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2016 年的诺贝尔文学奖为什么会颁给鲍勃 · 迪伦(Bob Dylan)? 第1页


user avatar   zhu-johnny-66 网友的相关建议: 




别告诉我 你不知道诗经 乐府 宋词 元曲都曾经是歌词

谢诸位邀请 已经有许多各个方面的答案了



伟不伟大 值不值得得奖 您自己读就知道了

这一本Bob Dylan歌词集 收录了他50年创作的所有诗歌

在2001年之后 他又发表了3张创作专辑 使得他一生创作超过500首诗歌




This Man Has Changed My Life

2013年 我怀着崇敬的心情 去见证了这个文化图腾的演唱会



以下答案 有提到一些

如何评价 Bob Dylan 的专辑 Tempest? - Johnny Zhu 的回答 你最爱的演唱会是哪一场? - Johnny Zhu 的回答


下面 言归正传

关于Bob Dylan获得诺贝尔文学奖的传言 已经流传了许多年

以至于许多人不会相信 真的有一天会颁发给他

其实做到所谓的诺贝尔文学奖提名 就已经是一件很荣幸的事情

是对民谣 对流行音乐对世界文化和文学贡献的一次肯定




然而在音乐板块 却迟迟不给 摇滚乐 民谣 等领域授予此标识

当然 我也只能猜测 知乎会认为这两个板块只是娱乐而已

并不像 古典音乐 那么严肃 那么学术

再加上 这些板块的问题和回答大多数水平较低

所以 并不打算在这个领域认定 “优秀回答者”

所以从过去的“优秀回答者” 变成了 现在的“活跃回答者”



我们这一行不是玩的 不是玩 不是戏子


所以 人都有自己最基本的尊严”


在这么些年 当流行音乐的人的新闻 都只能在娱乐版出来
是我们每一天在录音棚 在辛苦创作的人心里面最深刻的痛

通过Bob Dylan先生获得诺贝尔奖这一殊荣



不是戏子 不是娱乐人物


不是写娱乐 是写文化 写社会 写艺术 写历史


Bob Dylan这个人对世界文化的影响力是无比深远的

他直接赋予了摇滚乐以灵魂 使其不只是节奏感十足的小打小闹


没有60年代的文化 美国就不会成为一个文化大国

没有60年代文化的积淀 也不会形成美国对全世界的文化输出

没有美国文化的影响 今日世界的文化将会是非常不同的景观


如何评价电影《小黄人大眼萌》? - Johnny Zhu 的回答 如何评价伯尼·桑德斯 (Bernie Sanders)? - Johnny Zhu 的回答

这个人用他的文字 引领了一次文化的革命


他对世界的影响力 是远远超过一般获得文学奖的作家的


成为了各行各业的领军人物 而且绝不只限于音乐 文学 电影等领域

最为人所知的就是苹果创始人Steve Jobs对迪伦的崇拜之情


有关Bob Dylan的其他答案


如何评价Peter,Paul and Mary? - Johnny Zhu 的回答 Bob Dylan 1990 年专辑 Under the Red Sky 同名曲的歌词是否另有深意,还是纯粹的优美民谣的回归? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
类似superheavy这种组合类型的乐队? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何评价鲍勃·迪伦 (Bob Dylan) 的唱功? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
你如何评价 Bob Dylan 专辑 Desire? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
Bob Dylan 的 Knockin on Heaven's Door 想要传达什么? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
直接影响 Bob Dylan 的前辈是谁? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
为什么乔治纪念演唱会上没有鲍勃·迪伦? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
Bob Dylan 的 Born in Time 是有两个版本吗?歌词分别是怎样的? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何评价罗大佑的专辑《之乎者也》? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何看待滚石最近评选的史上最伟大的 100 名音乐创作歌手榜单? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
假如你今后一辈子只能听7个歌手或乐队或作曲家或词人的歌曲,你会选择哪七个?为什么? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
有没有一首歌或者曲子和一本书或者一个故事很配的? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
2016 年有哪些值得一去的摇滚现场? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何评价伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的竞选总结演讲? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
有哪些知名音乐人组成的乐队组合? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何评价 Bob Dylan 的新专辑 Fallen Angels? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
国内有哪些值得关注的摇滚/民谣公众号? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
Scarborough Fair (斯卡布罗集市)这首歌曲在描述一个什么样的故事? - Johnny Zhu 的回答
如何学会欣赏音乐(尤其是摇滚乐)?该从哪几方面入手? - Johnny Zhu 的回答


有关宋冬野的 我就不单独回答了

关于这方面 以前已经写过了

吸毒饮酒是否对摇滚乐手的创作能力有积极影响? - Johnny Zhu 的回答


最后回到文学上来 我们来读一读他的诗歌





2011年 我刚开始读Bob Dylan歌词集的时候

在我最热爱的歌曲My Back Pages上的批注

当时我的文字能力很糟 当然也有比较激动的因素在

对一首伟大的作品 也只会用牛逼来形容


我们来品一下 当然这只是一小部分而已

值得说明的是 最著名的Blowin' in the Wind

迪伦只用了10分钟就写完了 他从不认为这是一首好作品


这首歌被民谣组合Peter,Paul & Mary翻唱

火遍大江南北 也让Bob Dylan为世人所知


就好比说 你在知乎最优秀的答案



Bob Dylan用他的诗歌




除去音乐性而言 他作品的文学性







1. 1962 Bob Dylan

Let Me Die in My Footsteps

Let me drink from the waters where the mountain streams flood

Let the smell of wildflowers flow free through my blood

Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves

Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace

Let me die in my footsteps

Before I go down under the ground

2. 1963 The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?

Oh, what’ll you do now, my darling young one?

I’m a-goin’ back out ’fore the rain starts a-fallin’

I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest

Where the people are many and their hands are all empty

Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters

Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison

Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden

Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten

Where black is the color, where none is the number

And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it

And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it

Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’

But I’ll know my song well before I start singin’

And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard

It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall

3.1964 The Times They Are A-Changin'

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Come gather ’round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You’ll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you is worth savin’

Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin’

4. 1964 Another Side of Bob Dylan

My Back Pages

In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand

At the mongrel dogs who teach

Fearing not that I’d become my enemy

In the instant that I preach

My pathway led by confusion boats

Mutiny from stern to bow

Ah, but I was so much older then

I’m younger than that now

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats

Too noble to neglect

Deceived me into thinking

I had something to protect

Good and bad, I define these terms

Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then

I’m younger than that now

5. 1965 Bringing It All Back Home

Love Minus Zero/No Limit

My love she speaks like silence

Without ideals or violence

She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful

Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire

People carry roses

Make promises by the hours

My love she laughs like the flowers

Valentines can’t buy her

In the dime stores and bus stations

People talk of situations

Read books, repeat quotations

Draw conclusions on the wall

Some speak of the future

My love she speaks softly

She knows there’s no success like failure

And that failure’s no success at all

6. 1965 Highway 61 Revisited

Desolation Row

Praise be to Nero’s Neptune

The Titanic sails at dawn

And everybody’s shouting

“Which Side Are You On?”

And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot

Fighting in the captain’s tower

While calypso singers laugh at them

And fishermen hold flowers

Between the windows of the sea

Where lovely mermaids flow

And nobody has to think too much

About Desolation Row

7. 1966 Blonde on Blonde

Visions of Johanna

Ain’t it just like the night to play tricks when you’re tryin' to be so quiet?

We sit here stranded, though we’re all doin’ our best to deny it

And Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin’ you to defy it

Lights flicker from the opposite loft

In this room the heat pipes just cough

The country music station plays soft

But there’s nothing, really nothing to turn off

Just Louise and her lover so entwined

And these visions of Johanna that conquer my mind

In the empty lot where the ladies play blindman’s bluff with the key chain

And the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the “D” train

We can hear the night watchman click his flashlight

Ask himself if it’s him or them that’s really insane

Louise, she’s all right, she’s just near

She’s delicate and seems like the mirror

But she just makes it all too concise and too clear

That Johanna’s not here

The ghost of ’lectricity howls in the bones of her face

Where these visions of Johanna have now taken my place

8. 1967 John Wesley Harding

All Along The Watchtower

“There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief

“There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief

Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth

None of them along the line know what any of it is worth”

“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke

“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke

But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate

So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late”

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view

While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl

Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl

9. 1969 Nashville Skyline

Lay Lady Lay

Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed

Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile

Until the break of day, let me see you make him smile

His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean

And you’re the best thing that he’s ever seen

10. 1970 Self Portrait

Minstrel Boy

Oh, Lucky’s been drivin’ a long, long time

And now he’s stuck on top of the hill

With twelve forward gears, it’s been a long hard climb

And with all of them ladies, though, he’s lonely still

11. 1970 New Morning

The Man in Me

The man in me will hide sometimes to keep from bein’ seen

But that’s just because he doesn’t want to turn into some machine

Took a woman like you

To get through to the man in me

12. 1973 Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid

Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

Mama, put my guns in the ground

I can’t shoot them anymore

That long black cloud is comin’ down

I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door

13. 1973 Dylan


14. 1974 Planet Waves

Forever Young

May God bless and keep you always

May your wishes all come true

May you always do for others

And let others do for you

May you build a ladder to the stars

And climb on every rung

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young

May you grow up to be righteous

May you grow up to be true

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you

May you always be courageous

Stand upright and be strong

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young

May your hands always be busy

May your feet always be swift

May you have a strong foundation

When the winds of changes shift

May your heart always be joyful

May your song always be sung

May you stay forever young

Forever young, forever young

May you stay forever young

15. 1975 Blood on the Tracks

Tangled Up In Blue

She was workin’ in a topless place

And I stopped in for a beer

I just kept lookin’ at the side of her face

In the spotlight so clear

And later on as the crowd thinned out

I’s just about to do the same

She was standing there in back of my chair

Said to me, “Don’t I know your name?”

I muttered somethin’ underneath my breath

She studied the lines on my face

I must admit I felt a little uneasy

When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe

Tangled up in blue

16. 1975 The Basement Tapes

I Shall Be Released

Standing next to me in this lonely crowd

Is a man who swears he’s not to blame

All day long I hear him shout so loud

Crying out that he was framed

I see my light come shining

From the west unto the east

Any day now, any day now

I shall be released

17.1976 Desire


Rubin Carter was falsely tried

The crime was murder “one,” guess who testified?

Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied

And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride

How can the life of such a man

Be in the palm of some fool’s hand?

To see him obviously framed

Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land

Where justice is a game

18.1978 Street Legal

Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)

Señor, señor, do you know where she is hidin’?

How long are we gonna be ridin’?

How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?

Will there be any comfort there, señor?

There’s a wicked wind still blowin’ on that upper deck

There’s an iron cross still hangin' down from around her neck

There’s a marchin’ band still playin’ in that vacant lot

Where she held me in her arms one time and said, “Forget me not”

19. 1979 Slow Train Coming

When He Returns

The iron hand it ain’t no match for the iron rod

The strongest wall will crumble and fall to a mighty God

For all those who have eyes and all those who have ears

It is only He who can reduce me to tears

Don’t you cry and don’t you die and don’t you burn

For like a thief in the night, He’ll replace wrong with right

When He returns

Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that it passes through

He unleashed His power at an unknown hour that no one knew

How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice?

How long can I stay drunk on fear out in the wilderness?

Can I cast it aside, all this loyalty and this pride?

Will I ever learn that there’ll be no peace, that the war won’t cease

Until He returns?

Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground, take off your mask

He sees your deeds, He knows your needs even before you ask

How long can you falsify and deny what is real?

How long can you hate yourself for the weakness you conceal?

Of every earthly plan that be known to man, He is unconcerned

He’s got plans of His own to set up His throne

When He returns

20. 1980 Saved

In the Garden

When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?

When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?

Did they know He was the Son of God, did they know that He was Lord?

Did they hear when He told Peter, “Peter, put up your sword”?

When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?

When they came for Him in the garden, did they know?

21. 1981 Shot of Love

Lenny Bruce

Lenny Bruce is dead but his ghost lives on and on

Never did get any Golden Globe award, never made it to Synanon

He was an outlaw, that’s for sure

More of an outlaw than you ever were

Lenny Bruce is gone but his spirit’s livin’ on and on

怎样看待 papi 酱遭广电总局下线整改? - Johnny Zhu 的回答

22. 1983 Infidels

I and I

I and I

In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives

23. 1985 Empire Burlesque

When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky

For all eternity I think I will remember

That icy wind that’s howling in your eye

You will seek me and you’ll find me

In the wasteland of your mind

When the night comes falling from the sky

Well, I sent you my feelings in a letter

But you were gambling for support

This time tomorrow I’ll know you better

When my memory is not so short

This time I’m asking for freedom

Freedom from a world which you deny

And you’ll give it to me now

I’ll take it anyhow

When the night comes falling from the sky

24. 1986 Knocked Out Loaded

Brownsville Girl

I can still see the day that you came to me on the painted desert

In your busted down Ford and your platform heels

I could never figure out why you chose that particular place to meet

Ah, but you were right. It was perfect as I got in behind the wheel

Well, we drove that car all night into San Anton’

And we slept near the Alamo, your skin was so tender and soft

Way down in Mexico you went out to find a doctor and you never came back

I would have gone on after you but I didn’t feel like letting my head get blown off

25. 1988 Down in the Groove

Death Is Not The End

Oh, the tree of life is growing

Where the spirit never dies

And the bright light of salvation shines

In dark and empty skies

When the cities are on fire

With the burning flesh of men

Just remember that death is not the end

And you search in vain to find

Just one law-abiding citizen

Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end

Just remember that death is not the end

**1. 1988 Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1

Tweeter and the Monkey Man

Tweeter was a boy scout before she went to Vietnam

And found out the hard way nobody gives a damn

They knew that they found freedom just across the Jersey Line

So they hopped into a stolen car took Highway 99

And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing

Never saw them when they fell

26. 1989 Oh Mercy

Man In The Long Black Coat

There are no mistakes in life some people say

It is true sometimes you can see it that way

But people don't live or die, people just float

She went with the man

In the long black coat

There’s smoke on the water, it’s been there since June

Tree trunks uprooted, 'neath the high crescent moon

Feel the pulse and vibration and the rumbling force

Somebody is out there beating a dead horse

She never said nothing, there was nothing she wrote

She gone with the man

In the long black coat

27. 1990 Under the Red Sky

Born in Time

In the lonely night

In the blinking stardust of a pale blue light

You’re comin’ thru to me in black and white

When we were made of dreams

**2. 1990 Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3

7 Deadly Sins

(Sin number one) was when you left me

(Sin number two) you said goodbye

(Sin number three) was when you told me a little white lie

Seven deadly sins

Once it starts, it never ends (seven deadly sins)

Watch out around the bend (seven deadly sins)

A seven deadly sins (seven deadly sins)

(Sin number four) was when you looked my way

(Sin number five) was when you smiled

(Sin number six) was when you let me stay

Sin number seven was when you touched me and told me why

28. 1992 Good as I Been to You


29. 1993 World Gone Wrong


30. 1997 Time Out of Mind

Make You Feel My Love

When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear

And there is no one there to dry your tears

I could hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet

But I would never do you wrong

I’ve known it from the moment that we met

No doubt in my mind where you belong

31. 2001 Love and Theft

High Water (For Charley Patton)

High water risin’—risin’ night and day

All the gold and silver are bein' stolen away

Big Joe Turner lookin’ east and west

From the dark room of his mind

He made it to Kansas City

Twelfth Street and Vine

Nothin' standing there

High water everywhere

32. 2006 Modern Times

When The Deal Goes Down

In the still of the night, in the world's ancient light

Where wisdom grows up in strife

My bewildering brain, toils in vain

Through the darkness on the pathways of life

Each invisible prayer is like a cloud in the air

Tomorrow keeps turning around

We live and we die, we know not why

But I'll be with you when the deal goes down

We eat and we drink, we feel and we think

Far down the street we stray

I laugh and I cry and I'm haunted by

Things I never meant nor wished to say

The midnight rain follows the train

We all wear the same thorny crown

Soul to soul, our shadows roll

And I'll be with you when the deal goes down

33. 2009 Together Through Life

Life Is Hard

The evening winds are still

I've lost the way and will

Can't tell you where they went

I just know what they meant

I'm always on my guard

Admitting life is hard

Without you near me

34. 2009 Christmas in the Heart


35. 2012 Tempest


When the Reaper's task had ended

Sixteen hundred had gone to rest

The good, the bad, the rich, the poor

The loveliest and the best

They waited at the landing

And they tried to understand

But there is no understanding

On the judgment of God's hand

The news came over the wires

And struck with deadly force

Love had lost its fires

All things had run their course

The watchman he lay dreaming

Of all the things that can be

He dreamed the Titanic was sinking

Into the deep blue sea

36. 2015 Shadows in the Night


37. 2016 Fallen Angels



最后祝贺Bob Dylan先生荣获2016年诺贝尔文学奖!




user avatar   david-dong-20 网友的相关建议: 



文学奖搬给Bob Dylan,对文学的发展也有一定指引意义吧,进一步拓展了文学,诗歌的内涵。


user avatar   xiao-tu-59-9 网友的相关建议: 






user avatar   a-li-bu-hua 网友的相关建议: 


hysteric 歇斯底里

laser 镭射/雷射 (现在叫激光)

motor 马达

engine 引擎

parkour 跑酷

vitamin 维他命 (又叫维生素)

bungee 蹦极

neon light 霓虹灯

UFO 幽浮

cool 酷

DDV 敌敌畏

sofa 沙发

cement 水门汀 (现在叫水泥)

ultimatum 哀的美敦书 (现在叫“最后通牒”,勿谓言之不预也)

opiom 鸦片

penicilin 盘尼西林

clone 克隆

gene 基因

chocolate 巧克力

bus 巴士

toast 吐司

cheese 起司 / 芝士

coffee 咖啡

radar 雷达

tank 坦克

rifle 来复枪



  以 “孟婆说我盛汤姿势不对” 开头写一篇作文? 


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