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如何看待微软承认签名了恶意驱动程序"Netfilter"? 第1页


user avatar   wang-zhi-5-42 网友的相关建议: 


The actor’s activity is limited to the gaming sector, specifically in China, and does not appear to target enterprise environments. We are not attributing this to a nation-state actor at this time. The actor’s goal is to use the driver to spoof their geo-location to cheat the system and play from anywhere. The malware enables them to gain an advantage in games and possibly exploit other players by compromising their accounts through common tools like keyloggers.


上面那个说微软偷数据,还传回美国的,你认真看报道了吗?数据传回到的IP地址属于Ningbo Zhuo Zhi Innovation Network Technology Co 公司地址在浙江大学国家大学科技园宁波分园。



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