除了沙虫和沙鲑,阿拉基斯最著名的动物就是更格卢鼠(kangaroo mouse)——又被弗雷曼人称为“穆阿迪布”(阿拉伯语“老师”的意思)。保罗就打着“穆阿迪布”的旗号统领弗雷曼人发动圣战,征服帝国。
“Arrakis: His Imperial Majesty’s Desert Botanical Testing Station.” It was an old filmbook from before discovery of the spice. Names flitted through Paul’s mind, each with its picture imprinted by the book’s mnemonic pulse: saguaro, burro bush, date palm, sand verbena, evening primrose, barrel cactus, incense bush, smoke tree, creosote bush … kit fox, desert hawk, kangaroo mouse….
Names and pictures, names and pictures from man’s terranic past—and many to be found now nowhere else in the universe except here on Arrakis.