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奥地利大公马克西米利安一世手里为什么拿着石榴? 第1页


user avatar   slenderman-15 网友的相关建议: 

The Portrait of Emperor Maximilian l is an oil painting by Albrecht Direr, dating to 1519 and now at theKunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna, Austria. It portrays the emperor Maximilian l.

In the Spring of 1512, the newly elected emperor Maximilian l of Habsburg sojourned in Nuremberg, where hegot acquainted with Durer. To celebrate the emperor and his house, the artist conceived the large TriumphalArch woodcut, for which he was rewarded with 100 yearly florins.

《君主马克西米利安一世的画像》是由画家阿尔弗雷德·丢勒于1519年创作的油画,现收藏于奥地利维也纳艺术史博物馆。在1519年春天,丢勒在纽伦堡结实了新当选的哈布斯堡皇帝马克西米利安一世,并为其构思了凯旋门木雕的详细草图(the Arch of Maximilian I),为此丢勒获得了每年100弗洛林的奖励。

In 1518, during the Diet of Augsburg,Maximilian called Dtirer to portray him. The artist met the emperor in thecastle and made a pencil drawing of him, from which he later painted the panel portrait. On the drawing's martig,he noted: "Is the emperor Maximilian that l Albrecht Direr portrayed in Augsburg, up in the high palace, in hissmall room, Monday 28 June 1518".

The oil panel was completed when the emperor had already died, with some variants from the initial drawing.The latter is now housed in the Albertina, also in Vienna.


The emperor is portrayed from three-quarter on a green background. The arms lie on an unseen parapetcoinciding with the lower boundary of the painting, according to the Flemish painting tradition. His left hand holds a large pomegranate, a symbol of cohesion in the diversity and thus of the Holy Roman Empire (the grainsrepresenting his subjects).


Maximilian wears a gown with a very wide fur collar and a broad-brimmed dark hat, with a brooch in the center.His grey hair crown his aged (Maximilian was 59 at the time) but still aristocratic face.


Iln the upper left is the Habsburg coat of arms and Golden Fleece chain,near a long inscription in capitalcharacters which resumes the titles and the deeds of the emperor.




Maximilian I of Austria (1459-1519) became head of the Habsburgs in 1493 and was elected Holy RomanEmperor in 1508.He was a learned ruler with a strong interest in the arts. Maxmilian l died on 12 January 1519 and Dtirer then used his drawing as the basis for a woodcut and twopainted portraits, one in tempera (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg) and this one in oil. Thesefinished works are formal portraits and lack some of the human character which comes out in the originalsketch. In the oil portrait, the Emperor is dressed in an elegant fur, which Direr has painted with great care.Instead of an orb, the Emperor holds a broken pomegranate, at the top of the picture is the Habsburg coat of arms with the double-headed eagle and alengthy inscription on Maximilian's achievements. The Emperor looks aloof and withdrawn, an expression of hisdignity.


石榴的含义我大概查了一下,因为这玩意籽多,一开始是生育、生命力的象征,在马克西米利安这里应该就是帝王之球,将帝国的广阔与多民族的臣民团结于内的意思了。在希腊和波斯神话中,石榴已经象征着生育、美丽和永生。圣经在旧约中提到石榴。犹太祭司法衣的摆饰里有这种水果,因此,石榴象征着以色列作为应允之地的富饶,在基督教象征主义(Hieronymus)中,这种果实中的众多种子代表教会、信仰的统一和广大的信徒群体。在佛教中,石榴、桃子和柠檬被认为是三种有福的水果。古兰经三次提到石榴(6:99、6:141 和 55:68),代表上帝创造的美好事物等等。建议直接看这个网站,写的挺全的Pomegranate, miracle fruit





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