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参加 2015 San Francisco Pride 是什么体验? 第1页


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*照片版权所有Matthew Hartzell©2015年*



我先说一下背景,再分享照片。旧金山一直是美国可以算对同性恋最宽让的城市(纽约Greenwich Village,迈阿密沙滩也是同性恋有名的集中地,但规模不如旧金山湾区)。我从小长大,身边的老师,家长,牧师都表示对同性恋支持,爱,接受。这和美国其他地区很不一样,这就是湾区自由党的特征。我高中的时候已经有几个同性恋同学,到了大学多了起来。在读书的时候,哈佛所在的麻州成为了美国第一允许同性恋婚姻的州(本人老家旧金山当时也已经允许同性恋婚姻,但后来被消除)。美国从仅仅五年前到现在允许同性恋婚姻的州数迅速提升,大部分都是本人在中国的时候发生的。我老家旧金山一直是同性恋人权运动的先锋。由于前天最高法院的判决,今天旧金山支持同性恋人士的心情非常高兴,气氛热闹得很。

旧金山连接Ferry Building和同性恋Castro区是一条斜路叫Market Street。今天Market Street全封车,成了第45届同性恋骄傲游行的线路。没错,第45次。彩虹旗是为了1978年旧金山第8届同性恋骄傲游行设计的,后来成为了全球同性恋的象征。

早上座BART到Montgomery Street站,早上10:45到了游行已经开始了,已经错过了苹果队伍 :(




游行沿着Market Street几公里,很多地方随便找个地方都很看到游行





其实现在的年轻人如此疯狂不是什么新现象。 48年前旧金山Summer of Love的嬉皮士也喜欢一丝不挂,46年前的Woodstock赤裸的很多。如今,在“新嬉皮士”和EDM粉丝脱光仍是个热门潮流(尤其是近代流行的乳头贴纸pasties)。知友






朱嘉文(美籍华人Carmen Chu,挺有前景的政客)也组织了队伍

学校也参加,这是San Leandro高中,游行人员有学生,家长,和老师








最后,这是“打扮动物”队伍(别问,我也不懂,我就too simple too naive)


SF Pride | Parade

  1. Academy of Friends
  2. ACLU of Northern California
  3. Adachi, Jeff, SF Public Defender
  4. Adobe Systems, Inc.
  5. Aida, Tita - Teddy Witherington Award
  6. AIDS Emergency Fund / Breast Cancer Emergency Fund
  7. AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  8. AIDS Housing Alliance
  9. AIDS/LifeCycle
  10. AirBNB
  11. Alliance Health Project
  12. Allstate
  13. American Cancer Society
  14. American Immigration Lawyers Association Northern California
  15. American Jewish World Service
  16. American Legion Post 448
  17. Animal Internal Medicine & Specialty Services
  18. Apple Inc.
  19. Asexual Visibility and Education Network
  20. Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center and AsiaSF
  21. Atheist Groups of the Bay Area
  22. Atlassian
  23. Autodesk, Inc.
  24. BADRAP
  25. Bank of America
  26. Bank of the West
  27. Bare Chest Calendar
  28. Barefoot Wine and Bubbly
  29. BART
  30. Basinger, Brian - Community Grand Marshal
  31. Batala San Francisco
  32. Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits
  33. Bay Area Bisexual Network - BABN
  34. Bay Area Furries
  35. Bay Area Independent Schools
  36. Bay Area Intactivists
  37. Bay Area Medical Academy
  38. Berkeley Community Health Project
  39. Berkeley School, The
  40. Black Brothers Esteem/San Francisco AIDS Foundation
  41. Blue Shield of California
  42. Bobby Salazar's Mexican Foods, Inc.
  43. Body Freedom Network
  44. Box, Inc
  45. Breed, London - President, Board of Supervisors
  46. British Consulate General San Francisco
  47. Buddhist Church of San Francisco
  48. Bulldog Baths Dog Resort
  49. C5 Children's School
  50. California Cannabis Hemp Initiative of 2016, T
  51. California College of the Arts
  52. Carney, Patrick - Gilbert Baker Pride Founder's Award
  53. Cassandra Cass
  54. Center for Sex & Culture
  55. Chabot College Gay-Straight Alliance
  56. Cheer For Life Foundation, Inc.
  57. Chipotle
  58. Chiu, David - Assemblymember and Dolores Huerta
  59. Christensen, Julie - Supervisor, City of San Francisco
  60. Chu, Carmen - San Francisco Assessor-Recorder
  61. Church Ladies & Gents for Gay Rights
  62. Cipriani, Belo - Community Grand Marshal
  63. Cisneros, José - Treasurer, City & County of SF
  64. City College of San Francisco
  65. City of Fremont
  66. City of Oakland & Oakland Pride with Schaaf, Libby - Mayor
  67. Clif Bar
  68. Club Papi/Faces
  69. Colectivo ALA
  70. Commune Hotels & Resorts (Joie de Vivre)
  71. Contemporary Jewish Museum
  72. Courage to Resist - Chelsea Manning Support Network
  73. Coursera
  74. Diageo - Smirnoff
  75. Diet Coke/Coca-Cola
  76. Diversity Foundation of San Francisco
  77. Dlugacz, Judy - Community Grand Marshal
  78. DocuSign, Inc.
  79. Dropbox
  80. Dykes on Bikes/Women's Motorcycle Contingent
  81. Elizondo, Felicia - Life Acheivement Grand Marshal - Screaming Queens
  82. Equality Ed
  83. Facebook
  84. Fenwick & West LLP
  85. FOGG Theatre (The Cable Car Nymphomaniac)
  86. Gap Inc.
  87. Garza, Alicia - Community Grand Marshal
  88. Gascón, George - San Francisco District Attorney
  89. Genentech
  90. Glide Memorial Church
  91. GoDaddy
  92. Google
  93. Graton Resort and Casino
  94. Great Giant Moving Company
  95. Green Cross, The
  96. Hard Rock Café/SF Pride Float with Anthony Wayne and SFBA Model A Fords
  97. Harris, Kamala - CA Attorney General
  98. Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club
  99. Helms, Monica - Heritage of Pride Creativity Award
  100. Hospice By The Bay
  101. Hotwire/Expedia
  102. Human Rights Campaign & Jim Obergefell
  103. iHeart Media/Clear Channel - KMEL, Newstalk 910, STAR, WILD
  104. Imperial Council of San Francisco Inc.
  105. Institute on Aging
  106. Intel Corportation
  107. Joseph, Audrey - Audrey Joseph Entertainment Award
  108. JPMorgan Chase
  109. Kaiser Permanente
  110. KOFY TV20 Cable 713
  111. Latinos de Ambiente
  112. Lee, Edwin - Mayor of San Francisco & Newsom, Gavin - Lt. Gov., State of CA
  113. Leno, Mark - Senator, State of California
  114. Levi's
  115. LinkedIn
  116. Lit, Harry - Heritage of Pride Community Award
  117. Lyft
  118. Macy's
  119. Madame Tussaud's
  120. Marriage Equality USA
  121. McDonald's
  122. Ménage à Trois Wines
  123. Mercy For Animals
  124. Midgett, Mary - Heritage of Pride Freedom Award & NIA Collective
  125. Miss Gay Latina
  126. Mormons for Equality
  127. Motorola Mobility LLC
  128. Mr Gay California
  129. Mullin, Kevin - Assemblymember
  130. Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
  131. NASA Ames Research Center
  132. National Center for Lesbian Rights
  133. Netflix
  134. Nordstrom
  135. NVIDIA
  136. On Lok Lifeways
  137. Openhouse
  138. Optimizely
  139. Oracle LGBT Group
  140. Our Family Coalition
  141. Palantir Technologies
  142. Parca
  143. Pelosi, Nancy - U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader
  144. PFLAG
  145. PG&E
  146. Pink Pistols San Francisco
  147. Planned Parenthood Northern California
  148. Project Open Hand
  149. Recology
  150. ReconcilingWorks
  151. Rhythm & Motion Dance Program and ODC School
  152. Richmond Rainbow Pride
  153. Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps
  154. Ripple Labs, Inc.
  155. Safeway
  156. Salesforce
  157. San Francisco AIDS Foundation - Bridgemen
  158. San Francisco Bay Area Curling Club
  159. San Francisco Bay Times / Betty's List
  160. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
  161. San Francisco Burlesque Band
  162. San Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control
  163. San Francisco Department of Public Health
  164. San Francisco Ducal Court
  165. San Francisco Fire Department
  166. San Francisco Leather Pride Contingent
  167. San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band
  168. San Francisco LGBT Community Center
  169. San Francisco Opera
  170. San Francisco Police Officer Pride Alliance
  171. San Francisco Public Library, Gay & Lesbian Center
  172. San Francisco Sheriff's Department - Protect and Defend
  173. San Francisco SPCA
  174. San Francisco State University
  175. San Francisco VA Health Care System
  176. San Leandro Unified School District
  177. Sanchez, Loretta - U.S. House of Representatives
  178. SAP Silicon Valley
  179. Scooter Queers Riding Everywhere And More, San Francisco
  180. Scouts for Equality - Golden Gate Chapter
  181. SEIU United Healthcare Workers - West
  182. SFMTA
  183. SFSmiles
  184. Shanti Project
  185. Soul of Pride
  186. SoulCycle
  187. SoundCloud
  188. Straights for Gay Rights
  189. SunPower Corporation
  190. Sutter Health
  192. Tang, Katy - Supervisor, City of San Francisco
  193. Taylor, Tom and Goldstein, Jerry - Hertiage of Pride 10 Years of Service Award
  194. Tesla Motors
  195. Thoron, Julia & Sam - José Julio Sarria History Maker Award
  196. Ting, Phil - Assemblymember
  197. Trans Student Educational Resources
  198. Transgender Law Center - Organizational Grand Marshal
  199. Trikone
  200. Twitter
  201. UBER Technologies, Inc.
  202. Union for Reform Judaism
  203. UNITE HERE! Local 2
  204. United Airlines with Prometheus Real Estate Group
  205. United in Spirit
  206. United States Tennis Association
  207. University of California, San Francisco
  208. University of San Francisco
  209. Univision
  210. URJ Camp Newman
  211. US Bank
  212. UTOPIA SF
  213. Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System
  214. Virgin America
  215. Walmart.com PRIDE
  216. Wells Fargo
  217. Welts, Rick - Celebrity Grand Marshal & Golden State Warriors
  218. Whole Foods
  219. Wiener, Scott - Supervisor, Ma, Fiona - CA BOE, & Padilla, Alex - CA SOS
  220. Worthington, Kriss - Berkeley City Council
  221. Yahoo!
  222. Yelp
  223. YMCA of San Francisco
  224. Youth Pride Coalition / Next Generation Scholars
  225. Zendesk



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