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为什么一部分国外的医生不推荐拔智齿,而许多国内的医生却会推荐,当然只在引发其他牙齿问题的时候才推荐? 第1页


user avatar   mai-wen-xue-67 网友的相关建议: 

国外拔牙讲究 Indication (指征).

没有 Indication 拔别人的牙有几个风险:

  1. 保险公司不付钱;
  2. 被患者诉讼;
  3. 负面影响诊疗计划。


不信啊? 举个例子, 就是 NBDE 的考题

Which of the following is NOT an indication for the removal of impacted mandibular third molars?

A. Recurrent pericoronitis. ----- Indication (指征)

B. Crowding of incisors.

C. Pain. ----- Indication (指征)

D. Resorption of the distal aspect of the second molar. ----- Indication (指征)


National Board Dental Examination (NBDE) is the United States national dental examination for students and professionals in dentistry. It is required for licensure in the United States and may also be required when applying for postgraduate studies in dental specialities after completing a dental degree. Foreign-trained dentists also must take the NBDE in order to earn admission into advanced standing programs in US dental schools.



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