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如何看待 arXiv2111.02792 对黎曼猜想的证明? 第1页


user avatar   ban-zhi-lian-88 网友的相关建议: 



8. A logical paradox

A contradiction will originate from a comparison of Theorem 7.3 with

Theorem 8.1 below. We shall allow it to develop: then, we shall show that it would cease to hold in a mildly intuitionistic logic. That the Riemann hypothesis could thus arbitrate up to some point between positions in mathematical logic which were the subject of heated disputes a century ago certainly goes beyond our initial project. But we would be the last to reject the idea that R.H. could influence our understanding of the foundations of mathematics. Another, more trivial, explanation for the “paradox” to come could of course be that we made an error somewhere. In such a case, the present section may help readers kind enough to check my paper, or intent on finding an error in it: we thank them, whatever the results of their

investigations. But we rechecked our proof many times, though, of course,

we shall never consider our revision duties as completed.

We certainly did feel some uneasiness with the paradoxical results to be developed now. We felt encouraged to publicize these for the following reasons. First, there is no doubt in our mind that our methods, mixing analysis, algebra and arithmetic, provide a right direction. Next, Theorem 7.3 “explains” the reason why we shall never be able to produce a “bad” zero ρ, or to show that such a bad zero exists within a given range of imaginary values of ρ: this corroborates numerical evidence, pushed to an extremely high degree. In the other direction, Theorem 8.1 indicates that we cannot depend on the existence of δ < 1 such that all zeros have real parts ≤ δ: again, this fits with the experience gained by many mathematicians who, in the course of more than a century, made improvements in the construction of zero-free regions.

user avatar   li-xiang-1-48 网友的相关建议: 

看到了Schwarz空间,tempered distribution,这些名词还是很亲切的。pseudodifferential不了解。粗略浏览过,我认为这个远比Atiyah的证明更像是真的。

我就随便说说我的想法,也许很“民科”。也不完全是我的想法,相关方向有一些文献资料,可以搜索“Beurling zeta function”。如果分析学家问数论学家:整数集在实数集中不过就是一个零测集,那整数为何重要?那么数论学家将如何回应呢?如何在分析学上证明整数的重要性呢?一个可能的答案就是,对于正弦波来说,实数是行波与坐标轴(在某些时刻)的交点,而整数(在相位为零且取波长的一半为单位长度的情况下)是驻波与坐标轴(在任意时刻)的交点,所以整数还是很重要的,它能决定一个波动的峰谷位置是否运动。这件事启发了我们,在研究一类特殊事物的时候,也许我们一开始可以考虑更宽泛的研究对象,接下来去缩小范围,逐渐找到特殊性产生的原因。


其中 是所谓的狄拉克函数。狄拉克函数在非零点处取0,在0处取无穷大,且狄拉克函数的积分是1. 在实函数的范围内,当然没有这种东西。事实上,狄拉克函数这样的函数,被称为广义函数,也称为分布distribution,可以用泛函分析里的方法给定义。 也是一个分布,通常称为狄拉克梳子Dirac comb.




自然的问题就是,如果把 替换成其他函数或分布,这个积分什么情况下收敛?这种情况下,素数是什么?函数方程、解析延拓、黎曼猜想等一系列关于原版zeta函数的结论在什么样的 下仍然成立?这种广义的整数,以及相应的广义素数,是Beurling首先研究的。

第一个问题的答案就是所谓tempered distribution,也就是Schwartz空间上的连续线性泛函,直观上来说就是某种增长不太快的函数。



第四个问题就是黎曼猜想。由于已经由Deligne证明的Weil猜想与此有某些相似性,可以期待其证明过程能启发对黎曼猜想的研究。Alain Connes就长期用他建立的非交换几何做这件事。



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  圆周率 π 是否隐藏了本个宇宙的设计者留给这个宇宙的智慧文明的某种信息? 


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