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中国和美国哪个的领土面积大? 第1页


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2. 多于950万近960万 平方公里的这个数,是对中国领土面积相当保守的估计。

3.在某些排名里,中国领土面积比美国少,台湾、藏南、阿克赛钦未被算在内并不是主因,主因是,美国加入了沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory)的面积,而中国未加入。如果两国都不算 沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory),则中国第三,美国第四。



List of countries and dependencies by area

由图可见,中国领土面积比美国少,台湾、藏南、阿克赛钦并不是主因,主因是,美国在计算领土面积时,加入了沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory)。


Disputed Ranking Explanation: The dispute for world's third-largest country arose from the inclusion of Coastal and Territorial waters for United States. This discrepancy was deduced from comparing the CIA World Factbook and its previous iterations[8] against the information for United States onEncyclopaedia Britannica, particularly its footnote section.[5] In sum, according to older versions of the CIA World Factbook (from 1982 to 1996), the US was listed as the world's fourth-largest country (after Russia, Canada, and China) with a total area of 9,372,610 sq km. However, in the 1997 edition, the US added Coastal waters to its total area (increasing it to 9,629,091 sq km). And then again in 2007, US added Territorial water to its total area (increasing it to 9,826,630 sq km). During this time, China's total area remained unchanged. In other words, no Coastal or Territorial water space was added to China's total area figure. The United States has a Coastal water area of 109,362 sq km, and a Territorial water area of 195,213 sq km, for a total of 304,575 sq km of additional water space. This is larger than entire countries like Italy, New Zealand, and United Kingdom. Adding this figure to the US will boost it over China in ranking since China's Coastal and Territorial water figures are currently unknown (no official publication) and thus cannot be added into China's total area figure.

  • United Nations Statistics Division's figure for United States is 9,629,091 sq km.

中美领土排名争议解析:世界第三大国家的归属,取决于美国是否将沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory)的面积算在其中,美国面积在CIA World Fact Book(中情局的《世界概况》)中的数字(尽管其早期和现今的声明不一致),和Encyclopaedia Britannica(大英百科全书)的数字(尤其在脚注部分)并不一致。总而言之,根据CIA World Fact Book的早些版本(从1982-1996),美国总面积为 9,372,610 sq km, 位列俄国、加拿大、中国之后,为世界第四大国家。但是,在1997年,美国把沿海水域(coastal water)的面积也算在其中,达到9,629,091 sq km,之后在2007年,又加入了领海(sea territory)的面积,最终达到9,826,630 sq km。而在此期间,中国的领土面积仍然维持不变,也就是说,沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory)的面积未算在中国的领土之中。美国的沿海水域(coastal water)的面积为 109,362 sq km,领海(sea territory)的面积为195,213 sq km,加一起为304,575 sq km。这比意大利、新西兰和英国的全部国土面积都大。加上这30多万的面积,美国超过中国了,因为中国的这两项目前未知(无官方发布),所以一直未加

联合国统计局统计的美国面积为9,629,091 sq km(只加了沿海水域(coastal water)的面积).


这进一步说明了,领土面积美国第三中国第四,主要是因为美国一直在修改领土计算标准,使之有利于自己。如果不算 沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory),中国近960万,排第三,美国950万出头,比中国略少,排第四。


List of states and territories of India by area

Jammu and Kashmir

),印度的总面积始终是确定的,3287263 sq km。藏南即阿鲁纳恰尔邦,阿克赛钦包含在查谟和喀什米尔地区内,所以印度已经把藏南和阿克赛钦都包含进去,而不包含在中国内。

所以,如果根据google,多于950万近960万 平方公里的这个数,已经是对中国领土面积最保守的估计。

如果加上台湾、藏南、阿克赛钦,以及350万平方公里南海的部分(即使不是全部),也肯定是要比这个960万多的,很有可能会上1000万。这是肯定要比美国多的。而由于中国现在不急于公布领海面积,未加入沿海水域(coastal water)和领海(sea territory)的面积,吃了韬光养晦的亏,所以在某些网站的领土排名上,低于美国,屈居第四。



  如何看待 2 月 27 日尼泊尔议会批准尼同美国「千年挑战计划」协议(MCC)? 


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