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为什么二战时期德国坦克的技术那么厉害,以至于在火力和装甲上远超美军? 第1页


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一般人认为的德军坦克在 "装甲和防护上远超美军坦克" 主要是基于虎豹对于一票M4以及虎王对M4,M26构成的印象 (这算是部分事实) , 从而忽视了其他客观条件。




看来知乎德黑要拿美苏50年代的战车去对比43-45年的德国动物园, 体现了德黑自己的不自信 (划重点)

至于 百夫长Mk.1 在时间线上确实没啥问题

但这百夫长Mk.1在火力和防护上硬要说"完爆豹式, 虎王", 我寻思还是另请高明吧。


  • Although the stationary Panther should have had the edge in such a duel, Bartelborth later recalled that he was expecting to see another M4 medium tank, and when the Pershing appeared, it confused him. For a moment, he thought it might be another German tank. In that split second, Smoyer fired first, using a T33 round followed by another T33 and a T30E16 round. Three crewman escaped the burning Panther, though one died shortly after.

至于T-44, 拿着一杆在正常情况下打不穿黑豹首上的85炮, 也好意思教黑豹做人?



既然 @传中的肥豚 又出来了, 不妨看看

当然了, 传说中的肥豚肯定不肯谈论T-44-100的数量

  • There were attempts to mount a 100 mm (3.94 in) gun on the T-44. In 1944, the Red Army had several potential guns of this caliber to mount, the D-10 (as used on the SU-100) and two prototype guns – the LB-1 and ZiS-100. Two prototypes of this vehicles were made, and were designated T-44B. Like the two T-44-85 prototypes, one had a splashboard and the other did not. Testing was conducted from October 1944 to February 1945, with further trials in March and April. The T-44/100 would later be accepted into service as the T-54.

至于还有小学数学不及格的德黑, 来告诉我只有个位数数量的T-44-100比动物园多?

然后T-54 1945又是什么时候的? @传中的肥豚 分的清吗


  • In March 1945, a limited procurement of 1000 T26E4s was authorized, replacing the same number of M26 Pershings ordered. However, with the end of the war in Europe, the number of T26E4s ordered was reduced to 25. These were manufactured at the Fisher Tank Arsenal. Tests at Aberdeen Proving Ground ran through January 1947. The project was later canceled, with some vehicles going on to be used as target practice. The M26 would, of course, go onto to be upgraded numerous times up to its replacement by the M48 Patton.

嗨呀,咋不见某肥豚提到有关于超级潘兴在战后被 "The project was later canceled, with some vehicles going on to be used as target practice." 一事呢

对德黑, 你和他谈单车性能,他去和你谈产量。你和他谈产量, 他又拿几个产量不咋地的车 (或者干脆直接拿原型车披挂上阵) 去和你谈性能。





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