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如何应对 STEM 类 OPT 延期至二十四个月的提案被疑似反移民组织攻击的状况? 第1页


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Improving and Expanding Training Opportunities for F-1 Nonimmigrant Students With STEM Degrees and Cap-Gap Relief for All Eligible F-1 Students


无论你选择用美国人口吻还是中国人口吻,重点强调通过这个proposal对美国人会有什么好处,把我们赶走对美国人有什么坏处。讲太多自己的American dream用处不大。


@ZJ Zhang 提出不能表露出移民倾向,这是有道理的。F1签证是非移民签证,你要论证的是延长OPT——引进更多外国talents来美国工作,对美国人有利。而不是你自己有多么想留在美国。如果你还是F1身份,就不要表露移民倾向。

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It is unjust, shortsighted and against the interest of American people to deprive international students' legal right to work in US after graduation simply because they are not citizens. In addition, the belief that minimum wages cannot get raised because there are too many international students is also unreasonable and against fact. I am strongly convinced that allowing international students to prosper in the US would bring in far more jobs than the number saved by driving them out.

International students are making huge contributions to our country. Immigrant-founded Fortune 500 companies employed 3.6 million workers around the world in 2011 and were responsible for more than $1.7 trillion in revenues in 2010, according to the Partnership For A New American Economy (renewoureconomy.org/sit). Most international students work in scientific and technology, and many of them are among the best in their fields. STEM are fields critical for the US to ace at in order to continue its leadership in the world. Each year, h1b holders pay more than 27%, and often more than 30% of their salary to the federal, and even more to the federal and the state. This money is used in increasing the medical and other welfare of American people.

International students have nearly nothing to do with the minimum wage. Almost all international students obtain their OPT in order to get an H1B visa, which requires the worker to meet a minimum salary standard that is far higher than the minimum wage level. For example, the minimum hourly pay standard for H1b holder is $24.16 in Albany, NY, and NY state has a minimum wage limit of $9.00. This is not even near! In fact, an international student needs about 3 times the salary of the minimum pay to stay in the US, and the payment is usually far higher than this because they usually work on comparatively rewarding positions like software engineer/developer.

On top of this, international students have very little responsibility for the current salary level in software and Internet industry. I am not an economist, but I work in the computer industry. My observation is that the main obstacle of a faster salary rise in this industry is outsourcing, not international students. Programmers who are educated outside America and mostly work outside America earn surprisingly low wages: some earn less than $10,000 per year and they can do the same thing (although usually in lower quality) American programmers do! They are the ones who steal our jobs and bring down our salary. What about international students? If they achieved a bachelor or master’s degree in the US, usually they have spent more than $100,000 in education. It is not reasonable to assume that they could accept low pay, given that they have already invested so much. International students are by no means cheap labor.

Rejecting international students would gain us a short-term, illusive relief that there might be temporarily fewer competitors in the job market. However, this short-term satisfaction would be at the cost of long-term benefits of American people and would cause the US to lose ground to the countries that welcome these students. STEM students go back to their country or go to other welcoming countries if rejected by the US. They will devote to scientific research, entrepreneurship, public policy and other fields that empower and create jobs for the country they serve for. Brain is power and it is a great loss to drive our highly educated brains to other countries. By ousting their talents America is creating the next Alibaba, not the next facebook!

What is worse, I believe the American salary level would be severely BROUGHT DOWN rather than driven up by this decision. On the contrary, let them stay will INCREASE not decrease jobs. Companies ship the jobs to India, China and many other countries with lower pay if they cannot hire enough high quality workers in the US, or if the cost of hiring a US worker is too high. On top of this, international students create more jobs by opening companies. According to Kauffman foundation, Immigrants were almost twice as likely to start businesses in 2012 as native-born Americans, and bout one-quarter of the engineering and technology companies started in the United States between 2006–2012 had at least one key founder who was an immigrant. Closing the door is not a good way to preserve jobs and increase wages. It will only cause more outsourcing and destroy our tech industry, and then our economy. Open the door and welcome talents all over the world! We will gain far more than we lose.

Admitted, international students’ participation in the job market itself would increase competition in the short term. You may find it harder to get into Google or Facebook because there are more talented people in the pool. However, if we reject them simply because of this, we should not educate our children at all – every college graduate enters the job market to increase competition. In the long term, competition increases efficiency, accelerates development and benefits us all. Do not let irrational fear of competition ruin our true interest.

American people are wise enough not to harm our long-term benefits by irrational fear and temporary, illusive satisfactions. International students are helping America grow, and are improving the welfare of American people. Losing them, on the other hand, will benefit our competitors and harm US interest. I strongly believe we should pass this proposal and pass more bills in the congress that could make it easier for the international students to stay.









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