through two years of systematic and exacting engineering training, I have later built up a solid foundation of xxx (这里补充你在大学后期你认为学到的最珍贵的东西), with 3.33 major GPA. In summer 2018, I took an advanced optional course on language and migrant, delivered by Prof. Cecile Vigouroux, a linguistic anthropologist and expert in African languages. Through this course I have acquired very different angles of linguistic studies such as language ideology, discourse analysis, ethnography, linguistic capital, deconstruction, and critique of capitalism and neoliberalism. It was the first time for me to learn how to critique particular subjects, for instance, language teaching advertisement and language requirement for immigrants and labors.




这是非常正常的现象,因为同学们没有直接的文书经验,也受限于非母语书写,并且每个人的ps所呈现的点都是personal的,所以要完全的copy范文的感觉和精髓,是非常难做到的。再者自己写文书,往往会有一些不可避免的blind points。

因此,不管是World Top 100的海本生,还是清北C9的学生,绝大多数同学的文书都是需要找专业机构辅助去修改的,这不是什么不好意思的问题,因为只有专业的机构中,有文书实力,申请成功经验的人士,才能帮你修正好一篇文书。



当文书的内容层面没问题之后,平台的外籍导师会将文书语言进行润色,使文书表达自然,独特,优美。区别于其他机构,admitwrite的外籍导师均经过严选,不仅是native speaker,更具备海外名校背景,且拥有丰富的文书修改润色经验。







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