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以下引用来自几个月前在quora看到的,元问题是《最不为人知的事实 》

Best Kept Secrets: What is the best kept secret?






If anything, every single piece of historical fact shows that Gandhi and his ideas destroyed the very core of India leading it to a path of eventual mayhem not seen anywhere in the world except Nazi Germany.



on the contrary, Gandhi himself blessed the first attack on Pakistan. Three Indian Air Force planes came to receive his blessings and he came out of his house and blessed the planes. All nonviolence and all that bullshit talk that he was doing his whole life was forgotten.

Arman Suleimenov's answer to History: What people in history are overrated?


The best kept secret is most definitely the Indian non violent independence movement. In fact honestly there is nothing even close to it. Because it really is a secret of the highest order. What is the secret ? This is based on partial access to some classified historical documents but I do not officially claim to have seen anything.

The British "gave" independence to India for absolutely no reasons connected with the "non - violent" freedom movement. But 1.25 billion Indians have been programmed to believe that they got freedom because they fought for it in some magical peaceful manner. Gandhi has become one of the greatest icons of modern history. But his efforts were in no way related to India's actual freedom. In fact the British found Gandhi the most convenient man and that is why they kept him alive as long as possible. Because they realized this was the best way to stretch their stay in India in a very convenient non violent sort of way. Less than a hundred targeted killings of British officers and the British would have scooted within a year. The British knew this a few decades before India's actual independence. That is why it was they literally stage managed Gandhi's path to becoming the highly revered Mahatma.

Gandhi's theory of non violence was almost a God send for the British. When sporadic violence erupted in British India, the British feared there would be no way they could control such a large population if they adopted violent means at the level of the citizen even to a very small extent. Gandhi was an absolute Savior for the British. In fact with his help the British got the Indian army to fight World War 2 for them.

What is there in the historical documents which I officially claim to be fiction is mainly discussions about the opportunity costs. The British had access to a land three times the size of India - Australia where even if they filled their entire population it would still be less. The economics of Controlling India vs Trading with India purely on a comparitive basis only marginally favored controlling India and taken with the risk of possible violence and citizen protests it was simply not worth it. The best solution for the British was to quit India in the most non violent friendly fashion so that they could continue to trade with India and then focus on their other assets like Australia which were the real future.

In India there is a small section of people who do understand this but generally it is not very convenient to speak about this in public as the government would squash down any such analysis in the public.

You tell me. Could there be a bigger secret in the world ?

PS: I am updating this answer based on responses in the comments and requests for evidence beyond secret classified documents. All data below can be found through simple google searches but I will add relevant links myself separately later.


1. First and foremost it is important to understand and acknowledge that there is not a single shred of evidence to prove any causality between the "Non Violent" freedom movement which was at best sketchy and the actual decision of the British to leave India. It is important to remember this as the burden of evidence in history lies in those making the claim that the non violent movement was a victory and the reason behind India's Freedom. I challenge anyone reading this and those in the comments to provide conclusive evidence in this regard. Indians have Gandhi and non violence for 10 years in their History school syllabus. But not a single shred of causal evidence to prove this.

2. The only part of India's "movement" which was Non violent was the part faced by the British. If you look at it from the Indian perspective, they faced all kinds of violence. Innumerable shootings of Indians are forgotten and only - "The Jalianwala Massacre" remains in their conscience. But people were being killed in India for all kinds of reasons from Hindu-Muslim riots, to British shootings et al. Over 200 people were shot in one such shooting in Calcutta. There is no record of Gandhi's statement "Hindus are cowards, Muslims are bullies" in any history textbook in India though it is proven beyond doubt that he said it.

3. Continuing separately from the above, anyone who argues that India was not ready for freedom a few decades ago etc are basically fooling themselves to keep their dreamy illusion about the human condition from being exposed by the truth. Over 3 million + people died of HUNGER because the British stole the food stock in Bengal in the 1940s. Over 1 million died in a hastily organized partition by the British because it was the most convenient timing suited to THEM not Indians. There is nothing on Earth that was worse than this eventuality. In all ways fighting for freedom and getting it on your own terms with a united Hindu-Muslim India would have been a much better endgame for India than what actually happened to them. Masturbating on the stupid ideas of Gandhi cost India their entire country with the first real division of Hindus and Muslims into two different countries. Again giving the British time helped them in the game to play the Muslims against the Hindus. Thousands if not 100s of thousand people died in simply the Hindu-Muslim riots over many decades culminating in the partition.

3. The then PM of Britain Aitlee is on record saying that the main reason for them to grant India freedom other than the devastation of the Word War was the losing of control on the Indian Army and Navy. Thanks to the seeds sowed by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and the frustration of returning soldiers it was completely impossible for the British to control the Indian Army. This is also the PRIMARY reason for them to grant freedom to ALL their colonies even those that hardly had a freedom movement to boot. * Adding this as per the suggestion of Shailendra Sason - To get a flavor of what exactly was going on to undermine the actual power of the British in India, Check out the following wikipedia entry on the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny. The important thing to emphasize is that this entire revolt of the Indian Navy was NOT supported by Gandhi or the Indian National Congress.-

Royal Indian Navy mutiny


4. When asked the importance of Gandhi's non violent movement had anything to do with the decision, He is again on record saying "MINIMAL". There are also other important British officers who have said the same thing. Again this may not be a sufficient condition but makes it that much harder to prove the case that the non violent movement had ANY causality with India being granted freedom.

5. Looked at from an economics perspective it must be remembered lot of interesting theories of Economics were being built and international trade becoming more open was something which was catching on in those times. This was also another reason the economics of the time showed the cost of controlling India was not worth the marginal gains over purely trading with India.

6. All said, I am not implying the fact that Indians wanted freedom did not matter at all. My thesis is that the "non violent" part was not only irrelevant but actually extremely harmful to them as the historical records show. To those who try to say that then the main contribution of Gandhi was uniting India it is important to remember the concept of freedom or "Swaraj" was coined mainly by Lokmanya Tilak and mainly the trio of Lal Bal Pal across the three big regions of India were the ones who united Indian opinion on the demand of freedom. If anything Gandhi had for the most amount of time the opinion that the British were needed in India and India could not be managed by their own. Only later after more efforts by Bose et al did he finally agree for full freedom.

If anything, every single piece of historical fact shows that Gandhi and his ideas destroyed the very core of India leading it to a path of eventual mayhem not seen anywhere in the world except Nazi Germany. To think that 1.25 billion people actually see this history as something to be proud about is always and everywhere going to be one of the world's biggest frauds and hence the truth behind this non violent freedom movement remains Earth's greatest ever secrets.

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