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英语中有哪些意思相近且不易区分的词? 第1页


user avatar   mai-wen-xue-67 网友的相关建议: 

这个问题的答案是, 有这样的同义词辨析词典的。


humid 指的是 Containing sensible moisture (usually describing air or atmosphere)

humid一般用来描述空气以及大气。 更详细的可以看相对湿度这些概念。

wet 指 Of an object, etc, covered with or impregnated with liquid.

wet 用来描述物体特别是表面的性状, 是否被液体浸润。


wet is defined as "covered with visible free moisture,"

damp is a "moderate covering of moisture," and

moist is "slightly damp but not quite dry to the touch."

wet indicates the highest level of moisture and moist indicates the lowest level.

湿度(英语:Humidity)一般在气象学中指的是空气湿度,它是空气中水蒸气的含量。与蒸汽干燥度(也称蒸汽的品质,英语:dryness fraction of steam, quality of steam)不同,空气中液态或固态的水不算在湿度中。不含水蒸气的空气被称为干空气。由于大气中的水蒸气可以占空气体积的0%到4%,一般在列出空气中各种气体的成分的时候是指这些成分在干空气中所占的成分。



Manner (给围观群众)的观感;

method 具体方法, 例如某种专利;

way 路径或者轨迹;

approach 进攻方向,例如上三路还是下三路。。

专业资料上也有这样的例子, 比如皮肤损害。 那就不是同义词词典可以解释的了,除非对着图谱。


PAPULE - A circumscribed, elevated, solid lesion that is less than 10 mm* in diameter.

Example: Wart

PLAQUE - A circumscribed, elevated, solid lesion that is greater than 10 mm* in diameter and is usually broader than it is thick.

Example: Psoriasis

NODULE - A palpable, solid lesion that is greater than 10 mm* in diameter. Nodules are usually found in the dermal or subcutaneous tissue, and the lesion may be above, level with, or below the skin surface.

Example: Dermatofibroma

TUMOR - A solid, firm lesion that is typically greater than 20 mm in diameter. Tumors can be above, level with, or beneath the skin surface. Also known as a mass.

Example: Metastatic carcinoma

WEAL - Transient, circumscribed, edematous papules or plaques caused by swelling in the dermis. Wheals may manifest with erythematous borders and pale centers and/or a narrow peripheral zone of pallor or vasoconstriction.

Example: Urticaria

至于某些答主提到的 "性"(sex)和 “性别”/“性向”, 在 WHO 的文件以及生物学的教科书上有比较详细的叙述。

Gender, typically described in terms of masculinity and femininity, is a social construction that varies across different cultures and over time.

Humans are born with 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. The X and Y chromosomes determine a person’s sex. Most women are 46XX and most men are 46XY.

X 和 Y 染色体决定了性别。

但是在胚胎发育过程中, XY 染色体的可以未能充分表达, 也可能出现 XY 染色体但是生殖器外观仍然是雌性的个体。当然也有可能 XX 的个体自认为是雄性等等。这些就超出 “英语” 的范畴了。

这些年来, 各国政府的表格也慢慢用 Gender 来取代 Sex. 填表的人可以根据自己的心理体验选 M/F, 而不再是从染色体出发了.




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