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掌握英语四级的高中生如何找到网络翻译赚生活费? 第1页


user avatar   mai-wen-xue-67 网友的相关建议: 

有梦就去做, 不要管别人怎么说。


王勃的《滕王阁序》是14岁时候的文章。李元霸 14 岁封大将军。

王阳明12岁时,问私塾先生:“什么是人生第一等事?”先生回答说:“惟读书登第耳。”王阳明说:“ 人生第一等事应该是成为圣贤”。16岁时,王阳明依照朱熹的理路,对院子里的一丛竹子实验“格物”。一连七天格竹子,一无所获,却累翻病倒了。格竹失败为王阳明否定和超越朱熹以及发展日后的心学埋下了种子。


大家都知道,俺没啥文化, 初中毕业。

俺在上世纪80年代末期,15~16 岁的时候就过了六级(CET6)和托福. 当时托福满分是 670 分左右, 俺考了 600. 从中国移居加拿大20年来, 搬家无数次把六级证书和TOEFL成绩单也弄丢了。

俺相信 17 岁过四级不是天方夜谭, 甚至四级满分也不是天方夜谭。



, 俺可以在 30 秒之内念完字母表。

念的方式是 A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie... 依此类推。您也可以试试。

对于准备考四六级的同学, 俺可以拍胸口说,只要您比俺念的快, 过四六级如囊中探物、唾手可得。




先去弄个证, 六级或者八级什么的, 祖国人民看这个。 20多年来四六级考试已经深入民心, 您有了敲门砖才好说服老板开钱。

正式的翻译证能弄就最好了, 广交会马上就要开始了,



现在 Google Translate 和 Microsoft Translate 把没有技术含量的普通英语翻译几乎一锅端了。

如果您只是 CET4 满分的水平, 估计离一个合格的翻译还有段距离。

俺估计您在2~3年内一定可以达到您的梦想, 如果有良好的学习策略和内容支持, 未必需要很大的投资。




前段时间上网瞎玩的记录, 供您参考

坐下来认真分析一下自己的长处和短处是很有必要的。 大家小时候写作文也总会引用一下名句, 例如:“知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每战必殆。”-- 《孙子·谋攻篇》


现在网上有很多词汇量估计的工具可以用, 比如扇贝网的词汇量测试。 虽然不准确但是七八成的准确率还是有的, 测一测也可以有个相对清晰的认识。

比如四级全对该网站给出来的是 7000 , 按照保守的估计就是七七四十九, 二一添作五就算自己有个 5000 单词量。

比如六级全对该网站给出来的是 9000 , 按照保守的估计就是七九六十三, 二一添作五就算自己有个 6000 单词量。

当然, 随意乱点也有可能出来一个让自己很爽的结果, 一般来讲俺对自己还是有点 * 数的。 看到这种结果, 俺保守点打个对折算自己单词量 7000~8000 就好了。

当然, 也有一种策略,

叫 “Fake it Till You Make it”。

您可以假装自己很厉害, 时间长了以后您也许真的就很厉害了。(前提是您一直在学习)

俺可以用俺自己写的段子来做例子。 这些习作如果用在四级考试, 估计也能拿个 80~90 的基本分。

对话线材 – 我读书少该怎么玩线材? — 我读书少您别耍我系列

Let's Talk About Audio Cables - Please enlighten me since you are facing an uneducated newbie - Kindly please don't screw me while preaching

引子 {其实俺也不知道引子是啥, 只是武侠小说里边经常这么来一下, 似乎逼格会高一些}


Music signals played back by Hi-End Audiophile equipment are so intelligent, snobbish and picky that they follow their owners' opinions. These signals will halt before reaching the binding spot where high purity copper meets base metal such as aluminium, the main element that consists of enamel wire wound up as the voice coils. Artificial Intelligence (AI) had long been integrated into Hi-End Audiophile cables and every such cable incorporates at least a negotiation expert under its snake skin for application of snake oil to improve sound quality. The built-in negotiation experts will use small talks as go pills that encourage the hesitating music signals to proceed and they can come up with at lease one good cause. The obvious and well known fact in this century is that aluminium is tragically categorized as base metal.

如果谈判专家偷懒,喇叭/耳机单元就会不响。发烧线材里面内置的谈判专家一上场, 就会告诉发烧音乐信号:”19世纪的时候铝不是贱金属, 血统也是贵金属。 1827年弗里德里希·维勒用金属钾还原熔融的无水氯化铝得到较纯的金属铝单质。由于取之不易,当时铝的价格高于黄金。" 这样一来, 识相的发烧音乐信号就肯往前走了。

If the built-in negotiation experts in audiophile cables choose to lay back, speaker drivers and/or headphone drivers will stop working. Once the built-in negotiation experts get back on track, they can tell the Hi-End music signals a story:

"In 1827 German chemist Friedrich Wöhler conducted an experiment by mixing anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium and produced a powder of aluminium. Back then aluminium was precious and noble as gold."

Thus, the Hi-End music signals will ponder it a satisfactory reason and agree to move forward into the voice coils in speaker or headphone drivers to produce vibrations that eventually perceived by the audiophile owner as Hi-Fi music.

你知道这种调音的不传之秘(KNOW-HOW), 没有技术储备和历史底蕴的厂家是不掌握的。可想而知怎么把能说会道的谈判专家编织或内置到发烧线材里面需要长期的文化沉淀。

You know, this kind of KNOW-HOW is proprietary and unknown to manufacturers that do not own an R&D team of drama writers. You can imagine how hard it is to fabricate negotiation experts into the audio grade cables. That might takes centuries.




Why Stinky Fart Makes Headphones Sound Far Better?

吃饱了回来, 老乡放了一个没有声音的臭屁。

俺在听着耳机呢, 没想到不期而遇的臭屁让平时听惯了的音乐更通透, 三频更均衡了, 声场大了一圈, 感觉更宽松了。于是, 俺摘下耳机问:

“瘦子, 你是不是放了个大臭屁? ”


俺接着问, “你说说, 为什么屁会让耳机的音质突然变好?”

瘦子沉吟半晌, 说:

“屁这个东西牵涉到很多国家机密。你知道吗? 屁里面除了甲烷, 还有超导体。”


“屁里面还有超导体? 你别欺负俺没读过书啊。你说话有没有科学根据呢?”


“硫化氢是无机化合物,化学式为H2S。正常是无色、易燃的酸性气体,浓度低时带恶臭,气味如臭蛋;浓度高时反而没有气味(因为高浓度的硫化氢可以麻痹嗅觉神经)。2015年,物理学者发现,硫化氢在温度203K 极度高压的环境下发生超导相变,是目前已知最高温度的超导体。”


Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].

Hack-a-day: Why Stinky Fart Can Make Your Headphones Sound Much More Awesome than Changing Power Chords

Author: BirdyBird

After we came back to our dorm from the McD, my old time buddy Sean cut the cheese in a stealthy fashion.

I was listening to my Hi-end headphones. The unexpected odour of fart suddenly made my listening experience superb. The bass, the mid and the treble became drop dead balanced and a lot more music details were unveiled. Tremendous amount of timbres gushed to my eardrums.

“This is true music”, I thought, “This is unpresidented!!!”

I took off my headphones and asked Sean,

“Hi bro, did you just let out a big fat stinky fart?”

my old time buddy blushed and nodded silently as a shy acknowledgment.

I kept going and asked,

“Tell me why your stinky fart makes my headphones sound awesome, please?”

Sean did not answer before a long break,

“Speaking of the fart, there are some state secrets involved and I am not sure if I am at liberty to disclose. You know, besides methane, there is some superconductor in my fart.”

I almost jumped up in joy,

“Superconductor in your fart? Never heard of it! Is it even scientific?”

Sean replied with a poker face,

“Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs. It is very poisonous, corrosive, and flammable.Being heavier than air, it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Although very pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell, so victims may be unaware of its presence until it is too late. At pressures above 90 GPa (gigapascal), hydrogen sulfide becomes a metallic conductor of electricity. When cooled below a critical temperature this high-pressure phase exhibits superconductivity. The critical temperature increases with pressure, ranging from 23 K at 100 GPa to 150 K at 200 GPa. And it is the superconductor known to human with the highest critical temperature as of now.”

当然按照信达雅的原则, 俺的翻译是狗屁不通的。

“Fake it Till You Make it”。

装久了, 就真的能写了。



如果可能的话, 尽量不要犯这种极端低级的错误 ❌






俺词汇量只有5000~6000,但扇贝网总说俺英语系毕业的。鬼佬测试网站更离谱,竟说俺有 19000 的单词量。真是玩笑开大了......网上很多词汇量估计工具可用,虽不准确但七八成准确率还是有的。

*** 这个有零有整的, 令人啼笑皆非

*** 这个有零有整的, 令人啼笑皆非

俺没啥文化, 初中毕业,大伙都知道。俺不到一百万知友,才升10级。阅读总量没到一小步,不到一个亿的小目标。长期关注俺的知友知道, 俺不是专业的。俺也不是大佬。

俺是最业余的......笑话、神棍和论坛孤儿 ⚕



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