东正教和天主教的绝罚(Excommunication)是不一样的,在东正教会里,绝罚类似天主教的小绝罚,即不与某人共融圣事(Eucharistic Communion);而咒逐(Anathema)才是类似天主教大绝罚的概念,即革出教会。2018年10月15日晚俄正教会的决定是,根据神圣会议关于乌克兰教会的问题的声明,俄正教会暂时无法与君堡牧首共融:
...impossible for us to continue the Eucharistic communion with its hierarchy, clergy and laity.
From now on till the Patriarchate of Constantinople abandons its anti-canonical decisions, it is impossible for all the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to concelebrate with the clergy of the Church of Constantinople, and for the laity to participate in sacraments administered in its churches’, the document states.”
这个只能叫拒绝圣事共融(a refusal of eucharistic communion),绝对不是吃瓜群众们套用天主教概念,认为两大牧首互相革出教门,两大正教会决裂。说白了,在谈妥之前,俄正的人现在暂时不能和君堡的人一起吃酵饼,喝红酒了。
所以,不要听风就是雨,总想搞个大新闻。俄正的神圣会议只是在声明中搬出了教会法,认为君堡牧首现在的行为,按照教会法已经可以被绝罚了,勿谓言之不预也。底线已经划好,你若此时撤出,事情还有回旋的余地。 关于这个声明的具体分析一会儿再写。
on August 26, 1992, His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in his reply to a letter from His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia wrote about the deposition of Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev, ‘Our Holy Great Church of Christ, recognizing the full and exclusive competence of your Most Holy Russian Church in this matter, synodically accepts the decision on the above’.
In His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter of April 7, 1997, to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II it is stated that ‘having received the notice about this decision, we have informed the hierarchy of our Ecumenical See about it and asked them henceforth to have no church communion with the these persons’.
然后今年2018年,巴尔多禄茂是怎么翻案的呢?9月1日普世牧首在伊斯坦布尔召开了Holy Synaxis of the Metropolitans and Archbishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all over the world,把全世界的都主教和总主教们都召来开了个会,大意就是说,不是我要乱授独立教会,是几百个大主教们一致通过,认为我有这个权力;另外关于裂教的问题,乌克兰人民的决定权也是很重要的。
但是莫斯科认为:第一大部分的教会都不承认你这个主张,第二你这个主张在教会法里找不到依据,第三,从拜占庭时代到现在的教会法实践中从来都没有这么干过,你凭什么就这么干了?莫斯科牧首的回击策略和tw问题上的中国政府是一样的,即国际法/教会法远大于所谓的tw人/乌克兰东正教徒的“民意”,乌克兰作为全俄教会的canonical territory不可动摇。
the Holy Synod of the Church of Constantinople refers to non-existent ‘canonical privileges of the Patriarch of Constantinople to accept appeals of hierarchs and clergy from all the autocephalous Churches’. These claims in the form given to them today by the Patriarch of Constantinople have never been supported by the plenitude of the Orthodox Church,as they have no grounds in sacred canons...These claims are also refuted by the practice of decision of the Holy Ecumenical and Local Councils and interpretations of authoritative canonists of the Byzantine and modern times.
If any one of the bishops, presbyters, or deacons, or any one in the Canon shall be found communicating with excommunicated persons, let him also be excommunicated as one who brings confusion on the order of the Church’
Council of Antioch Canon 2; Apostolic Canons 10, 11