这个问题在时间线上晃来晃去很多次,总觉得三言两语说不清楚,要铺开介绍背景也比较啰嗦,就一直没有理会。但 Lightwing 的答案实在太过莫名其妙,引发的关注角度偏离了问题本身,所以我在这里陈列几个我与问题相关的个人观感,谈不上以正视听,请各位自行解读:
[1] Tagebücher 1990: Als Grass wegen Auschwitz die Einheit ablehnte - WELT
[2] Mehr als 1000 Strafanzeigen gegen Merkel wegen Hochverrats - WELT
所以,安格拉 默克尔
Let's be clear right from the start: I am no fan of Merkel, and have never been, long time before the refugee crisis. To me, our chancellor Merkel is too much of a politician and too little of a leader: Always waiting and letting others carry out a political fight, then siding with the winning one when the risk is near zero.
In fact, I think this also helps to explain what happened in 2015: When there was a very sharp rise in refugee numbers knocking at our doors in Germany, the country was not ready: For years, Merkels CDU, and even more the CSU party, had blocked any attemps (e.g. made by the liberal FDP party) to define an immigration law: Who do we want to welcome? Who do we not want? Or how many of each per year? Immigration countries like Canada have such laws. And Germany is an immigration country, if you take as a definition that immigration country means that more people come than leave each year. But the label "immigration country" is precisely what CDU/CSU did not want, so they refused to prepare.
When refugees took things into their own hands, that was not really surprising. For years, people had warned that wars, famine etc. would make people from Africa / Middle East come to Europe in masses.
But then, when you don't do things proactively, events overtake you. And when the people are at the gates, what do you do? Shoot them? Merkel is East German, lived in a country which shot those who wanted to escape to the West. Guards used machine guns, there was barbed wire, dogs, even automatic machine guns tied to movement sensors, a real death strip.
That is what it takes to make a border really secure. But is that something we want? Can those in China, who keep asking again and again why Germany accepted refugees really expect Germany to set up such a border again?
The difference between Germany in other countries in Europe in this crisis was primarily not that we "asked them to come", but that a very significant part of refugees identified Germany as the best place to go (be in the long term). For countries which knew that the refugees were only passing through, it was easy to keep the frontiers relatively open (e.g. Austria). And for those, who knew the refugees would not want to go there, it was fairly easy to seal their countries off.
Merkel is no traitor. The lack of preparation might be negligent, but no treason. If clear quotas, information about those rules in the countries of origin of the refugees, more actions against human traffickers etc. would have avoided the flood of refugees is doubtful. It might have been somewhat less maybe.
What certainly would have helped the most is if there had been less conflicts in the Middle East. Some were beyond our control, like the "Arab Spring" uprisings, but the West encouraged them largely. Any ensuing civil war leads to refugees.
Some were truely home-made by the West, especially through the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Irak. In fact, without the "help" of our so called ally USA, I seriously doubt we would have had anything remotely resembling the crisis of 2015.
Hardly anybody talks about that. The root causes. We rather act as if those (Merkel and Europe in general), who did know know anymore how to deal with the consequences, actually WANTED this to happen.
No, Germany is not looking for cheap labor. We always had that on our door step, first with East Germany, now with Eastern Europe all the way to Belarus, Romania and Bulgaria, with Christian background and much better qualification.
And no, definitely nobody has the plan to "exchange the German population" and other conspiracy theories out there.
Merkel just tried to make the best out of a situation which had developed beyond control.
And why not? Germany would be able to handle this number easily and I do believe that there are ethical values in helping those who are in need, beyond the short term bank account. Germany after WW II (which was started by ourselves) received tremendous help and forgiveness by e.g. the same USA who today cause us so much trouble.
Sure, Germany can't cure all the misery of this planet.
BUT: The real limitation that is reached first is not our financial capacity etc. to help. The limitation is the intolerant mindset of too many in our population.
In East Germany, where there are hardly any foreigner today, the tolerance is the lowest, xenophobic right wing extremists are strongest. There, where the christian church membership is by far the lowest in Germany, people pretend to be most afraid of the Muslim faith changing our values influenced over many centuries by Christendom.
It is really sad what all this brings to the surface. A widespread lack of solidarity. By those most educated in a political system which favored sharing and equality.
The clearest signs of willingness for help and solidarity were e.g. in Munich, where trains full of refugees arrived. People there are comparatively richer, and seemed more willing to share, although they were more likely socialized in a system which favored the "survival of the fittest" and individual success over the community.
People are strange.
I learned from all this that
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