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去美国留学取不取英文名? 第1页


user avatar   li-xing-he-90 网友的相关建议: 



Q:Is it really necessary for Chinese students going overseas to choose an English name?

A:It’s not. And sometimes it can be confusing.

Your English name is not your real name, or your legal name. On many formal occasions you have to use your legal name, which is the name on your passport, the name under which you publish papers, the name with which you apply for jobs. If people know you by your English name, not your real name, it can cause trouble.

The bottomline is: if someone wants to talk to you and have a personal or professional relationship with you, it’s their responsibility to try to pronounce and remember your name, as a gesture of due respect. You are not supposed to change your name for the convenience of English speakers.

Thankfully, my respectful professors, fellow students and friends always try to pronounce my real name and remember it. I appreciate this as respect for my background.



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