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有没有懂军舰的朋友,知道战列舰的炮管末端的那个蒙皮一般是什么材质的吗? 第1页


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*Blast Bags/Gun Ports这些词中文用词看个乐,前者似乎约定俗成做炮衣——约定俗成了就不需要理由了,用就行.jpg

Blast Bags, Bloomers or Gun Bucklers - Canvas, rubber or neoprene covers around the barrel of a gun where it enters the gun port. Gun ports by their nature represent holes in the glacis plate of a turret. When the guns are fired, these holes can allow overpressure or "blast" to enter the the turret, which can disrupt the operation of the turret and injure the gun crew. These holes may also permit water to enter the mounting. The use of blast bags over the gun ports provide some measure of protection from these hazards. Also see "Gun Port Shield" below.
Gun Port Shield- Curved armor plate attached to a gun barrel such that it seals the gun port in the glacis plate, regardless of the elevation of the gun. Gun ports are by their very nature weak points in the armor protection of a gun mounting or turret. Gun shields seal these openings and are intended to provide at least some measure of protection from shell splinters. In addition, many gun shields are designed so as to keep water and weather out of the interior of the mounting or turret.


炮(口)塞(Tompion as in UK/Empire, Tampion in US/N.America,也做tampon):

A block of wood inserted into the barrel of a gun on a 19th-century warship to keep out the sea spray. Also used for covers on the ends of the barrels of more modern ships' guns, the larger of which are often adorned with the ship's badge or other decoration. The term is often bastardized as "tampon".
一种··· ···插入炮管的木塞来避免海水进入。也用于现代战舰的火炮,多数都装饰有船只的舰徽或者其他修饰··· ···也做“tampon”

胜利(H.M.S. Victory 1778):

日进(日進 1904):

QE(H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth 1914):

坚韧(Настойчивый 1992):



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