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2015 年心理学领域出现过哪些令人眼前一亮的论文? 第1页


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中山大学心理学系周欣悦教授参与的一项青少年发展的研究发现,儿童的家庭宗教信仰程度与利他行为负相关,与惩罚性倾向正相关,虽然有宗教信仰的父母认为他们的孩子更有同情心,但宗教信仰会降低儿童的利他行为,挑战了宗教信仰促进亲社会行为的传统观点。这一现象通过6个国家(包括中国、美国、土耳其等)的数据得到验证。该项研究近日研究发表于Current Biology。


Nonreligious children are more generous


The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children’s Altruism across the World: Current Biology


Prosocial behaviors are ubiquitous across societies. They emerge early in ontogeny [ 1 ] and are shaped by interactions between genes and culture [ 2, 3 ]. Over the course of middle childhood, sharing approaches equality in distribution [ 4 ]. Since 5.8 billion humans, representing 84% of the worldwide population, identify as religious [ 5 ], religion is arguably one prevalent facet of culture that influences the development and expression of prosociality. While it is generally accepted that religion contours people’s moral judgments and prosocial behavior, the relation between religiosity and morality is a contentious one. Here, we assessed altruism and third-party evaluation of scenarios depicting interpersonal harm in 1,170 children aged between 5 and 12 years in six countries (Canada, China, Jordan, Turkey, USA, and South Africa), the religiousness of their household, and parent-reported child empathy and sensitivity to justice. Across all countries, parents in religious households reported that their children expressed more empathy and sensitivity for justice in everyday life than non-religious parents. However, religiousness was inversely predictive of children’s altruism and positively correlated with their punitive tendencies. Together these results reveal the similarity across countries in how religion negatively influences children’s altruism, challenging the view that religiosity facilitates prosocial behavior.


被试组成:23.9%是基督徒(n=280),43%是穆斯林(n=510), 2.5%是犹太教徒(n=29),1.6%是佛教徒(n=5),0.4%是印度教徒(n=5),0.2%是不可知论者(n=3),0.5%是其他(n=6),27.6%无宗教信仰(n=323)。

利他行为的测量方法是让这些儿童进行资源分配任务(有十个他们喜爱的贴纸,让他们决定分几个给其他孩子),以此检验利他行为(altruism, or the willingness to give someone else a benefit that also comes with a personal cost.)。

结论1::年龄与资源分配数量(慷慨水平)成正比(r = 0.408, p < 0.001),非常显著

结论2:来自无宗教信仰家庭的儿童的分配数量(M = 4.11, SD =2.48)比来自有宗教信仰家庭的儿童(M = 3.25,SD = 2.46),p < 0.001)

结论3:基督教(M = 3.33, SD = 2.46)与伊斯兰教(M = 3.20, SD =2.24)孩子之间的慷慨水平无相显著差异,但两者都比非宗教信仰家庭低(both p < 0.001),如下图。


实验开始之前,让孩子的父母填一份问卷,包括根据一些指标测量宗教信仰水平,家庭经济状况等。 the more religious the household, based on a survey of parents, the less altruistic the child.


接下来让儿童观看短片,一个儿童对另一个儿童做坏事(short videos in which one child did something bad to another),让孩子们评价他们认为这个事故有多mean(刻薄、不善良),并有多希望这个发起人受到惩罚,检查儿童的惩罚性倾向。结果发现,按孩子给出的处罚严厉程度,穆斯林家庭的孩子>基督教家庭>无宗教信仰家庭。







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