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如何评价游戏《使命召唤:现代战争》? 第1页


user avatar   feng-ji-wei-yuan-bai-jing-hei-zi 网友的相关建议: 


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Campaign Missions Walkthrough Overview | Charlie INTEL

重点在:Flashback Mission 闪回记忆任务这节里:

Flashback Mission
The second mission we were shown was a flashback mission that gives us a look as to why two rebel fighters that are part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare became rebel fighters. These fighters will connect with Captain Price throughout the Modern Warfare story (they did not show us this, but mentioned it to us), but this specific mission features a look 20 years ago as to the story behind the motivation for these rebel fights.

As a note: this part of the demo shown to us, including cut scenes and gameplay, was from the daughter’s perspective.


The scene starts off with a big explosion in a country in the Middle East. After the explosion occurs, we are taken into the perspective of a female child who is stuck under all of the rubble caused by the explosion. The explosion was a drone strike (by I believe Russia). She is panicking and yelling for help. Another girl is stuck next to her but unresponsive. She tries to push around the fallen rocks and cement slabs off of her, but she is too small. We then hear someone come from above them and remove the rubble to see the girl stuck in there. Frantically, many more people come to remove the remaining rubble (even using a saw at one point). Once it’s removed, they pull the girl out, and she goes to her father’s hand, who starts asking where is her brother. The other girl with her in the rubble does not appear to survive. Now, another airstrike drops on the location.


The father picks up the girl and they both start running to find where her brother is. The sister says the brother stayed at home to study, so he wasn’t with her. They have to get back home to find the brother, but during the run back, Russian soldiers come in on vehicles, jump out of the vehicles, and just start shooting everyone — you can hear women, children screaming not to be shot; men and women yelling in pain. The father puts the kid down and tells her to follow behind him. As they start running and getting closer to their house, the Russian soldiers throw some sort of nerve/lethal gas. They bust inside their house, shut the door, and find the brother. They converse about what they must to do next (and the girl/boy are given cell phones). The father reveals that their mother has been killed. The father hands the boy a gas mask, tells him that the daughter will be okay without a mask right now, and prepare to leave.


A Russian soldier is ordered to check door to door and comes into their house before they can leave. The father pleads with him not to shoot because there are children in the house. The father then lunges towards the attacker to take the weapon away and stab him. The little boy tries to help the father take down the attacker, but the attacker throws the boy into the door, knocking him out. The Russian soldier is a lot stronger and shoots the father numerous times — in front of the daughter.


The daughter runs for her cover. The soldier starts to search for her around the house, and she starts to run into vents. This begins a little cat and mouse style chase. She picks up a screwdriver, runs at him, stabs him in the leg. He yells. The girl runs again, back for cover as the attacker is not subdued. They go around in this cat and mouse style chase for two more times with the girl stabbing him repeatedly in the legs with a screwdriver, and then, the brother wakes up. The action movies to the kitchen of the house, where a fight ensues again. The daughter stabs this attacker, alongside the brother trying to choke him out. As the man is brought down, the daughter finally gets a hold of the AK of the attacker and shoots him numerous times. The brother and sister converse about what they need to do, and the girl takes off the attacker’s gas mask to use for herself.


Now, the two kids walk over to their father — with tears shown on the screen. The father is on his last breathe, telling the kids they must do anything they have to in order to survive. He then dies.


The two kids decide to leave the house, both wearing gas masks. The girl gets on the boy’s foot to use as a pedestal to break the door’s jammed lock. It now turns into a stealth style mission.
The two kids have to get across a long area where Russian soldiers are standing around, laughing at and murdering the civilians on the streets. As they are walking, you can hear the solider say that they are “rounding up” some of the women and children to take away, but then says that the women in front of him is too beaten up. You then hear gun shots.


Then, a civilian who is injured sees the boy and grabs his mask, which momentarily falls off, begging for help. The kids both stumble over this man and keep running (the injured civilian chokes to death on the nerve gas), but the boy’s mask being off for a second causes him to start coughing due to the gas. The kids continue to run until they are out of the gas-filled area. They both take off their gas masks and start to search for a way to escape. They come up on a small village area and witness more soldiers killing civilians. The kids run through a shed as bullets fly over their head and you hear civilians yelling.


They come up on another area not too far where they see a truck they need to take in order to get out. Since the boy is coughing, the girl says she will grab a gun and kill them both but needs a distraction. The boy walks to the other side of this fence, while the girl starts to slowly go closer. She sees a gun on the table, a .44 Magnum, and needs a distraction to get it. She pulls out her phone and calls her brother’s phone, which leads the two Russian soldier to investigate that ringing. The girl runs over and grabs the weapon, and starts to make her way into a position to shoot the Russian solider. She pulls up the gun, shaking a lot, and points it at the head of the attacker. We hear a *bang* and the screen goes black.
That’s all they were willing to show us of that flashback for our event.









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