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如何看待独立调查希拉里邮件门的 Peter W. Smith 在异地旅馆用袋子套头吸氦气自杀? 第1页


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例如人工智能先驱人物 Chris McKinstry(Mindpixel 创造者)2006年自杀,方法是把塑料袋套在头上,再插上一根联通煤气的管子。

一个月后,他的同胞、Open Mind Common Sense 创造者、Mindpixel 项目参与者 Push Singh(也是一位 AI 研究人员)通过类似的方法自杀——这一次塑料袋里灌入的是氦气。

user avatar   guo-chen-hao-1 网友的相关建议: 

基本演绎法 第二季18集就是这样的死法,看描述几乎一模一样。




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  • 被采访者说的线索是属实的,她没有下结论,只是号召公众调查这些线索。
  • 被采访者是真实地感到恐惧,请对比她15年的表现和17年6月的表现。
  • 她在调查DNC过程中,发现主流媒体多么不靠谱,尤其考虑到她之前和CNN的关系很密切。她状告川普的小民事案获得大量主流媒体报道,她状告DNC的class action大案却一点报道没有。
  • 采访她的阴谋论媒体Infowar槽点很多,但是她也不敢捅给主流媒体,主流媒体不光不会报道,还很有可能通风报信。捅给这个受众群最大的另类网站基本上是她让她声音被听到和赢得关注的最佳方案了。
  • 本人不是川粉也不是希黑。神仙打架,当成寓言看看就好。诸善奉行,诸恶勿作,自净其意。


还记得2015年7月时候,曾受雇于CNN的一个律师,Elizabeth Beck,在电视上怼川普吗。这位律师2011年和川普打交道的时候要泵母乳,被川普粗鲁对待。于是大选前上电视怼川普。


这位律师是耶鲁高才生,职业道路比较辉煌,根深蒂固的前-民主党-桑德斯支持者。桑德斯被取消民主党内提名的之后,BECK是一位主持针对民主党委员会DNC不公平对待桑德斯的诉讼律师,开始调查DNC。民事性质的Class Action诉讼,目的是为了金钱赔偿,不是政治性的。她调查这个DNC选举舞弊的案子有一年左右了。

Class Action是美国律师来钱最多的诉讼类型,难度也很大,她和她老公能揽这个案子说明能力不错,况且她以前作过CNN和民主党全国委员会的律师。

jampac.us/dnclawsuit/ 法庭受理的文档这里可以下载 原告: CAROL WILDING 等 被告: DNC SERVICES CORPORATION, d/b/a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL
Case Number: 16-cv-61511-WJZ 登记日: June 28, 2016 受理庭: Southern District of Florida County: Broward County, Florida 法官: William J. Zloch 案子类型: Class Action 控诉原因: Fraud and Consumer 是否需要陪审团: Yes

从她调查开始,她的团队开始收到恐吓电话(他的团队追踪电话追到Wasserman-Schultz --Schultz是佛罗里达政客,前DNC主席,据传为克林顿打手),同时她也收到若干匿名的线索。

  • 她的案子的两位DNC证人死了,其中一个是大名鼎鼎的Seth Rich,被枪杀
  • 另一个是她的法务执达员Shawn Lucas,在要向法庭作证之前因“服用多种药物”而死
  • 2017年5月14日,独立调查员Peter W. Smith用袋子套头吸氦气自杀。
  • 她朋友的朋友,检察官Whisenant对于一起控告梅奥诊所的案子知情,2017年5月24日死于疑似头部枪伤,尸体在海滩上被发现。死后他负责的梅奥诊所案子被法官注销。
  • 2017年7月11号,曝光克林顿基金会在海地地震中89.2%的捐款(50多亿美元)去处不明的前海地官员Eberwein在离这个Elizabeth Beck办公室12公里远的地方被枪杀。

人都快死到她家门口了,她担忧自己的性命,忽然找(阴谋论fake news)网络媒体Infowar采访。

Peter Smith, Beranton Whisenant Jr, Klaus Eberwein, 都与克林顿集团有关,或者正在调查克林顿集团,尤其是一些克林顿基金会和梅奥诊所可能与人口拐卖和器官移植有关的线索,骇人听闻。




Miami lawyers Jared and Elizabeth Beck file lawsuit against DNC and Schultz for ethic violations stemming from impartiality to Sanders campaign


佛罗里达迈阿密律师Jared Beck,Elizabeth Beck提交了针对DNC和DNC主席Debbie Wasserman Schultz的诉讼,原因是民主党内竞选不公(内定克林顿,对桑德斯不公)



Sanders supporter Seth Rich is murdered; case remains unsolved; Schultz dedicates a bike plaque to Rich.

桑德斯的支持者Seth Rich凌晨在华盛顿特区被从后背枪杀,警察定性为抢劫,而尸体身上财物都在,至今未破案。Schultz捐了一个锁自行车的架子来纪念Rich。


Less than a month after Rich was murdered, attorney Shawn Lucas, 38, was found dead in his bathroom of "overdose." Lucas served the DNC with the lawsuit in early July 2016.

紧接着(一个月内),律师/检察官Shawn Lucas,38岁,在他的卫生间里死于“过量服用多种药物。Lucas是Beck对DNC案件的助手。


Schultz's Primary challenger in FL, Tim Canova, claims Shultz with "illegal use of DNC resources against him"; later floats rumors of DNC murdered Rich.

Schultz 在佛罗里达的党内竞争对手Tim Canova职责Schultz “非法利用DNC资源打击竞争者”。随后传出DNC谋杀了Seth Rich的流言。


Anti-Clinton Peter W Smith is suicided via bag of helium in Minnesota hotel room, 10 days after telling Wall Street Journal he was seeking evidence against Hillary's missing emails

反克林顿的调查员Peter Smith 套头氦气可疑地自杀于明尼苏达州一个酒店里。死前10天他告诉华尔街日报他正在找克林顿邮件门的证据。Peter Smith也在梅奥诊所就诊过。这个酒店在梅奥诊所下属的一个医院附近,对面是一个多数住户为梅奥诊所雇员的公寓。(换句话说,如果是谋杀的话,他什么时候去医院就诊,行踪容易被凶手掌握)


Schultz actually threatens Capitol police chief with "consequences" if he didn’t return equipment of hers confiscated for investigation after it was discovered hidden in a crevice of a House office building; believed stolen by Schultz employee Imran Awan...and then, same day...

华盛顿特区警察在调查一起网络安全/泄密罪案中,于美国众议院里缴获了一批电子设备作为证据。据传是Schultz的员工Imran Awan所偷。Schultz威胁特区警察交还这些设备,不然会有“后果”。


Beranton Whisenant, fed prosecutor, found dead by gun shot, still unsolved, on beach in same town where Schultz and Canova reside; possibly investigating Awan brothers, government IT aides accused of stealing equipment and breaches of U.S. House IT network. Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

联邦检察官Beranton Whisenant死于枪杀,未破案。尸体被发现于Schultz和Tim Canova所居住的镇子的海滩上。据传他有可能在调查上面所说的那个网络安全/泄密案。


Jacob Schwartz, son of Sanders' campaign lawyer and De Blasio assistant, arrested for child p0rn: 3k images, 100 videos, including infants


Jacob Schwartz,桑德斯竞选团队律师的儿子,纽约市长白思豪的助手,因儿童色情案被捕。涉案证据有3000余图片,100余影片,甚至有婴儿色情内容。


The Becks claim threatening phone call traced to Schultz; they ask FL judge for protection, are denied




Tim Canova announces he'll run again Schultz in FL; Sanders retracts support of Canova, whom he appointed to 2011 Senate advisory panel on Federal Reserve; Canova tweets on 06/17/17 that his computer has been hacked by DNC operatives

Tim Canova宣布他将竞选Schultz的席位。桑德斯随即收回对Canova的支持 (桑德斯于2011年曾指派Canova加入参议院美联储咨询委员会)。Canova发推特说他的电脑在6月17日被DNC的黑客入侵。


Bernie Sanders claims newly hot FBI probe of wife Jane for shady $10m college land deal is political; John Podesta cited deal as artillery against Bernie re: 2015 WikiLeaks email leak



Former Haitian official Klaus Eberwein suicided by gunshot in Miami hotel; due the next week to testify against Clinton Foundation

前海地官员Klaus Eberwein在迈阿密一家酒店中用枪可疑自杀,而他在接下来的一周内原本安排了向法庭针对克林顿基金会作证。


Beck tells Infowars she has tied Whisenant, Smith, Eberwein deaths to Clinton Foundation cabal + found links to Bushes, Cheney etc. She fears for her life, burst into tears on air.



1) There is a Beranton Whisenant -> Jay Plotkin -> Jacksonville connection

Jay Plotkin was the director of the State Attorney's Office in Jacksonville from 1993 to 2009. Until Janury of 2009 he supervised all aspects of an office of 100 attorneys and over 300 support staff.

Mr Beranton Whisenant is actually not a miami native even though he worked here and passed away in Broward County which is in South Florida.

To the contrary, Mr. Beranton Whisenant is a native of Jacksonville Florida. He graduated from Bishop Kenney High School in 1997 and worked as an assistant state attorney with the 4th Judicial Circuit from 2004 to 2007.

In other words, Mr Beranton Whisenant and Mr Jay Plotkin worked in the state attorney’s
office at the same time.

2) There is a Jacksonville -> Mayo Clinic connection.

Mayo Clinic has a hospital in Jacksonville Florida.

3) There's a Mayo Clinic -> Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger connection.

A lawsuit was filed in 2015 in federal court in Jacksonville against the Mayo Clinic in connection with an organ transplant case.

The judge presiding over that case was the Honorable Harvey E. Schlesinger.

CASE NUMBER: 3:15-cv-01244

FULL PDF twitdoc.com/upload/pete

Mayo Clinic Board Members pastebin.com/HNDQ47H4

Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees archive.fo/TI4tL

Mayo Clinic Employees pastebin.com/fAxU9PEK

4) There's a Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger -> Jay Plotkin -> Beranton Whisenant connection.

Jay Plotkin is judge Harvey Schlesingers' son-in-law.

Mr Whisenant's body was recovered on May 24th, 2017. On June 8th, 2017 Judge Harvey
E. Schlesinger threw out the case against Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville on Summary Judgement.

5) There is a Mayo Clinic -> Clinton Foundation connection.

A number of hospitals, including Mayo Clinic and St Vincents co-sponsored a launch event in Northeast Florida in connection with the Clinton Health Matters Initiative.

Full Text here pastebin.com/PjfBKynQ

6) There is a Mayo Clinic -> High Government Officials connection.

The numerous public trustees of the Mayo Clinic include a Thomas J Brokaw quite possibly Tom Brokaw. Barbara P Bush. Richard B Cheney, possibly Dick Cheney. Senator Thomas a Daschle and Paul a Volcker.

The Mayo Clinic provides a full range of health services including organ transplants, bone marror transplants, blood transfusions and genetic medicine.

7) There is a Clinton Foundation -> Haiti connection.

8) There is a Klause Eberwein -> Haiti connection.

Klause Eberwein, a former Haitian government official was found dead July 11th of this year with a gunshot wound to the head. He was found 14501 South Dixie Highway; A Quality Inn.
This Quality Inn is 7.5 miles from my office.

9) There is a Peter Smith -> Mayo Clinic connection.

My Peter Smith purportedlytook his own life May 14th, in a hospital in Rochester Minnesota near the Mayo Clinic called the Aspen Suites.

The Aspen Suites is across the street from the St Mary's campus of Mayo Clinic and is almost exclusively used by patients of the hospital.

He purportedly left a suicide note which stated that "there was no foul play whatsoever" and "recent bad turn in health since January 2017" was the reason that he was taking his own life and the timing was related to "Life insurance of 5 million expiring".

He was purportedly searching for Clinton Emails.




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