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如何评价特朗普希望取消对中兴的制裁? 第1页


user avatar   ban-bei-cha-80 网友的相关建议: 



The novel and fascinating quality to Trump's practice of making decisions based entirely on hunches, gut feelings, flattery and whoever gets his ear last is that there can be no past or future, just the present. Just what he feels in the particular moment. That's all.

川普的特质是他完全依据于直觉,情绪,收到的奉承以及最后一个对他耳语的人的言论来做出决定。他这种“新颖”和“有趣“的特质体现在:对他来说,过去或未来都丝毫没有意义,只有现在的一刻才是一切。 他在现时的感觉,就是他的绝对认知。 就这样。

Even the most methodical and thorough analysis will sometimes bump up against the factor of unintended consequences. But with Trump all consequences are unintended. All that matters is the momentary spectacle of Trump doing something, of the world's media focused intently and exclusively on Trump doing something. To Trump it matters not a whit what that something is, just that everyone is watching him.

即使是最有条理和彻底分析后的决定,也有时会产生非本意(没有意想到)的后果。 但是对于川普而言,所有的后果都与本意无关。 川普只在意,在他做某事时的场面,以及媒体对他做这事的关注和报道。 川普压根不在乎他自己做了什么,他只是想让每个人都在关注他。

But there is an important consequence that you can foresee: the longer this buffoonish spectacle goes on, the more irrelevant the US becomes on the world stage. Total unreliability will inevitably sound the death knell for US international influence.

但是一个明显可以预见到一个重要的后果是:川普的丑陋的表演越长,美国在世界舞台上就越失去地位。 川普代表一个国家所展示出的不可靠和无信将不可避免地敲响美国的国际影响力的丧钟。

user avatar   liang-ba 网友的相关建议: 




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