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请问如何判断一个动词后是加 to do,还是加 doing? 第1页


user avatar   mr.yeoung 网友的相关建议: 




I enjoy listening to music.


同样,want的后面只能是不定式,因为你想做某事,这事肯定还没有做(注意,是站在谓语动词的时间点,这个问题这里不展开),所以只能说: I want to listen to music.


He admitted stealing my money.


He is planning to steal money.



Listening to music is my hobby.

My hobby is listening to music.


To get married this year is my plan.

My plan is to get married this year.



My job is writing articles on Zhihu.

今天,你的工作就是在知乎上写一篇文章。Today, your job is to write an article on Zhifu.

某教材上曾经有这样的句子:Going to a British high school for two years of study was a very exciting and enjoyable experience for me. 这里的动名词就表明了说话人已经去过英国学校学习了。如果换个说法:To go to a British high school for two years of study is my biggest dream in the near future. 意思就完全不一样了。


——"to do --"叫不定式,"doing --"叫动名词,它们都是非谓语动词的一种,要知道如何正确地使用非谓语动词,你首先得弄清楚:非谓语动词是怎么来的?


Now, I want to hit the '赞同' button !

Hitting the '赞同' button after reading a good answer is my habit.


advise Doctors generally advised doing exercise.
allow The European Union doesn't allow smoking in bars.
anticipate I anticipated getting stuck in traffic.
appreciate I appreciated Danny helping me.
avoid He avoided talking to her.
begin I began learning Spanish.
can't bear He can't bear being late.
can't help He can't help drinking so much.
can't see I can't see us living in London.
can't stand He can't stand her smoking in the street.
cease The government ceased providing free healthcare.
complete He completed renovating the house.
consider She considered moving to Amsterdam.
continue He continued talking.
defend The lawyer defended her making such statements.
delay He delayed replying to the letter.
deny He denied committing the crime.
despise She despises waking up early.
discuss We discussed working at the company.
dislike She dislikes being ignored.
don't mind I don't mind helping you.
dread She dreads meeting her in-laws.
encourage He encourages eating healthy foods.
enjoy We enjoy swimming.
finish He finished doing his homework.
forget I forgot giving you my book.
hate I hate doing the ironing.
imagine He imagines working there one day.
involve The job involves travelling to Japan once a month.
keep She kept interrupting me.
like She likes listening to music.
love I love reading.
mention He mentioned going to the theatre tonight.
mind Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes.
miss She misses living near the shops.
need The aquarium needs cleaning.
neglect Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.
permit Most hotels do not permit smoking in restaurants.
postpone He postponed returning to Paris.
practice She practiced singing the song.
prefer He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theatre.
propose I proposed having lunch at the beach.
quit She quit worrying about the problem.
recall Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
recommend Tony recommended taking the train.
regret She regretted saying that.
remember I remember telling her the address yesterday.
report He reported her using office property for her personal use.
require The certificate requires completing two courses.
resist He resisted asking for help.
risk He risked being caught.
start He started studying harder.
stop She stopped working at 5 o'clock.
suggest They suggested staying at the hotel.
tolerate I tolerated them being at the party.
try Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
understand I understand his quitting.
urge They urge recycling bottles and paper.
agree Sarah agreed to help me.
appear His health appeared to be better.
arrange Peter arranged to stay with his uncle in Paris.
ask She asked to leave.
begin He began to talk.
can't bear He can't bear to be ignored.
can't stand David can't stand to work in an office.
care He doesn't care to participate in the charity run.
cease The government ceased to provide free healthcare.
choose I chose to help.
claim She claimed to be a doctor.
continue She continued to talk.
decide We decided to go to Paris.
demand He demanded to speak to the manager.
deserve He deserves to go to jail.
dread I dread to think what might have happened.
expect They expect to arrive early.
fail He failed to get enough money to pay for the new project.
forget I forgot to lock the door when I left.
get (be allowed to) John gets to go to the concert next week! Why can't I?
happen She happened to be in Latin America during the riots.
hate He hates to be proved wrong.
hesitate She hesitated to tell me the problem.
hope I hope to begin college this year.
intend We intend to visit you next spring.
learn I learned to speak Russian when I was a kid.
like Chris likes to read.
love We love to scuba dive.
manage He managed to open the door without the key.
need I need to study.
neglect She neglected to tell me the date of the meeting.
offer Donald offered to drive us to the supermarket.
plan We plan to go to America this summer.
prefer He prefers to eat at Italian restaurants.
prepare They prepared to take the test.
pretend The child pretended to be a monster.
promise She promised to stop smoking.
propose Dad proposed to pay for the trip.
refuse The guard refused to let them enter the building.
regret I regret to inform you that your application was rejected.
remember Did you remember to lock the door when you left?
seem Sarah seemed to be disappointed.
start Marc started to talk really fast.
swear Anne swore to tell the truth.
tend Matt tends to be a little shy.
threaten Alison threatened to leave forever.
try Joanna tried to lift the table, but it was too heavy.
wait Sue waited to buy a movie ticket.
want I want to study Spanish.
wish I wish to stay.
would like We would like to start now.

user avatar   enzojz 网友的相关建议: 

大致来说,如果是指将来的,就是to do,其他的一般都是doing,而且doing是一个名词

user avatar   dong-tian-de-lu-xie-51 网友的相关建议: 




want to do sth

desire to do sth

enjoy doing sth

finish doing sth

remember to do sth

remember doing sth

有些动词只能接to do,有些只能接doing,有些既能接to do又能接doing


to do

to在时间上指的是去 面向未来

do 做

to do 去做

这个动作现在不做 以后做

语法书上写的to do动词不定式表目的 就是因为这个动作还没做~


这种搭配里的doing是动名词 相当于名词的范畴

doing sth是个动名词短语 相当于sth 一件事

read 是动词 阅读
reading 指的是阅读这件事



记住: 语法是语言的规律性,不是为了束缚你的思维,而是帮助你更好地表达你的思路

❶只能接to do

❥ I want to learn English.

为什么接to do?

因为我想学 还没去学

可不可以用learning English?

不是可不可以的问题 是这句话有没有意义

learning English 表示学英语这件事



❥ I enjoy learning English.


为什么不能用to learn?


❸既能接to do也能接doing

❥ I remembered to read the book.


❥ I remembered reading the book.

我记得这件事 这件事就是读这本书

(这点觉得不太好理解的小可爱们,还是可以用学校老师教的“to do表示要去做;doing表示已经做过”来区分哦)


suggest doing sth 提议 只能提出“建议”

❥ He suggested us going out for a walk.

going out for a walk外出散步就是所提“建议”的内容

advise sb to do sth 劝告 劝人去做某事

determine to do sth 下定决心做某事 肯定还没做

判断一个动词后是加to do还是doing,取决于这个动词的“词义”。












我是 @槑子君 致力于输出英语学习干货,解答英语学习难题




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