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如何评价川普在德克萨斯遭到飓风袭击后赶往受灾一线指导抢险救援工作,并带去联邦对受灾群众的亲切问候? 第1页


user avatar   cheng-huang-46 网友的相关建议: 

看了一下几篇MSM报道,重点基本都放在Trump没有表现出对受害者的empthy,显得过于积极乐观。嗯,「共情」真是个好东西,老油条如Obama和Chuck Schumer都知道适时挤几滴鳄鱼泪,Trump怎么不去学学?


以下为Ben Shapiro写给Fox的社论,基本表达了我的观点,全文浅显易读,适合所有小学五年级以上英文水平的同学:

FAKE NEWS: No, Trump Doesn't Have an Empathy Problem on Hurricane

President Trump has made virtually all of the right moves on Hurricane Harvey. He made obvious to both Governor Greg Abbott of Texas and the local authorities that the federal government stood ready with all of its resources to aid efforts on the ground. He made clear to the public that he was attentively following developments, and that his administration was on top of the problem. He visited Texas — a political move now mandated by the overwrought media — to visit victims on the ground.

But that wasn’t enough — apparently, according to the media, Trump lacks empathy. Here’s a montage, cut by our own Robert Kraychik, showing just that:

Media Montage: Trump Lacks 'Empathy' Narrative; Hurricane Harvey youtu.be/hb85yEKzDIo

Empathy, you see, is the highest virtue. It’s the quality that matters most. Never mind the resources on the ground. Never mind whether people are getting the help they need. Empathy.

So, what did Trump do wrong? He was Trumpian. He spoke in Texas about crowd size. He suggested that he’d wait to congratulate Governor Abbott on his response until the crisis was over. His wife wore a FLOTUS hat and high heels. The horror! The horror!

The truth is that the media had to focus in on Trump’s supposed empathy gap because they couldn’t critique his performance. The typical Leftist playbook when it comes to criticizing Republican politicians only contains three parts: stupid, corrupt, and evil. Trump’s response to the hurricane hasn’t been either stupid or corrupt, so the media go instead with evil.

user avatar   joshua-hwang 网友的相关建议: 

Harris County这已经不是第一次发大水了,2001年Allison飓风就淹的很惨。2015年老兵纪念日洪水和2016年缴税日洪水也一点没让休士顿政府长记性。降雨预告和洪水预警早就出来了,州里上周就建议撤离,但休士顿市长就是要和州长顶牛,一直拖到周五,市长却宣布所有居民原地待命,连泄洪区也不发一个自愿撤离命令。等到周六实际降雨比预报还大的时候已经根本来不及撤离了。

这次洪水后的发布会上,休士顿市长的辩解也是很奇葩,用Rita的例子和休士顿的总人口来为自己的决定辩护。自愿撤离令和强制撤离令分不清?降雨预报上周就出来了吧?Flooding zone map标得清清楚楚,某些泄洪区只要短期降雨超过多少inch就是会被淹没,只撤离泄洪区的人和全休士顿所有人一起撤离是一个概念?



佛罗里达Get ready,又有一个cat 3的要来了……





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