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据称 DARPA 研究人员创造了世界上第一个「曲速气泡」,论文应如何解读?离实现超光速更近了吗? 第1页


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While conducting analysis related to a DARPA-funded project to evaluate possible structure of the energy density present in a Casimir cavity as predicted by the dynamic vacuum model, a micro/nano-scale structure has been discovered that predicts negative energy density distribution that closely matches requirements for the Alcubierre metric. The simplest notional geometry being analyzed as part of the DARPA-funded work consists of a standard parallel plate Casimir cavity equipped with pillars arrayed along the cavity mid-plane with the purpose of detecting a transient electric field arising from vacuum polarization conjectured to occur along the midplane of the cavity. An analytic technique called worldline numerics was adapted to numerically assess vacuum response to the custom Casimir cavity, and these numerical analysis results were observed to be qualitatively quite similar to a two-dimensional representation of energy density requirements for the Alcubierre warp metric. Subsequently, a toy model consisting of a 1 µm diameter sphere centrally located in a 4µm diameter cylinder was analyzed to show a three-dimensional Casimir energy density that correlates well with the Alcubierre warp metric requirements. This qualitative correlation would suggest that chip-scale experiments might be explored to attempt to measure tiny signatures illustrative of the presence of the conjectured phenomenon: a real, albeit humble, warp bubble.





Warp drive pioneer and former NASA warp drive specialist Dr. Harold G "Sonny" White has reported the successful manifestation of an actual, real-world "Warp Bubble." And, according to White, this first of its kind breakthrough by his Limitless Space Institute (LSI) team sets a new starting point for those trying to manufacture a full-sized, warp-capable spacecraft.
"To be clear, our finding is not a warp bubble analog, it is a real, albeit humble and tiny, warp bubble," White told The Debrief, quickly dispensing with the notion that this is anything other than the creation of an actual, real-world warp bubble. "Hence the significance."

光看这两段话,似乎 White 的团队是真的造出了一个曲速泡。


In an interview, White added that "our detailed numerical analysis of our custom Casimir cavities helped us identify a real and manufacturable nano/microstructure that is predicted to generate a negative vacuum energy density such that it would manifest a real nanoscale warp bubble, not an analog, but the real thing." In other words, a warp bubble structure will manifest under these specific conditions. White cautioned that this does not mean we are near building a fully functioning warp drive, as much more science needs to be done (Updated 08/12/21).

这段话明确地表达了这是一个“可以制造出的微纳结构,预期它会产生一个负真空能密度的、真正的曲速泡”。里面反复强调的 real thing 指的并不是他们真的造了出来,而是说这个曲速泡(如果观察到了的话)是真的,不是某种近似模拟(举个例子,很多研究会用声子的行为来近似模拟一些难以制造和观测的量子现象,因为它们服从形式相同的方程。这里强调的是这个实验如果能做成的话,做出来的结果是真的曲速泡。)

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user avatar   tao-feng-99 网友的相关建议: 


1,文章中并没有真正创造出曲速气泡,报道被严重夸大了。文章只是说在这个条件下,预测出了一个极小的负能量区域。而负能量则是很久之前提出的Alcubierre Drive(也就是曲速引擎)的一个重要先决条件。至于这个负能量区域是不是真能变成曲速气泡或者曲速引擎,或者是否有其他啥未知的困难限制曲速气泡,都没有研究,还要看后续了。

2,文章的主要作者Harold G. White,这位老兄之前的EM Drive号称突破了物理规律(动量守恒),搞了个大新闻。最近越来越多的证据表明em drive的推动力根本就是地磁场。往好了说就是这位老兄做实验不严谨,精度/误差分析有问题还喜欢提前吹牛,往坏了说就是科研造假。而这次又有上次em drive的韵味了,明明只是理论上还没有造出来吹的跟造出来了一样。


user avatar   MarryMea 网友的相关建议: 


  • 作者们自己在文末的数据可用性声明中说“This paper is primarily a theoretical work”[1]




文中拿来模拟空间中的能量密度的动态真空模型,通常是对单个原子使用的。这篇论文的作者 Harold Sonny White 等人曾在另一篇论文中尝试推广该模型[2]。无论如何,他们这次尝试的对象跟单个原子比起来实在太宏观了,你可以想象那模拟的水准。



Harold Sonny White 几年前在搞 EM 驱动的时候,曾经声称在启动实验中发现了疑似曲速泡的现象。我在谈论高级推进手段的回答里多次引用过相关报道,目的是给大家看看那个靠漏磁的微弱不平衡(来自为设备供电的电线的电磁干扰)当“推力”的装置能谈论什么样的科学模型。EM 驱动是无效的。这次的设计看上去也不会比那个更好。

  • 在发现 EM 驱动的疑似推力时,White 激动地声称该装置“违反了牛顿定律”,后来许多科学记者攻击他这一点。


  1. ^ White, H., Vera, J., Han, A. et al. Worldline numerics applied to custom Casimir geometry generates unanticipated intersection with Alcubierre warp metric. Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 677 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09484-z
  2. ^ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physo.2019.100009

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