截止到 2021 年 9 月 13 日,复旦的 Weixiao Shen 教授已经发表了九篇四大,预计在未来会达到两位数。从时间顺序来看,其主要论文包括:
- Shen, Weixiao. "On the metric properties of multimodal interval maps and C 2 density of Axiom A."Inventiones mathematicae156.2 (2004): 301-403.
- Shen, Weixiao. "Decay of geometry for unimodal maps: an elementary proof."Annals of mathematics(2006): 383-404.
- Kozlovski, Oleg, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien. "Rigidity for real polynomials."Annals of Mathematics(2007): 749-841.
- Kozlovski, Oleg, Weixiao Shen, and Sebastian van Strien. "Density of hyperbolicity in dimension one."Annals of mathematics(2007): 145-182.
- Li, Simin, and Weixiao Shen. "Hausdorff dimension of Cantor attractors in one-dimensional dynamics."Inventiones mathematicae171.2 (2008): 345-387.
- Bruin, Henk, et al. "Large derivatives, backward contraction and invariant densities for interval maps."Inventiones mathematicae172.3 (2008): 509-533.
- Avila, A., Kahn, J., Lyubich, M., & Shen, W. (2009). Combinatorial rigidity for unicritical polynomials.Annals of mathematics, 783-797.
- Levin, Genadi, Feliks Przytycki, and Weixiao Shen. "The Lyapunov exponent of holomorphic maps."Inventiones mathematicae205.2 (2016): 363-382.
- Ren, Haojie, and Weixiao Shen. "A Dichotomy for the Weierstrass-type functions."Inventiones mathematicae(2021): 1-44.
发一篇四大对于很多数学工作者来说已经十分困难,能够发接近两位数的四大更是遥不可及的目标。这背后除了聪明之外,更多的应该是勤奋。从历史上的交流来看,沈教授的努力程度应该远胜于他所带的一些博士生,至少在读博期间给我的感觉是这样的。最新的一篇四大应该是与博士生合作完成,这应该是沈教授所带的博士生中发得最好的一篇文章。其他博士生毕业的时候大概就是 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,Nonlinearity 这类杂志。