大气污染类的顶级杂志是ES&T和ACP,都5点几.前不久我看到两个美国学者在不知情的情况下几乎同时在ACP上发表相似的研究,其中的一组后来意识了,在文中补了一句 "We note the study of Heald et al. (2012), completed at the same time as this work, which addresses some of the same issues and reports similar results as those presented here. That two independent pieces of work arrive at essentially the same conclusions gives added weight to the results of both studies." 所以如果不存在抄袭,同时发表可互为佐证,没准还是个优势,但不保证适用你所在学科. 建议你可否参照这个形式,在文中或者cover letter中讲明,国外Editor一般还是很通情达理的.