在十分敏感的印巴问题上,历任美国总统都十分小心,因为两国都有核武器。然而,在与巴基斯坦总理的电话中,川总统说道:“I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way.” 印度之怒正在酝酿中。
'Terrific guy, fantastic country': Trump heaps praise on Pakistan's leader更搞笑的是,一直以来以美英特殊关系自居的英国,只在他的电话顺序的第十一位。终于英国梅首相盼来川总的电话了,川总收放自如地说:“If you travel to the US you should let me know." 完全是不熟朋友搭讪的节奏。英国尴尬死了,到底这算是邀请访问么?
Theresa May faces embarrassing claim that Donald Trump has not formally invited her to the White House最新消息,他还接了蔡总统电话,这是中美建交以来首次有总统/当选总统这么做哦。等着外交部强烈抗议吧。不知川粉爱国青年们做何感想。
http://www. nytimes.com/2016/12/02/ us/politics/trump-speaks-with-taiwans-leader-a-possible-affront-to-china.html川总表示:你们不懂,这是the Art of the Deal。
你支持还是反对 Trump?为什么?-- 叶洲的回答----------------------