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你在学术论文投稿时遇到过评价最好的审稿意见是什么? 第1页


user avatar   phosphates-30 网友的相关建议: 


这是《Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded》一书的作者 Joshua Schimel 教授的观点。他是UCSB的土壤科学领域的知名教授,多次担任基金审稿人,引用数3W+,h-index 91. 他的这本书真的超级棒,帮我本人解决了论文写作心理障碍。强烈推荐所有的研究生都应该阅读这本书!另外,哪怕你不是研究生不写学术论文,也可以参考这本书来进行写作——实际上,这本书在亚马逊上甚至在Science for Kids中排名第十!



我的第一次投稿是给ACS Photonics[1],当时我开发了一种新的外差法和频光谱显微镜,相比于之前传统装置的相位稳定性提高了10倍。当时一位reviewer对于我们的装置提出了几个问题,其中有两个问题让我大吃了一惊:(这里涉及一些专业细节,在此不详细介绍,各位可以看一个大概)

  1. 作者这里面使用了外差法,请问upconversion在时域上是什么样的profile?产生的 local oscillator是在信号之前还是之后的?
  2. 作者这里用一块氟化钙来产生time delay,请问是否会产生chirp?具体是多少GVD?是否有可能在一定条件下不再可行?

对于第一个问题,我们的upconversion使用的是高斯profile,因此产生的local oscillator无论是在信号之前还是之后理论上都是可行的。但是,常见的upconversion还有一种叫做Etalon的profile,那一种在很多时候具有优越性,而我们也是准备在未来使用的。在这位审稿人问出这个问题之前,我们从未想过Etalon profile时对于local oscillator的产生时机是否有要求——因为我们一直使用的高斯分布是没有任何要求的。在这位审稿人一问之后,我们仔细思考才发现,Etalon profile的话,local oscillator必须产生在信号之前才可行——这也算是帮我们间接解决了一些未来的难题。对于这个问题,我们在文章中专门加了一段来进行讨论,既方便自己未来查阅,也方便同行未来的实验。

而第二个问题,也是我们尚未思考的问题——我们当时只知道,对于我们的体系是可行的。经过审稿人这一问,我马上进行了各种数值模拟,最终的结论是,对于我们的体系的chirp是可以忽略不计的;但是一旦我们对体系进行一些拓宽,如果spectral coverage增加10倍,那么GVD就会变成100倍,此时就不能再忽略了。对于这一部分的讨论我也是写在了supporting information里[1]




  1. ^ a b https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00411
  2. ^ https://www.pnas.org/content/117/38/23385/tab-article-info

user avatar   curry-paul 网友的相关建议: 

前段时间师兄中了篇 Nature Communications,审稿文件可以在 static-content.springer.com

其中,第三个审稿人:“I am somewhat surprised to see a result of this magnitude in Nature Communications. A result of this caliber could be submitted directly to Nature, as far as I’m concerned”.

“我有些惊讶在 Nature Communications 上看到如此巨大的结果。就我而言,这种的结果可以直接投稿《Nature》。“

"This will almost certainly be a very high impact [read: highly cited] paper. The result is of such fundamental importance that I suspect it will soon become part of the standard core curriculum for quantum information theory. "


user avatar   huaxuechanshiguan-66 网友的相关建议: 


The authors have answered my questions properly, I agree its publication in its current form.

user avatar   xu-teng-fei-13 网友的相关建议: 



Reviewer #1:

The paper presents new experimental data related to the time-dependent response of geopolymer concrete. The overall paper is well articulated and is suitable for publication in the current form.

Reviewer #4:

The paper reports outcomes of a combined experimental and analytical study into the ageing coefficient for early age tensile creep of blended slag and low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. The paper is of good quality and well-written.

Just a minor point that in Figure 1: "<tau>" should be revised to "<tau>0".

Reviewer #5:

This paper tested the ageing coefficient for early age tensile creep of blended slag and low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. Although it is a classical problem for the ordinary Portland cement based concrete, it is new for geopolymer concrete. This paper is well written and valueable to be pubulished in Construction and Building Materials. The followings are the suggestions:

1. What is the difference between the compressive and tensile creep? And, is it any difference about the ageing coefficient? More discussions should be added in the introdcution part to show the significance of this paper.

2. The strain curve shown in Fig.5 beacame increasing after the age of 7 days of geopolymer concrete. The volume expansion of concrete can not be called "shrinkage". Actually, it was so complicated. This paper did not focus on the shrinkage of geopolymer concrete. This value measured in the unloaded specimens was only used to calculate the creep strain in the loaded specimens. The reviewer suggests that "free strain in the unloaded specimens"is more suitable in this paper.

Reviewer #6:

The ageing coefficient for early age tensile creep of blended slag and low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete was propose based on experimental program and numerical analysis in this manuscript. Ageing coefficient is essential for the creep analysis. This manuscript is well written. Some comments are listed:

1. Abstract in Page 1, "…, including instantaneous strain, creep strain and shrinkage strain were monitored …." should be "…, including instantaneous strain, creep strain and shrinkage strain, was monitored …."

2. Abstract in Page 2, "show" should be "shows".

3. Line 20, "increase" should be "the increase of" .

4. Line 23, "requires to model" should be "requires modelling of" .

5. Line 120, "distribution" should be "distributions" .

6. Line 174, "At the second day" should be "On the second day" .

7. Lines 181-203, the free shrinkage strain includes the drying shrinkage strain and the volume expansion. It is free strain rather than "free shrinkage strain".

Reviewer #7:

This paper presents a study on the ageing coefficient for early age tensile creep of blended slag and low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. The tensile creep strain of this geopolymer concrete was measured. The creep coefficient and further ageing coefficient were determined with the experimental results. Overall, it is an interesting study. The test and analysis procedures are detailed and reliable. The manuscript can be accepted with the following revisions:

1. In Fig.7, some creep coefficient curves were calculated using 2-D interpolation. More details about the interpolation should be included.

2. Line 237, it was stated that " this value is consistent with the value of OPC-based concrete." What value of OPC-based concrete was compared with the recommended value in this paper? Compression creep or tensile creep? For creep problems or relaxation problems?

3. In Fig. 11, the references should be cited as this paper did not provide the test results.

user avatar   wang-xiao-rui-81-58 网友的相关建议: 


Reviewer #1: Dear Authors!

You did a hell of a job! Congratulations!

The new revised version is much straightforward and easy to read and comprehend. All my questions and remarks were thoroughly resolved and elaborated, and it is my pleasure to give the green light for this publication.



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