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如果 Donald Trump 当选美国总统,是不是代表美国人内心更赞同种族主义和政治不正确? 第1页


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简言之 是的 有相当一部分美国人确实内心更赞同种族主义和政治不正确

下面 我转载并翻译一段来自一位亚裔美国人今天发布的状态



The Love Life of an Asian Guy

White people are TERRIFIED of Donald Trump and his plan to build a wall along the Mexican-American border.


Me? I ain't scared.


Truth is, white America has a tradition of building walls LOOOOONGGG before Donald Trump was even a glimmer in his grandfather's silver spoon.


White America murdered Indigenous families, then zoned them within reservation walls.


White America created economic walls to prevent Black Americans from buying houses or attending schools in white neighborhoods.


White America imprisoned Japanese-Americans in internment camps during WW2 and placed them behind barbed wire fences.


White America created walls within the legal system to make it harder for Latinos to immigrate into the country and gain citizenship, but will grant European immigrants a smooth, seamless transition.


White America has corporate walls to stop ethnic people and women of color from ever advancing into upper management.




So to answer your question: FUCK NO, I am NOT scared of Donald Trump's wall because that orange MF ain't doing a DAMN THING that our country hasn't done before.


Next question.



别忘了排华法案 这个第一个(也是唯一)立法禁止某一族裔移民美国的法案





你错了 真相是这些人一贯如此



许多人认为美国现在的种族共存状态是一直如此 理所当然的



是典型的温室花朵 忘记了大自然的风霜雨雪



就排华法案向华裔道歉是2011年的事 没错 5年前才道歉

政治正确直接保证了少数民族和女性不被歧视 不被排挤


而不是被强行矫正 无论是左撇子还是同性恋

任何人都有权利听自己喜爱音乐的权利 而不是被强迫去听小苹果



包括了不以肤色歧视人 当然也包括不以肤色照顾某些人




如何评价第88届奥斯卡颁奖礼上主持人Chris Rock讽刺亚洲人的段子? - Johnny Zhu 的回答

为什么在现在 无论左派还是右派当权 亚裔都不好过

是因为亚裔不关心政治 不表达态度 总想闷声发大财

结果导致了白人不把亚裔当自己人 因为亚裔是有色人种

黑人 西裔等少数民族也不把亚裔当自己人 因为亚裔富有


另外一个原因就是两极分化 而且不团结


有个做科研当程序员这样的苦活 混到中产阶级就觉得可以了

别忘了你永远都当不了领导 永远只能当干苦活的小喽啰

如果这样你就满足了 反过来把自己意淫成和白人站在一起

歧视黑人西裔 认为政治正确不对

别忘了你今天能到到这种程度 而不是当华工修铁路





我们的斗争还没有停止 不要选错阵地

当然你觉得现状不错 虽然被白人老爷骑在脚下



使得政策向他们倾斜 你就妒忌眼红了






亚裔需要做的团结一心 为自己争取权利

而不是分散成左派右派 互相争吵窝里斗

如果以这样的状态 无论加入哪一方都会被瞧不起的

仇视政治正确的人 最大的一部分就是庸人

因为他们如此的平庸 以至于在任何情景都是属于大多数

他们没有过 因为自己属于小众 属于异类 被歧视被排挤的经历

奇怪的是 难道你在各个方面都如此平庸吗


如果那样 真的是很可怜




一个国家的进步体现在对其少数群体 弱势群体的关爱和尊重

在这一点 从中美两个国家的人对政治正确的看法上

看出了这两个国家都一部分人的素质是欠缺的 比例应该不同


证明了美国在这么多年的变革后 仍然有那么多种族歧视者



虽然今天的民主党也是漏洞很多 政策失调



你支持或反对 Trump 的原因是什么? - Johnny Zhu 的回答

最近我看到许多有识之士 发表

“Voting is much easier than moving to Canada”的观点




图上的中国人前边挂着牌子写着 “妇女儿童的毁灭者”

听着耳熟吗 “墨西哥人都是强奸犯” “中国在强奸美国”



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What is a nigger on a bike?Thief

What do nigger kids get for Christmas? Your bike

在Philip Roth的小说The Human Stain中,教授

Coleman Silk无意中用了"spook"一词,也被认为是政治不正确的。


【Chris Rock summed it up well in December when he announced he would no longer play colleges because the students are too PC. Rock said that because of the way kids are raised today, you can't even mention race: "You can't say 'The black kid over there.' No, it's 'The guy with the red shoes.' "】



everyone pick up his book——歧视女性

everyone pick up his or her book——听着别扭

everyone pick up their book——语法错误



Alive ——Temporarily metabolically abled

Bald ——Follicularly challenged

Body Odour——Non discretionary fragrance

Broken Home——Dysfunctional family

Caretaker——Site Engineer

Clumsy——Uniquely coordinated

Criminal——Behaviourally challenged

Dead——Living impaired

Dishonest——Ethically disoriented

Drunk——Chemically inconvenienced

Dustman——Sanitation Engineer

Fail——Achieve a deficiency

Fairy——Petite airborne humanoid with mystical powers

Fat——Horizontally challenged

Foreign Food——Ethnic cuisine

Ghetto——Economically disadvantaged area

Girlfriend——Unpaid sex worker

Gossip——Speedy transmission of near-factual information

Housewife——Domestic Engineer

Ignorant——Knowledge-based non-possessor

Illegal Aliens——Undocumented Immigrants

Jailer——Custodial Artist

Jungle——Rain Forest

Late——Rescheduled arrival time

Lazy——Motivationally deficient

Lumberjack——Tree Murderer

Natural Disaster——Global Warming occurrence

Prostitute——Sex worker

Sex change——Gender reassignment

Short——Vertically challenged

Shy——Conversationally selective

Spendthrift——Negative saver

Talkative——Abundantly verbal

Tall——Vertically enhanced

Trailer Park——Mobile Home community

Tramp——Homeless person

Ugly——Cosmetically different

Unemployed——Involuntarily leisured

Vagrant——Nonspecifically destinationed individual

White Trash——White Trash

Worst——Least best

Wrong——Differently logical


JUDGE TO CARTMAN: ‘I am making an example of you, to send a message out to people everywhere: that if you want to hurt another human being, you’d better make damn sure they’re the same color as you are!"

——Cartman’s Silly Hate Crime

当然,最会玩的,要属James Finn Garner,他写了一本 Politically Correct Bedtime Stories来调侃政治正确。下面是“政治正确”版的小红帽的故事。

The Politically Correct Little Red Riding Hood

There once was a young person named Little Red Riding Hood who lived on the edge of a large forest full of endangered owls and rare plants that would probably provide a cure for cancer if only someone took the time to study them.

Red Riding Hood lived with a nurture giver whom she sometimes referred to as "mother", although she didn't mean to imply by this term that she would have thought less of the person if a close biological link did not in fact exist.

Nor did she intend to denigrate the equal value of non traditional households, although she was sorry if this was the impression conveyed.

One day her mother asked her to take a basket of organically grown fruit and mineral water to her grandmother's house.

"But mother, won't this be stealing work from the unionised people who have struggled for years to earn the right to carry all packages between various people in the woods?"

Red Riding Hood's mother assured her that she had called the union boss and gotten a special compassionate mission exemption form.

"But mother, aren't you oppressing me by ordering me to do this?"

Red Riding Hood's mother pointed out that it was impossible for womyn to oppress each other, since all womyn were equally oppressed until all womyn were free.

"But mother, then shouldn't you have my brother carry the basket, since he's an oppressor, and should learn what it's like to be oppressed?"

And Red Riding Hood's mother explained that her brother was attending a special rally for animal rights, and besides, this wasn't stereotypical womyn's work, but an empowering deed that would help engender a feeling of community.

"But won't I be oppressing Grandma, by implying that she's sick and hence unable to independently further her own selfhood?"

But Red Riding Hood's mother explained that her grandmother wasn't actually sick or incapacitated or mentally handicapped in any way, although that was not to imply that any of these conditions were inferior to what some people called "health".

Thus Red Riding Hood felt that she could get behind the idea of delivering the basket to her grandmother, and so she set off.

Many people believed that the forest was a foreboding and dangerous place, but Red Riding Hood knew that this was an irrational fear based on cultural paradigms instilled by a patriarchal society that regarded the natural world as an exploitable resource, and hence believed that natural predators were in fact intolerable competitors.

Other people avoided the woods for fear of thieves and deviants, but Red Riding Hood felt that in a truly classless society all marginalized peoples would be able to "come out" of the woods and be accepted as valid lifestyle role models.

On her way to Grandma's house, Red Riding Hood passed a woodchopper, and wandered off the path, in order to examine some flowers.

She was startled to find herself standing before a Wolf, who asked her what was in her basket.

Red Riding Hood's teacher had warned her never to talk to strangers, but she was confident in taking control of her own budding sexuality, and chose to dialogue with the Wolf.

She replied, "I am taking my Grandmother some healthful snacks in a gesture of solidarity."

The Wolf said, "You know, my dear, it isn't safe for a little girl to walk through these woods alone."

Red Riding Hood said, "I find your sexist remark offensive in the extreme, but I will ignore it because of your traditional status as an outcast from society, the stress of which has caused you to develop an alternative and yet entirely valid worldview. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would prefer to be on my way."

Red Riding Hood returned to the main path, and proceeded towards her Grandmother's house.

But because his status outside society had freed him from slavish adherence to linear, Western-style thought, the Wolf knew of a quicker route to Grandma's house.

He burst into the house and ate Grandma, a course of action affirmative of his nature as a predator.

Then, unhampered by rigid, traditionalist gender role notions, he put on Grandma's nightclothes, crawled under the bedclothes, and awaited developments.

Red Riding Hood entered the cottage and said,

"Grandma, I have brought you some cruelty free snacks to salute you in your role of wise and nurturing matriarch."

The Wolf said softly "Come closer, child, so that I might see you."

Red Riding Hood said, "Goddess! Grandma, what big eyes you have!"

"You forget that I am optically challenged."

"And Grandma, what an enormous, what a fine nose you have."

"Naturally, I could have had it fixed to help my acting career, but I didn't give in to such societal pressures, my child."

"And Grandma, what very big, sharp teeth you have!"

The Wolf could not take any more of these specist slurs, and, in a reaction appropriate for his accustomed milieu, he leaped out of bed, grabbed Little Red Riding Hood, and opened his jaws so wide that she could see her poor Grandmother cowering in his belly.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Red Riding Hood bravely shouted. "You must request my permission before proceeding to a new level of intimacy!"

The Wolf was so startled by this statement that he loosened his grasp on her.

At the same time, the woodchopper burst into the cottage, brandishing an axe.

"Hands off!" cried the woodchopper.

"And what do you think you're doing?" cried Little Red Riding Hood. "If I let you help me now, I would be expressing a lack of confidence in my own abilities, which would lead to poor self esteem and lower achievement scores on college entrance exams."

"Last chance, sister! Get your hands off that endangered species! This is an FBI sting!" screamed the woodchopper, and when Little Red Riding Hood nonetheless made a sudden motion, he sliced off her head.

"Thank goodness you got here in time," said the Wolf. "The brat and her grandmother lured me in here. I thought I was a goner."

"No, I think I'm the real victim, here," said the woodchopper. "I've been dealing with my anger ever since I saw her picking those protected flowers earlier. And now I'm going to have such a trauma. Do you have any aspirin?"

"Sure," said the Wolf.


"I feel your pain," said the Wolf, and he patted the woodchopper on his firm, well padded back, gave a little belch, and said "Do you have any Maalox?"


How ‘politically correct’ went from compliment to insult

The phrase has become inescapable — again. In campaign speeches, media headlines and your Twitter feed: “politically correct.”

But what does it actually mean? Depends what year it is, and whom you’re asking.

These days, for GOP candidates, it’s a catch-all synonym for liberal cowardice or caution — whatever it is that’s keeping America from being great, or something. But “politically correct” is a linguistic weapon that has changed hands many times.

It’s been a literal term. An ironic joke. A snide insult. To some, the term has even represented a positive ideal, a righteous label worn proudly.

1932: “We looked over the program, but are sure that few farmers would ever understand it. Of course, it is politically ‘correct’ to the last letter.”

— Harrison George, a leader of the U.S. Communist Party, on its support for the United Farmers League in the Communist newspaper

The phrase began to circulate in American communist circles in the 1930s and ’40s, at first as a straightforward term meaning “the proper language to use, or the proper position, for a member of the U.S. Communist Party to take on a particular issue,” says L.D. Burnett, an adjunct professor of history at Collin College in Texas. “It was used primarily to demand political orthodoxy.” Until some people within the party began to snicker about it, she adds: “It was also used jokingly — kind of in an eye-rolling, tongue-in-cheek fashion — to refer to those doctrinaire sticks in the mud.”

1934: “All journalists must have a permit to function and such permits are granted only to pure ‘Aryans’ whose opinions are politically correct. Even after that they must watch their step.”

— The New York Times, describing a clampdown in Nazi Germany

Already, the phrase was taking on shades of irony — here used to describe the rigid orthodoxy of a fascist government. Obviously, the Times reporter didn’t consider those Nazi-approved views to be the “correct” ones.

1964: “I’m here to tell you that we are going to do those things which need to be done, not because they are politically correct, but because they are right.”

— President Lyndon B. Johnson at the convention of the United Auto Workers

In the ’60s, the phrase reappeared in left-leaning political and activist circles. Here, Johnson’s use is fairly literal, describing government actions that he saw as not only politically advisable — passing a civil rights bill and a medical-assistance plan for the elderly — but also morally justified.

1979: “In America among many political lesbians, bisexuality is regarded as a betrayal
. . . [therefore] the politically correct thing is to define oneself as a lesbian.”

— Anthropologist Deborah Goleman Wolf in her book, “The Lesbian Community”

By the dawning of the feminist “sex wars” of the ’60s and ’70s, the phrase was applied in a variety of ways — sometimes as a fairly neutral term to describe another group’s orthodoxy or vulnerability to political pressure, and sometimes with a tiny hint of judgment, as in this quote. But it became a blatant insult only as the feminist debate over sexuality escalated, hitting a fever pitch in . . .

1982: “Politically Correct/Politically Incorrect Sexuality”

— The title of a controversial panel discussion at the Barnard College Conference on Sexuality

This conference marked a pivotal point in that debate, Burnett says. Feminists who opposed pornography and certain sexual behaviors were labeled “politically correct” by their “pro-sex” counterparts in the movement — a term meant as a sneer, suggesting that those women were succumbing to patriarchal influence.

1985: “If both Democrats and Republicans believe the deficit is the key issue for the 1986 elections, then voting for a balanced budget is the politically correct thing to do.”

— The New York Times

Even into the 1980s, you still saw the phrase being used almost literally, though hints of cynicism were creeping in. Here, the writer suggests that cutting federal spending was very much in vogue.

1986: “ ‘The Cosby Show’ is, to use a hideously canting phrase, ‘politically correct.’ ”

— Terry Teachout in National Review magazine

By the mid-’80s, “politically correct” was being leveled by some conservative critics with heavy doses of irony against what they viewed as feel-good liberal pieties. In a disdainful review, Teachout scolded the sitcom for glossing over the complexities of race relations.

1986: “It’s delicious . . . and even more important, it’s politically correct.”

— A waitress quoted in a Washington Post article about fair-trade Nicaraguan coffee

And yet! There were still the liberal activists who wholeheartedly embraced the term, such as at a restaurant in the ever-earnest Maryland enclave of Takoma Park.

1988: “It was politically correct not to go in there.”

— A community preservation society leader quoted in the New York Times

This guy also used the phrase proudly to explain why locals in the staunchly left-wing Haight-Ashbury neighborhood in San Francisco boycotted a chain restaurant.

1989: “P.C. and Proud”

— A slogan and general attitude assumed by certain campus activist groups in the late ’80s and early ’90s

Melanie Huff and her friends adopted the phrase during their years as AIDS advocates in graduate school. “We were into the idea of using inclusive language,” says Huff, now an associate dean at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. “There was nothing at all negative about trying to attain language usage that was non-offensive.” Still, the phrase was hardly mainstream, until . . .

1991: “The notion of political correctness has ignited controversy across the land. And although the movement arises from the laudable desire to sweep away the debris of racism and sexism and hatred, it replaces old prejudice with new ones.”

— George H.W. Bush, in a commencement address at the University of Michigan

By the early ’90s, more people were growing outraged by “political correctness” in higher education, and fewer activists were flying the “P.C.” banner as a glorified ideal. When the first President Bush declared that free speech was under siege by P.C. culture, “mainstream America [began] to latch onto this term,” Burnett says. “That’s when ‘political correctness’ appeared on the nightly news.”

More than 25 years later, you can still find it there. But instead of describing a culture clash within academia, it’s now a broad-brush insult directed against any ideological opponent.

As someone who has spoken the phrase with pride, Huff now thinks it’s not salvageable, even for those who once used it in what they hoped was a spirit of inclusiveness and open-mindedness.

“It’s such a term of ridicule,” she says. “Even those of us who would still want to strive to that as a conceptual goal wouldn’t use that term.”


Raymond V. Raehn 在 The Historical Roots of "Political Correctness"中写道:

America is today dominated by an alien system of beliefs, attitudes and values that we have come to know as “Political Correctness.” Political Correctness seeks to impose a uniformity of thought and behavior on all Americans and is therefore totalitarian in nature.

Political Correctness is not at all about “being nice,” unless one thinks gulags are nice places. Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state.

Monty Python’s John Cleese: Too Much Political Correctness Makes Us Like 1984

“The term "political correctness" has always appalled me, reminding me of Orwell's "Thought Police" and fascist regimes.”

― Helmut Newton


The following are 19 shocking examples of how political correctness is destroying America…

#1 The Missouri State Fair has permanently banned a rodeo clown from performing just because he wore an Obama mask, and now all of the other rodeo clowns are being required to take “sensitivity training“…

But the state commission went further, saying it will require that before the Rodeo Cowboy Association can take part in any future state fair, “they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the MRCA have successfully participated in sensitivity training.”

#2 Government workers in Seattle have been told that they should no longer use the words “citizen” and “brown bag” because they are potentially offensive.

#3 A Florida police officer recently lost his job for calling Trayvon Martin a “thug” on Facebook.

#4 “Climate change deniers” are definitely not wanted at the U.S. Department of the Interior. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell was recently quoted as making the following statement: “I hope there are no climate-change deniers in the Department of Interior”.

#5 A professor at Ball State University was recently banned from even mentioning the concept of intelligent design because it would supposedly “violate the academic integrity” of the course that he was teaching.

#6 The mayor of Washington D.C. recently asked singer Donnie McClurkin not to attend his own concert because of his views on homosexuality.

#7 U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer is calling on athletes marching in the opening ceremonies at the Winter Olympics in Sochi next year to “embarrass” Russian President Vladimir Putin by protesting for gay rights.

#8 Chaplains in the U.S. military are being forced to perform gay marriages, even if it goes against their personal religious beliefs. The few chaplains that have refused to follow orders know that it means the end of their careers.

#9 The governor of California has signed a bill into law which will allow transgendered students to use whatever bathrooms and gym facilities that they would like…

Transgendered students in California will now have the right to use whichever bathrooms they prefer and join either the boys’ or girls’ sports teams, thanks to landmark legislation signed by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday.

The law amends the state’s education code, and stipulates that each student will have access to facilities, sports teams, and programs that are “consistent with his or her gender identity,” rather than the student’s actual biological composition. A male student who self-identifies as female could therefore use the girls’ bathroom, even if he is anatomically male.

#10 In San Francisco, authorities have installed small plastic “privacy screens” on library computers so that perverts can continue to exercise their “right” to watch pornography at the library without children being directly exposed to it.

#11 In America today, there are many groups that are absolutely obsessed with eradicating every mention of God out of the public sphere. For example, an elementary school in North Carolina ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she wrote to honor her two grandfathers that had served in the Vietnam War.

#12 A high school track team was disqualified earlier this year because one of the runners “made a gesture thanking God” once he had crossed the finish line.

#13 Earlier this year, a Florida Atlantic University student that refused to stomp on the name of Jesus was banned from class.

#14 A student at Sonoma State University was ordered to take off a cross that she was wearing because someone “could be offended“.

#15 A teacher in New Jersey was fired for giving his own Bible to a student that did not own one.

#16 Volunteer chaplains for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have been banned from using the name of Jesus on government property.

#17 According to a new Army manual, U.S. soldiers will now be instructed to avoid “any criticism of pedophilia” and to avoid criticizing “anything related to Islam”. The following is from a Judicial Watch article…

The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”

#18 The Obama administration has banned all U.S. government agencies from producing any training materials that link Islam with terrorism. In fact, the FBI has gone back and purged references to Islam and terrorism from hundreds of old documents.

#19 According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals because it has a “disproportionate” impact on minorities.

It would be hard to overstate the power that all of this relentless “thought training” has on all of us.

And young people are particularly susceptible to the power of suggestion.

If you doubt this, just check out this video of a little boy praying to Barack Obama as if he was a deity…

It would be a huge mistake to underestimate the power of the mainstream media in America today.

As I mentioned the other day, Americans watch an average of about 153 hours of television a month.

When Americans go to work or go to school, the conversations that they have with others are mostly based on content that the media feeds them.

And about 90 percent of what we watch on television is controlled by just six gigantic corporations.

But the media is not the only source that is telling us what to think.

The truth is that the messaging that comes from all of our major institutions (the government, the media, the education system, etc.) is remarkably consistent.

The establishment wants to control what we say and how we think, and they have a relentless propaganda machine that never stops working.

The way that we all see the world has been greatly shaped by the thousands of hours of “thought training” that we have all received over the years. Understanding what is being done to us is the first step toward breaking free.


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The origins of the term are now rather hazy, but it is clear that, whatever the original meaning of the term, it is now used in a pejorative sense. In terms of the origins of the term, writer Richard Feldstein [1997] agrees with the view that:

“... the phrase political correctness was not coined by right-wing rhetoricians or left- wing ironists, as has been claimed ... Instead, the phrase was employed to mock those who unthinkingly took the official party line without considering the consequences of their actions.” (p4) (italics his)

However, as Teresa Brennan points out in her introduction to Richard Feldstein’s book:

“In an entirely conscious decision, at one of its numerous think tank meetings, the Right adopted this term and used it in an Orwellian series of misrepresentations that have left the liberal center, and for that matter, the Left itself, seriously bewildered. Because the Right used the term for affirmative action policies, the Left, in trying to defend those policies, has somehow felt obliged to defend the phantom of political correctness.” [Brennan, 1997, px] (italics hers)

Much of the detailed analysis of “political correctness” – and how it is being used in the war against liberal education - has been carried out in the US; for example, a very useful summary can be found in John Annette’s “The culture wars on the American campus” [Annette, 1994], where he highlights the main issues from both ‘sides’, and includes the main points raised by the two key critics of liberal/radical education, Dinesh D’Souza [1991] and Kimball [1991].

Many of the arguments used by writers such as D’Souza and Kimball are strongly refuted by John Wilson [1995]: Wilson looks at issues such as "sexual correctness” and “date rape”1, “reverse discrimination”, and speech codes - he concludes:

“despite all the complaints about conservatives being censored by intolerant minorities, the average female, black, Hispanic, gay, or lesbian student is far more likely to face harassment and abuse than the average white male conservative. Despite all the complaints about ‘political correctness’, the truth is that radical students and faculty face much more discrimination and oppression on campus.” (p164)

It is clear that the term, “political correctness”, has now firmly entered the UK vocabulary; for example, here are two random quotations found whilst this Paper was being written (the first possibly ironic, the second not!):

“‘Materialistic Gal’ treads dangerous territory. How politically correct is ‘Gettin’ Freaky With It’ a shot of a tight-tight batty rider on a lithe fit body?” [Khesumaba, 1999].

“... the absolutely vital thing is that the human capital of the people who are displaced is used in a way that helps the economy move forward ... To say that is not to make some politically-correct point about the need for a caring society. It is simple economics.” [McRae, 2000]

and viewers of “Have I got news for you” [2000] will have heard panellist Angela Rippon asking to be called “Chairman” of the English National Ballet, and referring to “political correctness” as “tosh”!

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举例来说,他的关税政策相当于给美国增加相当于国民生产总值1.5%的税收;他的政策会影响美国自己组装的福特汽车的竞争力,因为它们的引擎来自墨西哥。(Forbes Welcome)。实际上,奥巴马在第一任的任期之内尝试过对中国的轮胎征收重税,结果如何?轮胎制造工人的数量增长了1200,占总工人数量的2.3%。创造了大约4800万美元的购买力。听上去不错?可是关税导致美国消费者为轮胎多付了11亿美元(iie.com/publications/pb, time.com/money/4282166/)。更何况,由于中国的报复,美国对中国的鸡肉出口缩减了90%,损失了另外10亿美元。最关键的是,2010-2012年,美国的近半的贸易赤字来源于原油进口(Implications of Reduced Oil Imports for the U.S. Trade Deficit),把目标对准中国和墨西哥,是在错误的时间,跟错误的对手,发起一场注定要输的战争。

Trump“惠及中产阶级”的减税政策将会给他们带来5%的税后收入增加,而同时,最富有的0.1%人口的税后收入将会增加19%(Donald Trump's big tax cuts come at a big cost)。增加12万亿美元的财政赤字。为了支付利息,美国将需要把社会保障、医疗保险、国防和利息以外的所有财政支出削减到0。而且这还不够。这也包括边境检查、FBI监视、国土安全部的全部资金。

再来看Trump的移民政策。类似的,没有足够证据表明移民本身对美国的经济造成威胁。事实上,NPR报道称(Q&A: Illegal Immigrants and the U.S. Economy : NPR)非法移民对美国工资和就业率的影响微乎其微,因为他们根本不跟大多数美国人竞争同类的岗位。更重要的是,非法移民本身就会创造需求,减低的劳动力成本也会带来物价的下降。综合来看,非法移民对经济的影响,和全球化与制造业自动化相比的影响微不足道。

合法移民呢? 实际上,合法移民对工资和就业率的影响更多是正面的。理由很类似——移民会创造新的需求,和本地居民并不在同样的劳动力市场竞争,充裕的劳动力,帮助缓解用工荒,乃至促进了现有经济体的扩大。增加的竞争也促进了现有的低技能少数族裔向高技能高薪工作的转型(Facts About Immigration and the U.S. Economy: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions )。这不正是保守派所笃信的自由市场基本原理吗?


更重要的是,Trump的移民计划几乎不具有可行性。为了修建长城,他计划通过阻止移民把工资汇回墨西哥来让墨西哥付钱,然而这部分款项不超过墨西哥GDP的1%。而且很可能违反30项以上的环保法律(Donald Trump's Mexican Wall Is a Tough Promise to Keep)。增加的边境巡查还可能会阻止非法移民回到他们自己的国家的意愿(The surprising reason Donald Trump’s wall would be a waste of money)。

禁止穆斯林入境? 你要知道,今天和ISIS作战的主力是库尔德人,而他们从任何角度来看,都是穆斯林。而Trump将会把这些人拒之门外。加强监视穆斯林?纽约的实践已经表明这根本无效(bustle.com/articles/149)。事实上,自911以来,美国国土上的伊斯兰极端主义者恐怖袭击大约有10起,造成45人死亡,而极右翼组织造成了大约48人死亡(Homegrown Extremism: Deadly Attacks Since 9/11)。禁止难民入境?大多数的极端主义者是本土培养的(Anti-immigrant activists more prone to terrorism than refugees)。驱逐所有的美国穆斯林? 他们是美国宗教群体中教育水平第二高的,他们的性别平等程度超过所有的美国宗教群体;他们对信仰的固执程度和基督徒相近(The truth about Muslims in America)。

具有讽刺意义的是,Trump在第二修正案的问题上一直非常“政治正确”,哪怕9/11以来的枪支造成的死亡人数超过全球恐怖主义造成的美国人伤亡的100倍(American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence)。可见,他所谓反对的政治正确,只不过是“自由派的意识形态”而已。





最近,美国计划用Harrit Tubman,一位女性黑人废奴主义者替换二十元纸币上的安德鲁·杰克逊,一位白人总统。当然了,Trump声明这件事是“纯粹的政治正确”,杰克逊是这件事的受害者。可是如果你审视一下杰克逊的任期:他驱逐印第安人,一手缔造了“哭泣之路”(trail of tears)。他是一个白人至上主义者,支持奴隶制,自己就蓄养有300个奴隶。他取缔了第二银行,让国家在商业进程上显著倒退。把这样一个美国最具争议的从纸币上移除,真的那么没有道理吗?

“政治正确“可不可能过于极端?可能。但这是具体案例具体分析的事情,据此认为所有的“政治正确”都不应存在,那就是以意识形态来反对意识形态了。难道避免“阿三”,“棒子”这类蔑视性称呼,我们就不能讨论问题吗?难道不去质疑他人的种族、出生地、或者生殖器大小,我们就不能区分出谁是更合适的总统吗?难道用“Happy Holidays”来代替”Merry Christmas”,不是会更加强调圣诞文化的包容氛围吗?在一个以多元化为核心价值的国家里,提倡用正确的、尊重他人方式讲话,到底哪里伤害了表达的权利呢?


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他本科期间有大量的机会接触到学校顶尖的实验室,也通过在实验室和教授做科研,要到了牛推,拿到UCB的phd offer.


而我们那几届出国情况也都惨不忍睹,我最后也只是去了所综排很高学校名气挺大但是专业水平很差的ms ad.
























1. 的确不应该拿清北的录取率和藤校的录取率直接比较,更何况这个近10%的入学率对中国学生不适用;




@Summer Clover






2. 不应该直接拿哈佛校友基金直接和清北科研基金直接比较,应该拿哈佛校友基金每年科研拨款和清北科研基金作比较。


@Zichen Zheng


operating revenues increased 5.6% to $4.78 billion, and expenses were up 5.3% to $4.70 billion



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三角铁有两个,分别为4 inch和6 inch的。其实一般交响乐用6 inch的就够了,4 inch的用在一些现代音乐作品中。这俩三角铁都是纯手工制作的,你可以看到表面那些不光滑的部分,都是一锤子一锤子砸出来的坑,所以每一个不同位置的音色都不一样。







1. 背景知识


定音鼓:顶级乐团中的定音鼓是不兼任其他任何打击乐的。也就是说,这个人,每首曲子都演奏且只演奏定音鼓。当然,混迹学生乐团多年的我,表示啥跟啥没一起打过啊 =3=



旋律类:木琴,钢片琴,管钟,马林巴,颤音琴 (后两种为非常重要的打击乐器,但不常使用在交响乐作品中,故列在最后)



2. 顶级乐团面试

因为三角铁的演奏者属于打击乐声部,所以其实就是讲讲顶级乐团中打击乐声部的面试吧。当乐团有空缺时,通过各种渠道贴出招聘。招聘启示与其他工作无异,只是多出来一个repertoire list,也就是交响乐片断列表,一般涵盖所有常用乐器。

招聘流程:跟普通工作一样,求职者们将简历连同录有演奏指定交响乐片断的录像(DVD或其它形式)提交至应聘乐团,乐团进行审核和考量后决定final list进行实地面试(Audition),一般4人,最后择优录取。录取人数一般为0~1人。





谁是评委:一个职位,寄来的录像带成百上千,假如你实力运气都非常爆棚的成功进入了最终实地面试的final four,你会面对谁呢?评委一般5人左右,其中三人是基本固定的:乐团指挥、乐团首席(小提琴)以及打击乐首席。另外两人可能在打击乐副首席、定音鼓、木管首席、铜管首席等人之间产生。也就是说,评委里面真正的行家只有2人左右。


相信我,顶级乐团的招聘到了final four,演奏水平上基本都是神级,那挑的是什么呢?大概就是合适二字。面试其它工作是,这个合适可能体现在性格谈吐、沟通技巧、价格观、甚至是眼缘上面,在交响乐团面试里,可能就体现在音乐处理、用槌的方式和偏好、甚至音色、速度、音量上面。评委中的大部分人,由于对打击乐的技术不是非常了解,评判的也多半是“此人是不是适合在我们乐团中演奏”这个问题。而这个问题的答案,跟乐团的风格以及个人的偏好关系太大,实在无法一言以蔽之。



3. 一名致力于投身交响乐团打击乐声部的年轻人的生存及升迁之路

作为一名打击乐手,可选择的道路有很多,进交响乐团是其中的一条。这条路的理想路径是:专攻交响乐的打击乐演奏硕士甚至是博士毕业 ——〉小乐团打击乐手 ——〉二线交响乐团(如SF,Honolulu)打击乐手 ——〉五大团打击乐手。能跳过任意一环都是生命的奇迹,可以买彩票!

乐团之间的跳槽,纯靠投简历寄录像去面试成功的,大概只占很小的一部分,很多都是靠推荐,或是一些其它的机会。这就是一个靠关系的世界啊,到哪儿都一样!顶级团的指挥(其实一般也是乐团的music director),也会跑去看其他团的演出,发掘一些好的乐手,推荐到自己的团来面试。这种情况下,通常可以保证你进入到实地面试环节,能不能拿下还是要真刀真枪的干掉你的对手,打服对面的评委。


我好像跑题跑得有点远…… 马上就回来!

4. 三角铁也有春天


Alan Abel —— 打击乐演奏家,教育家,乐器制造家。曾任美国五大团之一的费城交响乐团打击乐副首席,执教于Temple University,于1998年入选打击乐名人堂(PAS Hall of Fame)。他所制造的三角铁已经成为他的标志,纯净、清亮的音色让他的三角铁成为了专业领域里最受欢迎的产品。他的学生基本上都走得是进交响乐团这条路,并且有种自带光环之感。


Many percussionists have a connection to Abel through one of their instruments: the triangle.

然后,在现代音乐大行其道的今天,三角铁也不只是一种交响乐团中的色彩乐器了。各种你能或者不能欣赏的作品中,三角铁的用处已经超越了三角铁本来的范畴。有个作品叫Three Angels, 是由三名演奏者,每人三个不同尺寸的三角铁,一共九个三角铁来演奏的。好不好听我就不评价了,毕竟作曲家是个可爱的老头,长相和穿着都像圣诞老人~ ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ



user avatar   ban-bei-33 网友的相关建议: 

妹妹你大胆地往前走 往前走 莫回呀头

通天的大路 九千九百 九千九百九呀

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头

通天的大路 九千九百 九千九百九呀

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头

从此后 你 搭起那红绣楼呀

抛洒着红绣球呀 正打中我的头呀

与你喝一壶呀 红红的高梁酒呀

红红的高梁酒呀嘿 妹妹你大胆地往前走呀

往前走 莫回呀头 通天的大路 九千九百

九千九百九呀 妹妹你大胆地往前走呀

往前走 莫回呀头 从此后

你 搭起那红绣楼呀 抛洒着红绣球呀

正打中我的头呀 与你喝一壶呀

红红的高梁酒呀 红红的高梁酒呀嘿

妹妹你大胆地往前走呀 往前走 莫回呀头



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去人均消费 1000 以上的环境优雅的高档餐厅,穿背心拖鞋有问题吗?

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