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去掉所有非日耳曼/凯尔特源词汇后,英语会变成什么样? 第1页


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Populated by over 8 million citizens, the New York City is the biggest city in New York State and the United States of America. With a GMP (gross metropolitan product) of over USD1.3 trillion, the NYC is hailed as a major economic powerhouse of the American East coast. The city's history can be traced back to early 17th century, when Dutch colonists founded the colony of New Amsterdam on the land they purchased from the natives. It was later captured by the British, who changed its name to New York. Some most famous landmarks of the NYC include the Empire State Building, the Headquarters of the United Nations, the World Trade Center, and the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France representing the friendship of the French and American peoples. On September 11, 2001, the WTC's two towers were destroyed with two commercial airliners hijacked by terrorists.




Befolked by over 8 twisand dwellers, the New York Stead is the biggest stead in New York Folkdom and the Oned Folkdoms of Americksland. With a GMY (gross mickleburgh yield) of over OFD1.3 foursand, the NYS is hailed as an overling wealthdomish draughtwain of the Americkish East shore. The stead's happenness stretches back to early 17th yearhundred, when Netherlandish settlers built the settlement of New Amsterdam on the land they bought from the inlanders. It was later taken over by the British, who shifted its name to New York. Some well-known landmarks of the NYS inhold the Rikeland Building, the Headseats of the Oned Theedships, the World Trade Midde, and the Standbild of Selfdom, a gift from Frankland betokening the friendship of the Frankish and Americkish folks. On Haligmonth 11, 2001, the WTM's two steeples were benoughted with two tradewise flycrafts latched by awewhelmers.


  • populate来自拉丁语populus,用befolk替换。同词源的people用folk替换
  • million在古英语里貌似没有对等的词汇,姑且用twisand=thousand的平方替换,同理thrisand=thousand的三次方=10亿;foursand=thousand的四次方=万亿
  • citizen来自拉丁语的civis,用英语里现成的dweller替换。同词源的city用中古英语的stead替换,参考德语的stadt
  • York感觉上没有啥替换的必要,顺带一提在诺曼征服时代的写法是Everwick
  • state来自拉丁语status,用folkdom替换
  • unite来自拉丁语unis,用英语里现成的动词one替换
  • America是探险家亚美利哥(Amerigo Vespucci)给新大陆起的名字。亚美利哥虽然是意大利人,但他的名字可是货真价实的日耳曼系。今天的英美人用这个名字的时候一般写成艾默里克(Emmerich)、埃默里(Emory)或者亨利(Henry)
  • metropolitan来自希腊语metropolis,用来替换的mickleburgh字面意思是大都市,跟希腊语一样
  • product来自拉丁语produco,用英语里现成的yield替换
  • major来自拉丁语,用古英语的overling替换
  • economic来自希腊语oikonomia,答主找不到现成的,自创了一个词替换(绝望)
  • powerhouse里的power来自拉丁语possum。这里用古英语里的draught“拉动”和wain“马车”两个词拼在一起,差不多是“拉动(经济增长)的马车”的意思
  • coast来自拉丁语的costa,用英语里现成的shore替换
  • history来自希腊语的historia,用跟荷兰语geschiedenis同构词法造出来的happenness替换
  • trace来自拉丁语tractus,答主偷懒换了个表达方式
  • century来自拉丁语centum,这里用yearhundred或者hundredyear感觉都说得通
  • Dutch其实换不换都行,Netherlandish感觉好看一些(无力)
  • found来自拉丁语的fundo,英语里有现成的build
  • colonist/colony来自拉丁语的colonia,英语里有现成的settler/settlement
  • purchase来自拉丁语的capio,英语里有现成的buy
  • native来自拉丁语的natus,用古英语里的inlander“本地人”替换
  • capture来自拉丁语的capio,答主偷懒换了个表达方式
  • change来自拉丁语的cambio,用英语里的shift替换
  • famous来自拉丁语的fama,用英语的well-known替换
  • include来自拉丁语的claudere,用古英语的inhold替换
  • empire来自拉丁语的imperium,用跟state写成一个词的rikeland替换
  • headquarters里的quarters来自拉丁语的quartus,用参照德语hauptsitz同构词法造出来的headseats替换
  • nation来自拉丁语的natus,用古英语的theedship替换
  • center来自希腊语的kentrum,用古英语的midde替换
  • statue来自拉丁语的statuo,用德语的standbild替换
  • liberty来自拉丁语的liber,用古英语的selfdom替换
  • France其实换不换都行,Frankland感觉好看一些(无力)
  • represent来自拉丁语的praesento,这里用英语的betoken替换,意思差不多就行
  • September来自拉丁语的septem,古诺斯人的⑨月叫Haligmonath,其实就是holy month
  • tower来自拉丁语的tor,用英语里的steeple替换
  • destroy来自拉丁语的strudo,答主用来替换的benought来自中古英语的nought“啥都没有”,benought就是归零的意思,非常的中二
  • commercial来自拉丁语的merces,答主随便写了个tradewise替换(无力)
  • airliner来自希腊语的aer,答主随便写了个flycraft替换,然而并不能表达出航线的意思(无力)
  • hijack词源不明,用英语里日耳曼词源的latch代替。和日语拉致(らち)读音相近,kksk
  • terrorist来自拉丁语的terrere,用英语里日耳曼词源的awe“恐惧”和whelm“压倒”两个词拼在一起,差不多是“用恐惧压迫(别人)的人”这样的意思







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