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既然在第五届索维尔会议上,玻尔已经驳倒了爱因斯坦,为什么现在还有人相信命定论(决定论)? 第1页


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The history books say that Bohr has proved Einstein wrong. But others, including myself, suspect that, in the long run, the Einsteinian view might return: that there is something missing in the Copenhagen interpretation. Einstein's original objections could be overturned, (历史书里说波尔证明了爱因斯坦的错误,但是有些人,包括我自己,怀疑这个说法。长远看来,爱因斯坦的观点很可能会杀回来:哥本哈根诠释里有些东西站不住脚,爱因斯坦最初的质疑可能会咸鱼翻身) - t'Hooft[1]

It was generally accepted by most physicists that Bohr won and Einstein lost. My own feeling, I think shared by a growing number of physicists, is that this attitude does not do justice to Einstein’s views. 大家一般认为波尔赢了而爱因斯坦输了,我自己的感觉,包括越来越多的物理学家也是同样,就是这种态度对爱因斯坦的观点很不公平。- Leonard Susskind[2]

while most accounts say that Bohr won the debate, my view is that Einstein, as usual, was seeking an explanation of reality, while his rivals were advocating nonsense. Everett’s interpretation doesn’t make Einstein a demigod. But it does make him right.虽然大多数人认为在那场论战中玻尔获得了胜利,但是,我的观点是,爱因斯坦一直致力于寻求关于现实的解释,而他的对手们则是一直在宣扬一堆废话。Everett的理论不能让爱因斯坦成神,但是它的确让爱因斯坦正确。– David Deutsch[3]


Whereas according to Bohr, the opposite of a simple truth is a falsehood, the opposite of a deep truth is another deep truth. In that spirit, let us introduce the concept of a deep falsehood, whose opposite is likewise a deep falsehood. It seems fitting to conclude this (在波尔看来,简单事实的反面是谬误,但是深刻事实的反面却可以是另一个深刻事实。按照这种说法,我想说,一个深刻的谬误的反面也可以是另一个深刻的谬误,这就是我(对波尔爱因斯坦辩论)的结论) - Frank Wilczek[4]

The other mistake that is widely attributed to Einstein is that he was on the wrong side in his famous debate with Niels Bohr over quantum mechanics, ……All this familiar story is true, but it leaves out an irony. Bohr’s version of quantum mechanics was deeply flawed, but not for the reason Einstein thought. 另一个关于爱因斯坦的错误认知是他在和波尔的论战中站了错误的一队……那些流行的故事都是真的,但是大家不知道的是一个讽刺的结局,波尔的观点大错特错,只不过不是爱因斯坦认为的那种错。 - 温伯格[5]

最后,决定论不是一个科学命题而是一个哲学命题,就算是波尔自己也不敢说驳倒了决定论,他只是不相信决定论而已。即使是波尔是正确的,也完全不能排除掉决定论的存在可能。比如说贝尔提到的super determinism


  1. ^ Gerard 't Hooft, In search of the ultimate building blocks (1997)
  2. ^ Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman, Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum (2014)
  3. ^ David Deutsch, "Einstein the Realist" (2011)
  4. ^ Frank Wilczek, "Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity" (September 10, 2015)
  5. ^ Steven Weinberg, "Einstein’s mistakes", Physics Today (2005)



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