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如何开始写英文论文? 第1页


user avatar   wang-chao-18-2 网友的相关建议: 




  • 我好久不用中文写大段的说明文字了……有的时候我的语法可能看着很西式……实在不好意思……
  • 学术论文从写作到发表是个很漫长的过程,一般需要7-10轮的修改。一定要有耐心。
  • 越早开始写越好。在你收集数据的时候,就可以开始写提纲了。
  • 论文的补充信息(Supporting Information,俗称SI)部分一般是个单独的文档。请确保该文档中的英文缩写都有定义。
  • 如果论文有多个作者,在向期刊递交论文前,请确保获得所有作者的同意。


  • 注意检查拼写错误。Word一般会帮你找到大部分的问题,但是对于一些专业名词,Word就无能为力了。
  • 句号后面空两格。
  • 使用“牛津逗号”(Oxford comma),即提到三个实体的时候,用“A, B, and C”。"And"之前要有一个逗号。
  • 不要在be动词和它修饰的动词之间插入别的词(split verbs)。例如:“have always been”,和“are also seen”里面的”always”和“also”应该删掉或者挪到别处。
  • 与上一条类似,不要在“to”和它修饰的动词之间插入别的词(split infinitives)。例如:“to carefully show”和“to quickly precipitate”都不是好的写法。
  • 写到“A, B, and C”的时候,要确保A,B,C是同一类词。反例:“The graduate student was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.”这里“in a detailed manner”与“quickly”及“accurately”不对称。
  • 使用比较级的时候,确保有作比较的对象。反例: “The yield was higher.”这句话没有提到产量比什么高。
  • 确保代词有修饰的对象。当你写道“this”,“that”,和 “these”时,后面要加上一个名词。例如:“This method”。
  • "Since"不能用于表示因果关系,因为since也可以指“一段时间以来”。容易使读者困惑。请使用“because”或者“as a result of”代替。
  • 类似的,"where"不能用来代替"in which"或者"for which",因为where也可以指地点。
  • 不要在一个句子或自然段中多次使用同一个词。改变词性也不行。例如:“used”,“usage”,和“useful”。
  • 不要用太多从句,更不要从句套从句。
  • 科学写作中,避免使用“observe”和“allow for”。


  • 一篇好的摘要应该易读且引人入胜。
  • 摘要的结构:
    • 第一句:你的工作做了什么,为什么重要?
    • 第二句:你的工作为什么新颖/有趣?
    • 中间句:关键的结果是什么?怎么得到这些结果的?
    • 最后一句:你的工作的预期结果和影响是什么?
  • 在摘要里,不要介绍太多背景,不要介绍太多实验细节。


  • 一篇文章的结构一般是:Introduction(开题), Results and Discussion(主要的数据和讨论),和Conclusion(结论)。
  • Introduction的结构一般是:先介绍大背景,然后讲讲前人的研究及其不足之处,之后谈一谈你们解决什么问题,怎么解决的,得到了什么重要结论。
  • 在Results and Discussion部分,把数据(Results)和讨论(Discussion)分开写。(感谢 @xfp ldc 指正,此条“应当根据不同领域不同期刊的实际情况随机应变,毕竟各种约定俗成各有不同”。)
  • 描述实验和数据时,请使用过去时。进行讨论时,请使用现在时。
  • 如果你插入了图片/表格,请确保图表中的所有数据都被描述并讨论了。
  • 请引用别的文献来支持你的讨论。
  • 句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间要有过渡。不然会显得生硬。
  • 关于图表:
    • 描述同一个东西时,请确保你使用相同的颜色、形状、符号或者缩写。
    • 有的期刊发彩图要额外花钱。如果你的导师不想花钱,请把你所有的图片都转成黑白的,确认一下不同的颜色在变灰以后还能被区分出来。
    • 图片的分辨率要足够高,图里的字要足够大。有的老教授眼神非常不好。如果他/她们是你的审稿人,你会希望他/她们能看清你的图。
    • 请根据期刊要求调整图表的格式。
    • 不要给表格上色。
    • 如非必要,别用网格线(gridlines)!


  • 当你把论文交给导师以后,他/她一般会在word文档里作出修改,并且用批注(comments)提出意见。
  • 导师一般会使用“修订”(track changes)功能。在你开始修改前,请逐条查看导师的修订,并点击“接受”。(感谢 @拿香瓜跑 的指正)(如果你觉得导师的修订有问题,并且对自己有信心,请学习 @经管小徐平行宇宙 (真的猛士)和boss干一架。)
  • 在你修改时,也请使用“修订”功能。这样导师能方便的找到你改了哪些内容。
  • 确保你回复所有的批注。
  • 如果你对文章作出了修改,简要写上你改了什么。如果你的改动与导师的意见相左,解释一下为什么这么改。

写cover letter:

  • Cover letter是一篇书信体的文字。其主要作用是向编辑推荐你的文章。编辑会在读完信后决定要不要把文章送审。
  • 第一句话,先介绍你文章的标题和你要投的期刊。
  • 之后简单地总结你的工作中的重要结果。谈一谈它的独创性,以及为什么该工作适合在该期刊发表。
  • 推荐一批审稿人。这些人要属于你工作的领域,并且不是你要投的期刊的编辑。
  • 最后,描述一下你都要提交什么文件。(文章,补充信息,图表,等等。)


  • 记得感谢你的审稿人!审稿的过程很费时间精力的(个人深有体会)。
  • 用第三人称提到审稿人的时候,请使用“he/she”。如果你觉得审稿人会很在意女权问题,请使用“she/he”。
  • 如果审稿人说她/他没读懂你论文的某部分,不要觉得他们是sb……术业有专攻嘛。请修改你的论文,并且在回复里写“我们已经修改了论文的某部分,以使其更加清晰。”
  • 请确保你回复了审稿人的所有问题。
  • 请在回复中保持礼貌。审稿人能看到你的回复(而且她/他们知道你是谁……但是你不知道她/他们是谁)。


user avatar   li-yi-fei-37-2 网友的相关建议: 


关于科技论文英文写作,我的方法是积累,积累,再积累。你总结和积累的知识储备将成为你日后写作任何英文论文的捷径。那么具体操作办法就是多读你本身领域的顶尖期刊。什么叫顶尖,在我的材料领域顶尖就是Nature系列,Advanced Materials系列, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Energy & Environmental Science等。

然后我发现Abstract, Introduction, Experiment, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Supporting Information的写法都是不太相通的,所以我在每个板块都进行了分门别类的积累,具体是关于词汇,句子,段落和最重要的逻辑。但是这些不同板块也有很多相通之处,很多词汇,句子其实都是可以用在各处的。你会在这些部分都发现有很多在你本领域内高频出现的词汇,短句,句子,这些都是你从实际的高水平论文种多次筛选出来的,意味着曾被你领域内的大牛,大师,同行们多次使用,所以肯定是万无一失的。同时还有作用就是让你熟习了同义转换,以免某一文章里某个词出现太多次。

比如在我的材料科学,你会惊奇的发现我们总需要表达一些相似的东西。 你总需要在文章中表示:

表示获得关注(常用于Abstract, Introduction等需要开篇的地方)

In the past 10 years, considerable attention has been paid to perovskite materials falling
within the classification La1−xSrxMO3(where M is a transition metal) as catalysts for oxygen reduction.

Among them, Mn-based oxides have attracted extensive interest because of low cost, high abundance, environmental friendliness and considerable activity.

Rechargeable magnesium batteries have lately received great attention for large-scale energy storage systems due to their high volumetric capacities, low materials cost, and safe characteristic.

表示本领域目前出现的困境 (常用于Abstract, Introduction等处,尤其是在自己的新idea出现之前的地方) 所谓革命尚未成功,同志们仍需努力

However, rechargeable Mg–air batteries with reversible oxygen reduction and evolution reactions are facing challenges and it is worthwhile devoting much effort to this.

As can be seen, the development of cathode materials convenient for rechargeable Mg batteries remains an ongoing challenge due to strict requirements for the intercalation compound that ensures fast Mg 2+ ion transport in combination with a high operating voltage.

Theoretical and experimental investigations on new cathode materials such as V2O5, MoS2, Li4Ti5O12, and MnO2 have demonstrated promising results, but it is generally agreed that a high-voltage high-capacity cathode with fast Mg2+ intercalation kinetics has yet to be identified.

Although some encouraging progress have been made, developing appropriate electrode materials with high capacity and good reversibility is less successful and still require further research.

引进一个新事物,新材料,新方法 (常用于Introduction强调自己研究的重要性)

Among the various NASICON compounds, NVP has emerged as an interesting candidate because of its impressive energy density.

NaFePO4, unlike its celebrated lithium analogue olivine type LiFePO4, crystallized in the more thermodynamically stable maricite structure, ...

Hence, it is no surprise that similar NaMO2 compounds have been targeted as Na intercalation electrodes.


explore, probe, investigate, illustrate

Therefore, it is desirable to exploit efficient ORR electrocatalysts.


propose, point out, claim, state


perform, carry out, conduct, undertake, adopt


illustrate, elucidate

In an effort to uncover the electrochemical kinetics derived from different LiCl concentrations, …


certify, verify, justify, substantiate

To further substantiate our claim that…

Use clear reasoning to justify each criticism and highlight good points and weaker points.


identify, specify

形容“好的”,“显著的” (最常见于Results and Discussion吹自己的结果有多好,也通用于Abstract,Conclusion等处)

remarkable, outstanding, considerable(也可以用于表示大的,多的)

fantastic, impressive


The only exception was perhaps Chevrel phases (Mo6X8 , X = S, Se), which show acceptable intercalation kinetics and cycling stability for practical applications.

A surprisingly high-rate capability (170 mAh g-1 at 20 Ag-1) and unprecedented long-term cyclability (~90% capacity retention for 20 000 cycles) has been obtained.

XXX, with the reduced consumption of Pt while still maintaining satisfactory catalytic activity and stability.

This is a noteworthy finding because mullite-based oxides are significantly less expensive and more abundant than platinum group metals and offer a promising alternative route for tackling the oxygen activation problems.


extensive, intensitve, considerable, tremendous

In the past 10 years, considerable attention has been paid to perovskite materials falling within the classification La1−xSrxMO3(where M is a transition metal) as catalysts for oxygen reduction.

Among them, Mn-based oxides have attracted extensive interest because of low cost, high abundance, environmental friendliness and considerable activity.

In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel cathode materials for MIBs have increased tremendously.

2d-trees have numerous applications, ranging from classifying astronomical objects to computer animation to speeding up neural networks to mining data to image retrieval.



exceptionally/strikingly/surprisingly/considerably + other adj.

Interestingly, the electrochemical response measured for the MgCl2 containing solutions is strikingly different than that for the MgTFSI2/DME solution.

The capacity drastically decayed upon further cycling.

形容 重要的,决定性的

crucial, critical, essential, key,

play an important role in …, central to

A critical element in the pursuit of this quest is the discovery of efficient and cost-effective catalysts for use in electrochemical energy conversion processes1,2 such as the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), both of which are central to the efficiencies of direct-solar and electrolytic water-splitting4,5 devices, fuel cells6 and metal–air batteries.

表示展示性能 (这个通用于Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion 主要用于Results and Discussion部分)

present, demonstrate, reveal, show, exhibit, feature, posses, have, display, depict, deliver

The as-prepared hydrogenated Pt/CaMnO3 hybrid exhibits a 5-fold higher ORR mass activity and an 11-fold higher specific activity than that of the benchmark Pt/C catalyst.

SEM results display average particle sizes of ~50 nm, which is consistent with the XRD line-broadening results.


Galvanostatic studies show that expanded graphite can deliver a high reversible capacity of 284mAhg-1 at a current density of 20mAg-1.

Highly symmetric peak profiles are observed which signify good reversibility of both anodic and cathodic reactions.

The feasibility of graphite in a Na full cell is also confirmed in conjunction with the Na 1.5VPO4.8F0.7 cathode, delivering an energy of ~120 Wh kg-1 while maintaining ~70% of the initial capacity after 250 cycles.


be beneficial for.../ be favorable to...

boost/ promote

Advances in perovskite-type materials have shown that they possess mixed ionic and electronic conductivity, which is beneficial for catalytic activity.


The peroxide formed in the two-electron mechanism is severely detrimental to the range of compounds examined here, as most manganese compounds with a high oxidation state are
susceptible to reduction (to form soluble Mn2+) by the peroxide.

However, magnesium batteries containing an aqueous electrolyte media risks decomposition of the Mg metal anode surface.

表示吹牛 (常用于Abstract, Conclusions和其它需要总结强调自己的工作多牛逼的地方)


The electrolyte with high ionic conductivity, excellent Mg deposition reversibility as well as the highest anodic potential to date (3.5 V vs. Mg RE) opens the door to research on high energy rechargeable Mg batteries.

In this Article, we report a volcano relationship between a material property that serves as the activity descriptor and the intrinsic ORR activity of perovskite-based oxides. Such information has predictive power and provides insights into the design of new catalysts with enhanced ORR activity similar to those reported for platinum-based metals10,11,13.

The viewpoint from the electronic structure proposed in this study might pave a new way to design electrode materials for multivalent-ion batteries.

The utilization of such a highly electrochemical stable GF unlocks the critical bottleneck of incompatibility among all battery parts, especially parasitic corrosive reactions between electrolyte and currently available current collector, which takes a big step forward towards Mg-based batteries' practical applications.


enable, endow, allow, afford, render,
cause XX to …

Therefore, an ether-based (DEGDME) electrolyte is believed to endow CoS@rGO electrode with remarkable electrochemical properties in the present studies.

Thus, after their formation, polysulfides may diffuse out of the cathode and into the electrolyte separator, causing capacity to fade and leading to degradation reactions at the lithium anode.


due to, owe to, thanks to, caused by, arise from, stem from, derive from


inhibit, impede, preclude, plagued

陷入困境 B get stuck with A

However, some precipitation of insoluble surface species obviously occurs in pristine solutions, which impedes Mg deposition but does not fully avoid it.

Catalysts located on the left side of the volcano in Figure 1 bind oxygen too strongly, and thus the reaction is retarded by desorption of the OHads.

These studies have shown that the discovery of cathode materials is mainly inhibited by the nature of Mg2+ ions:

However, despite these advantages, the development of rechargeable MIBs remains hindered by a lack of suitable cathode materials and electrolytes and overall anode-electrolyte-cathode incompatibilities.


raise concerns of its application in...

pose an important challenge to...

precludes their potential application in...

The bivalency of Mg2+ ions has made it challenging to find cathode materials operating at high voltages with decent (de)intercalation kinetics.

Despite great interest in a Li–S battery, soluble polysulfides as charge/discharge intermediates pose an important challenge to realize commercial Li–S batteries.

However, the lack of suitable cathode materials allowing reversible intercalation of Zn2+ hinders the development of zinc-ion batteries.

However, a lack of fundamental understanding of the ORR mechanism and the material properties that govern catalytic activity hampers the development of highly active oxide catalysts.

The prohibitive cost and scarcity of the noble-metal catalysts needed for catalysing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells and metal–air batteries limit the commercialization of these clean-energy technologies.


Pyrite FeS2, as an easily obtained natural mineral, has been already commercialized
in primary lithium batteries.

In recent years, theoretical and experimental investigations of novel cathode materials for MIBs have increased tremendously.25−34 (前文说最近有很多研究,紧接着就说这些研究说明了什么) These studies have shown that the discovery of cathode materials is mainly inhibited by the nature of Mg2+ ions: XXX


It is interesting to note that oxides such as LaMnO3þd and LaNiO3 have intrinsic ORR activity comparable to state-of-the-art Pt/C (Supplementary Fig. S2).

相当于further more


Impressively, the CoS@rGO nanostructure exhibits much better capacity retention with a ultrahigh discharge capacity of around 425 mAh g-1 even after 1000 cycles.

More importantly, it should be noted that the plate-on-sheet structure of CoS@rGO promote the integrity of the electrode.

More recently, FeS2 and FeSe2 have also been synthesized and demonstrated superior electrochemical performance in SIBs. However, as the same first-row transition metal dichalcogenides, cobalt sulfides have been rarely investigated in SIBs, …

Hence, it is anticipated that highly reversible electrochemical reaction could be realized by simply restricting the potential window to 0.6 V

In fact, …也是很好的一个起承转合词组

In the search for electrode materials with stabilities acceptable for practical Na ion batteries, Meng and co-workers conducted XXX



Despite these considerable advantages, the commercial application of Li-S batteries is still far due to the low sulfur utilization and poor cycle stability.



Introduction是最重要的,需要把你所做工作的领域向大家介绍一下,然后目前发展瓶颈说清楚,再之后提出自己的idea, 概念,方法或者新事物。大部分对前人工作的总结和批判是在这个部分完成的,参考文献也大部分发生在这部分,所以耗费时间最长,最考察作者的科研深度和对文献的熟悉度,如果有很多重要工作漏掉了没有引用,在审稿的时候就会被编辑大加批判的。

Results & Discussion这部分当然就是介绍自己每一个所做实验的结果。数据分析和结果讨论和Introduction同等重要,考察的是作者的学术功底,能否在已有数据上分析出科学合理的结果,并作证自己的结论。



The High Performance of Crystal Water Containing Manganese Birnessite Cathodes for Magnesium Batteries

Nano Lett., 2015, 15 (6), pp 4071–4079

Rechargeable magnesium batteries have lately received great attention (获得关注,引入新概念) for large-scale energy storage systems due to (B受制于A,由于) their high volumetric capacities, low materials cost, and safe characteristic. However, the bivalency of Mg2+ ions has made it challenging to (本领域目前出现的困境) find cathode materials operating at high voltages with decent (de)intercalation kinetics. In an effort to overcome (起承转合) this challenge, we adopt (具体做了什么) an unconventional approach of engaging crystal water in the layered structure of Birnessite MnO2 because the crystal water can effectively screen electrostatic interactions between Mg2+ ions and the host anions. The crucial (好重要哦) role of the crystal water was revealed by directly visualizing its presence and dynamic rearrangement using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Moreover, the importance of lowering desolvation energy penalty at the cathode–electrolyte interface was elucidated by working with water containing nonaqueous electrolytes. In aqueous electrolytes, the decreased interfacial energy penalty by hydration of Mg2+ allowsBirnessite MnO2 to achieve (展示性能) a large reversible capacity (231.1 mAh g–1) at high operating voltage (2.8 V vs Mg/Mg2+) with excellent (形容“好的”,“显著的”,吹牛部分 ) cycle life (62.5% retention after 10000 cycles), unveiling the importance (意义重大,颠覆三观) of effective charge shielding in the host and facile Mg2+ ions transfer through the cathode’s interface.


Stabilization of Insoluble Discharge Products by Facile Aniline Modification for High Performance Li-S Batteries

Jae Ho Kim , Taehoon Kim , Yo Chan Jeong , Kunsil Lee , Kyung Tae Park , Seung Jae Yang , * and Chong Rae Park

Adv. Energy Mater. 2015, 5, 1500268

DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201500268

Energy storage systems with high energy density are required to fulfill the needs for grid energy storage and electric vehicles. [1–3] Sulfur has been spotlighted (获得关注) as a cathode material due to its theoretical capacity of 1672 mAh g−1 , [4,5] which is around 5 times higher than that of metal oxide based on an intercalation reaction. [6] Lithium sulfur batteries operate on a redox reaction described as S8 + 16 Li ↔ 8 Li2S near 2.2 V (vs Li/Li+), which provides (展示性能) a high specific energy of 2600 Wh kg−1. [4,5] Furthermore, sulfur is inexpensive, environmwentally benign, and naturally abundant. [7] Despite these considerable advantages, (革命尚未成功,还需努力) the commercial application of Li-S batteries is still far due to (B受制于A,由于) the low sulfur utilization and poor cycle stability. [8] Low sulfur utilization is from the insulating nature of the sulfur and intermediates. This issue has been handled by employing carbon materials and conducting polymers. [9,10] Poor cycle stability is a more intricate issue, since the intermediate soluble polysulfides diffuse into the electrolyte [11,12] and insoluble discharge products (Li2S2 and Li2S) aggregate at the end of discharge. [13] To date, (起承转合) considerable researches have been conducted (前人工作,获得关注) to prevent loss of soluble polysulfides by encapsulating sulfur in various nanostructured carbon matrices, [14–19] wrapping the composites with polymers, [20–22] graphene [23] and metal oxide, [24] and adding the interlayer between the cathode and separator. [25–27] To alleviate the shuttle reaction, (起承转合) additives were introduced to the electrolyte by Solid electrolyte interface (SEI) formation on the Li negative electrode. [28,29] However, issues from insoluble discharge products have not been addressed (本领域目前出现的困境) with as much fervor.
Cui and co-workers recently exploited bulky amphiphilic polymers to enhance the binding energy between the carbon matrix and insoluble discharge products, which resulted in sequestering aggregation of insoluble discharge products.(本领域目前出现的困境) [30] This approach exhibited a high specific capacity and improved cycle life.
However, the bulky property of used amphiphilic polymer can cause (导致) nonuniform functionalization and ineffective sulfur infiltration by pore blockage.(本领域目前出现的困境) Therefore, there are some challenges in managing the insoluble discharge products for high performance Li-S batteries: (i) a smaller chemical group is more suitable for functionalization, which can lead to the homogeneous functionalization of pore wall and efficient sulfur infiltration, (ii) a more effective functional group can manage the insoluble discharge products, and (iii) a cheaper and milder fabrication method is needed for commercialization.

In this work, (起承转合,具体说自己的新方法,新概念) we introduced aniline into the pore wall of ordered mesoporous carbon (CMK-3) for the first time by a simple diazotization method. In general,(起承转合) the amine-type functional groups have been widely used to remove H2S in the natural gas sweetening process [31,32] through a strong Lewis acid-base interaction.[33] The aniline functional group is presumed to strongly interact with insoluble discharge products in a similar manner. CMK-3 with the confinement effect was used as a carbon framework, [14] which led to (导致) a synergistic effect on the performance. The proposed diazotization method was conducted in a simple procedure under mild conditions and preserves the original structure of carbon matrix. [34–36] The resulting materials provided (展示性能) effective interaction sites for a homogeneous distribution of the insoluble discharge products during cycling, as schematically described in Figure 1 , and it conclusively exhibited (展示性能) highly stable cycling performance and good rate capability when evaluated as a cathode material for Li-S batteries.





Enhancing sodium-ion battery performance with interlayer-expanded MoS2








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