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如何用英语评价别人的presentation? 第1页


user avatar   mai-wen-xue-67 网友的相关建议: 
















演讲者避免使用 "像"、"你知道"、"呃...... "等字样,也避免使用 "上声",也就是说,演讲者不会使语句听起来像问题。









       Content Structure  Follows guidelines Generates interest among listeners Presents information in a sequence that’s easy to follow Provides emphasis: what’s important? What’s especially interesting about this website? Clarity  Points are clear: Clear thinking, clear sentences Delivery Vocal  The speaker articulates clearly S/he speaks fluently—i.e., without a lot of pauses and stumbles—and at a good pace—not too fast Volume is appropriate for the space Speaker avoids “like,” “you know,” “uh...,” etc. and also avoids upspeak—that is, the speaker doesn’t make statements sound like questions. Physical  Speaker makes frequent eye contact with audience (whole audience and individuals, not just instructor) Speaker’s posture is alert yet easy, i.e., not stiff Speaker smiles and looks confident Gestures aid clarity and emphasis and don’t seem random Attire need not be formal, but it shouldn’t be so casual or sloppy that it distracts or detracts from the talk What was the best thing about the talk?  What would you recommend that the speaker work to improve for next time?     

        Strategy/Purpose: Does the presentation meet its intended objective?  Well done Objective of the presentation is easily identified; content supports objective  Acceptable Objective is not immediately clear; some additional content needed to support objective  Some Weaknesses Objective is difficult to determine; additional content needed to support objective  Problematic Objective cannot be determined   Strategy/Audience: Does the presentation address the intended audience?  Well done Content, structure, and language of presentation geared to intended audience  Acceptable Presentation is missing some content required by audience; some language used inappropriately (e.g., unfamiliar jargon, too much jargon)  Some Weaknesses Presentation is missing a substantial portion of content required by audience; uses some inappropriate or  ineffective language  Problematic No organization apparent; content of presentation reflects interests of speaker but not of audience; inappropriate  use of language    Structure: Does the organization reflect the purpose of the presentation and the needs of the audience?  Well done Appropriate use of direct/indirect structure; presentation organized according to audience’s needs; relationship  between ideas clear; strong introduction and conclusion  Acceptable Structure either too direct or too indirect; organization is evident but may be undermined by weak transitions  or occasional digressions; introduction or conclusion does not accomplish its intended function  Some Weaknesses Direct or indirect structure used inappropriately; organization is confusing or unclear; weak introduction or  conclusion  Problematic No discernible organization; thoughts in random order without connections between them    Support/Evidence: Is the evidence used to support the argument concrete, relevant, credible, accurate, and sufficient?  Well done Argument is clearly supported by accurate evidence considered credible by the audience; sufficient detail to  support the main points of the document  Acceptable Many details support argument, but some are not fully elaborated or sufficiently specific; some evidence not  relevant  Some Weaknesses Some evidence is provided, but data not fully explained, relevant to the argument, or credible; important pieces of evidence have not been included; some data inaccurate  Problematic Little or no data to support the main ideas of the argument; much of the data is inaccurate    Delivery/Oral: How strong are the oral components of the presentation?  Well done Speaker is fluent and poised; uses language comfortably and appropriately; speaks at an effective rate and volume; few fillers  Acceptable Some degree of nervousness apparent; minor problems with language usage; speaker may speak too slowly or quickly, too loudly or softly; fillers are noticeable  Some Weaknesses Speaker seems uncomfortable; several problems with language usage; speaker speaking much too slowly or quickly, too loudly or softly; fillers are noticeable  Problematic Speaker is unable to deliver presentation coherently   Delivery/Nonverbal: How strong are the nonverbal components of the presentation?  Well done Speaker uses gestures comfortably in line with his/her own style; eye contact is appropriate for audience; use of space appropriate for the situation  Acceptable Speaker gesturing too much or too little; eye contact may be slightly too much or too little; speaker may be moving around a little too much or not quite enough  Some Weaknesses Speaker gesturing too much or too little; using distracting gestures (e.g., playing with a ring); not enough eye contact; inappropriate use of space  Problematic Nonverbal components of the presentation distract from ability of the audience to receive the message   Visual Aids: Do the visual aids reinforce the message and add to the effectiveness of the presentation?  Well done Appropriate visual aids are used; visual aids serve as a complement to the speaker and the message to be delivered; designed effectively; speaker uses visual aid easily  Acceptable Appropriate visual aids are used; a few weaknesses in design; a few difficulties with use   Some Weaknesses Choice of visual aid is poor; weaknesses with design; difficulties with use  Problematic Inappropriate choice of visual aid; design detracts from speaker’s ability to deliver the message; inability of speaker to use visual aid   Questions and Answers: Has the speaker handled the Q&A portion of the presentation competently?  Well done Speaker answers questions knowledgeably, thoroughly, and concisely; process is handled smoothly  Acceptable Speaker has some difficulty answering questions concisely; some problems responding to some questions (e.g., hostile questions, aggressive questions)  Some Weaknesses Speaker is thrown off balance by questions; has difficulty responding to some questioners  Problematic Speaker is unable to answer questions; loses control of the process      策略/目的:演讲是否达到预期目标?  做得很好 演讲的目标很容易确定;内容支持目标  可接受 目标不是很明确;需要一些额外的内容来支持目标  有些弱点 目标难以确定;需要额外的内容来支持目标  有问题 目标无法确定   策略/受众。演讲是否针对目标受众?  做得很好 演讲的内容、结构和语言适合目标受众  可以接受 演讲缺少一些听众需要的内容;一些语言使用不当(例如,不熟悉的专业术语,过多的专业术语)。  有些不足之处 演讲缺少听众所需的大部分内容;使用一些不恰当或无效的语言  有问题 没有明显的组织性;演讲内容反映了演讲者的兴趣,但没有反映听众的兴趣;语言使用不恰当    结构。组织是否反映了演讲的目的和听众的需求?  做得好 适当使用直接/间接结构;根据听众的需要组织演讲;观点之间的关系明确;强有力的介绍和结论  可接受 结构过于直接或过于间接;组织明显,但可能因过渡不力或偶尔的离题而受到影响;导言或结论没有达到预期的功能  有些弱点 直接或间接的结构使用不当;组织混乱或不明确;导言或结论薄弱  有问题 没有明显的组织;思想的顺序混乱,彼此之间没有联系    支持/证据。用来支持论点的证据是否具体、相关、可信、准确和充分?  做得很好 论点明显得到受众认为可信的准确证据的支持;有足够的细节支持文件的主要观点  可接受 许多细节支持论点,但有些细节没有充分阐述或足够具体;有些证据不相关  一些弱点 提供了一些证据,但数据没有得到充分解释,与论点不相关,也不可靠;没有包括重要的证据;一些数据不准确  有问题 很少或没有数据支持论证的主要观点;许多数据是不准确的。   交付/口头:演讲的口头部分有多强?  做得很好 演讲者语言流畅,姿态得体;语言使用得当,舒适;说话的速度和音量都很有效;很少有填充物。  可接受 有一定程度的紧张感;在语言使用上有小问题;演讲者可能说得太慢或太快,太大声或太小声;填充物很明显  一些弱点 演讲者似乎不舒服;语言使用方面有一些问题;演讲者说话太慢或太快,太大声或太小声;填充物很明显  有问题的演讲者不能连贯地进行演讲   传达/非语言。演讲中的非语言成分有多强?  做得好 演讲者根据自己的风格舒适地使用手势;与听众的眼神接触是适当的;对空间的使用适合当时的情况  可以接受 演讲者的手势过多或过少;眼神接触可能略微过多或过少;演讲者的动作可能有点多或不够  一些弱点 演讲者的手势过多或过少;使用分散注意力的手势(如玩弄戒指);眼神接触不够;空间使用不当  有问题 演讲中的非语言成分分散了听众对信息的接受能力。   视觉辅助工具。视觉辅助工具是否加强了信息并增加了演讲的有效性?  做得好 使用了适当的视觉辅助工具;视觉辅助工具是对演讲者和所要传递的信息的补充;设计有效;演讲者容易使用视觉辅助工具  可以接受 使用了适当的视觉教具;设计上有一些弱点;在使用上有一些困难   有些弱点 视觉辅助工具的选择不好;设计上有弱点;使用上有困难  有问题 视觉辅助工具选择不当;设计有损于演讲者传递信息的能力;演讲者无法使用视觉辅助工具   问与答。演讲者是否对演讲中的问答部分进行了得力的处理?  做得好 演讲者回答问题时知识面广、全面、简明;过程处理得很顺利  可以接受 演讲者在简明扼要地回答问题方面有一些困难;在回答某些问题时有一些问题(例如,敌对性问题、攻击性问题)。  有些弱点 演讲者被问题打乱了平衡;对一些提问者的回应有困难  有问题 演讲者无法回答问题;失去了对过程的控制      


俺没啥文化, 初中毕业,大伙都知道。不到一百万知友,才升10级。阅读总量只有9000万,还没跨出一小步,未及一个亿小目标。长期关注的知友知道, 俺不是专业的,也不是大佬。俺是最业余的......笑话、神棍和论坛孤儿 ⚕

user avatar   bian-bai-yi-wei-hei-xi 网友的相关建议: 


The points are clearly visible to the audience. You have used bullet points for important information and expand on it while presenting instead of writing a long paragraph and reading it word for word.


You used your slides to emphasize what you're saying. The power point is there to add to your presentation. When a visual came up, that gave the audience time to process the new information before you tell them the significance of it.


The charts helped you explain a concept in detail. This way, your presentation is more interesting as people don't like reading through lots of text to grasp a concept. Informative graphics provided the audience with a new way of looking at what you are trying to tell them.


You have involved the audience in your presentation. You talk to the audience with the intention to explain your topic to them - not just to read what is written in the slides and finish off with the presentation.


You found ways to inspire your audience. You want to give them an emotional connection to the material you are presenting. This will make them be more enthusiastic about what you are presenting and make the audience understand why it’s important.


The structure of your presentation is clear. All of your work was laid out by the logical and well-organized presentation structure.

· The Introduction part hooked the audience and you introduced the main points.

· You used specific examples, facts, stories, and data to help illustrate your point in Body part.

· You have made a good transition between slides. On the Conclusion part, you wrapped up your presentation with summarizing your main points.








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