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4 月 7 日一架波音757货机迫降后损毁,机身断成两截,事故原因是什么? 第1页


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Costa Rica airport reopens after DHL plane skids off runway in emergency landing


(DHL公司,由德国邮政集团全资持有,是目前世界上最大的运输公司之一,公司的名称“DHL”由三位创始人姓氏的首字母组成(Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn),译者注)

April 8, 2022 8:06 AM GMT+8


By Alvaro Murillo

作者:Alvaro Murillo

SAN JOSE, April 7 (Reuters) - Costa Rica's Juan Santamaria International Airport reopened on Thursday hours after a Boeing 757-200 cargo aircraft operated by DHL made an emergency landing and skidded off the runway, separating its tail, aviation authorities said.

路透圣何塞(圣何塞,哥斯达黎加首都,译者注)4月7日电- - -哥斯达黎加航空当局称,该国Juan Santamaria国际机场周四重新开放,数小时前DHL一架波音757-200货机紧急迫降,冲出跑道,尾翼脱离。

Airport operator Aeris said the airport, on the outskirts of capital San Jose, reopened at 3:30 p.m. local time, several hours earlier than expected following the 10 a.m. incident.


Some 8,500 passengers and 57 commercial and cargo flights were affected by the closure, Aeris said.


DHL, part of Deutsche Post AG , said the crew was unharmed and that one member was undergoing a medical review as a precaution.

DHL是德国邮政集团(Deutsche Post AG)的子公司,该公司说,机组人员没有受伤,一名机组人员正在接受医疗检查,以防万一。

Images from Costa Rican newspaper La Nacion showed a yellow plane emblazoned with the DHL logo being doused with firefighting foam where it had landed on a grassy field next to a runway. The tail had detached and a wing had broken, the photos show.

哥斯达黎加报纸《民族报》(La Nacion)的图片显示,一架印有DHL标志的黄色飞机降落在跑道旁边的草地上,飞机被喷上了消防泡沫。照片显示,它的尾翼已经脱落,一侧机翼也断了。

The aircraft was bound for Guatemala when it apparently had a failure in the hydraulic system, said Luis Miranda Munoz, deputy director of Costa Rica's civil aviation authority. The issue prompted the pilot to request an emergency landing shortly after takeoff, he said.

哥斯达黎加民航局副局长Luis Miranda Munoz表示,这架飞机在飞往危地马拉的途中,液压系统显然出现了故障。他说,这个问题促使飞行员在起飞后不久就请求紧急降落。

A Boeing Co spokeswoman said it would defer questions to investigating authorities.


DHL and airport authorities said they were working together to move the aircraft, although they said it was not affecting operations.


"DHL's incident response team has been activated and an investigation will be conducted with the relevant authorities to determine what happened," DHL said.


Aeris originally estimated the airport would remain closed until 6 p.m. local time, which would have impacted three cargo flights and 32 commercial flights to and from the United States, Central America, Mexico, Canada and Europe.


Reporting by Alvaro Murillo in San Jose and Valentine Hilaire, Anthony Esposito and Kylie Madry in Mexico City; Editing by Alexandra Hudson and Bernard Orr

Alvaro Murillo在圣何塞、Valentine Hilaire、Anthony Esposito和Kylie Madry在墨西哥城报道;编辑Alexandra Hudson、Bernard Orr


user avatar   enterpriseh 网友的相关建议: 

说实话,那个原版读起来有点逃离德黑兰的感觉,他应该也是这样想的,还特意强调帮助了一个被困在机场的女性,又 托了不少关系,最后终于回到美国,他下飞机的时候肯定都差点要亲吻美国土地了。 其实这个时候本来就是八仙过海,各显神通, 他做的van.里面肯定带了不止他一个人,就像苏州那个女生,享受特权也不止她一个,但是享受了,还这么张扬的很少,只能说他们心里面的优越感总是让他们不表达就浑身难受。



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