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这样一段代码在软件工程界属于什么水平? 第1页


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       var c = make(chan bool) var d = make(chan bool)  func get(b []byte) {     close(c) //告诉另一个goroutine,我的实参已经传进来了,可以去改了     <-d //等待另一个goroutine改完     fmt.Println(b[3]) }  func main(){     b := []byte {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}     go func(b []byte) {         <-c //等待main函数所在的goroutine执行get传入参数         b[3] = 8         close(d) //告诉main函数所在的goroutine我已经修改完毕         fmt.Println(b[3])     } (b)     get(b[:4])     fmt.Println("Hello World") }     

这份代码的目的是说明,类似b[s:e]这种传入参数,其实没有经过拷贝,原因就是go的[]byte实际是一个 这样的结构体:

       type sliceHeader struct {     Data unsafe.Pointer     Len  int     Cap  int }      

一个指针指向真正的数据,两个int说明切片内的元素数量和切片的容量。所以传递[]byte实质上只是传了一个 指针,2个int,24字节的数据。为什么要说这个呢,因为在go的标准库中大量使用这种语法:

       // NewScanner returns a new Scanner to read from r. // The split function defaults to ScanLines. func NewScanner(r io.Reader) *Scanner {     return &Scanner{         r:            r,         split:        ScanLines,         maxTokenSize: MaxScanTokenSize,     } }      
       type Scanner struct {     r            io.Reader // The reader provided by the client.     split        SplitFunc // The function to split the tokens.     maxTokenSize int       // Maximum size of a token; modified by tests.     token        []byte    // Last token returned by split.     buf          []byte    // Buffer used as argument to split.     start        int       // First non-processed byte in buf.     end          int       // End of data in buf.     err          error     // Sticky error.     empties      int       // Count of successive empty tokens.     scanCalled   bool      // Scan has been called; buffer is in use.     done         bool      // Scan has finished. }      

可以看到bufio.Scanner这个结构,他的buf和他的token都是[]byte,而且标准库的内部实现中 都是无拷贝的操作。当然go的实现者不会像我们这些新手一样,写个Scan写一堆拷贝,比如:

       class Scanner {     private:         std::string buff;         std::string token;     public:         bool GetLine() {             // ...定位换行,处理CRLF和LF             token = buff.substr(s, e);             // ...         } };      




       // Text returns the most recent token generated by a call to Scan // as a newly allocated string holding its bytes. func (s *Scanner) Text() string {     return string(s.token) }      


       // Buf is a fixed-size buffer for the result, // it is not nil if the result does not escape. func slicebytetostring(buf *tmpBuf, b []byte) string {     l := len(b)     if l == 0 {         // Turns out to be a relatively common case.         // Consider that you want to parse out data between parens in "foo()bar",         // you find the indices and convert the subslice to string.         return ""     }     if raceenabled && l > 0 {         racereadrangepc(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]),             uintptr(l),             getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)),             funcPC(slicebytetostring))     }     if msanenabled && l > 0 {         msanread(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), uintptr(l))     }     s, c := rawstringtmp(buf, l)     copy(c, b)     return s }     

这里看出一个问题:string的转化是有复制代价的,那么每次往map中送数据的时候使用string是不是进行了好多次 拷贝呢?其实编译器没有那么傻,编译器有下面这个函数:

       func slicebytetostringtmp(b []byte) string {     // Return a "string" referring to the actual []byte bytes.     // This is only for use by internal compiler optimizations     // that know that the string form will be discarded before     // the calling goroutine could possibly modify the original     // slice or synchronize with another goroutine.     // First such case is a m[string(k)] lookup where     // m is a string-keyed map and k is a []byte.     // Second such case is "<"+string(b)+">" concatenation where b is []byte.     // Third such case is string(b)=="foo" comparison where b is []byte.      if raceenabled && len(b) > 0 {         racereadrangepc(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]),             uintptr(len(b)),             getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&b)),             funcPC(slicebytetostringtmp))     }     if msanenabled && len(b) > 0 {         msanread(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), uintptr(len(b)))     }     return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) }      

可以避免临时用的string也要复制的尴尬。那么再说最后的for循环输出,如果使用C++就得像@陈硕所说,使用 引用,避免无用的复制,但是go里面,string本来就是一个类似数组指针的东西,也就直接可以像原文那样循环了。

综上可见,使用GO可以很容易写出比较优秀的代码,得益于强大的运行时和编译器。声明,以上所述标准库和运行时 代码均基于go1.7.1



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